Frequently Asked Questions

Honeywell Tuxedo Touch vs LYNX Touch L5100
The Tuxedo Touch and the L5100 are very different systems. But they are capable of many of the same things.

Does the Tuxedo Touch require an alarm panel to work?
The Tuxedo Touch is made to be used as a home security keypad for a VISTA panel. However, it's built-in ZWAVE communicator makes it a great device even if you don't attach it to a panel.

Which Honeywell Alarm Panel is compatible with Z-Wave?
Find out which Honeywell Alarm Systems are compatible with Z-Wave technology in this FAQ.

Can the Honeywell L5100 support Z-Wave receptacles?
Find out if the L5100 LYNX Touch 5100 supports Z-Wave receptacles in this FAQ.

What are the false alarm fines in Charlotte, NC?
Alarms must be registered in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, click to find out what you may be fined for false alarms.

Does Charlotte, NC require an alarm permit to dispatch?
Find out what Charlotte's alarm dispatching policy entails.

How do I set the duress code on my Honeywell L5100?
Setting on the duress code

How many wired sirens can a Honeywell Vista 10P handle?
Read our important guide before wiring multiple sirens to a Honeywell Vista 10P panel.

How do I wire multiple sirens to a Honeywell Vista 15P?
Are you looking to wire multiple wired sirens to your Honeywell Vista 15P panel? Then it's time for a quick electrical circuit lesson!

How many sirens can be wired to the VISTA 21iP?
If you're looking to wire multiple sirens to your Honeywell Vista 21iP, please check this guide before damaging your power supply?