What does XMIT mean on the Honeywell VISTA?
Any Vista panel, including the older Vista-20SE and Vista-10SE, E2 version, which supports wireless zones, will give the prompt, "Set to Confirm" 1=Yes, 0=No" when entering zone programming, if wireless zones are enabled. If you choose 1 for Yes at this prompt, during the process of entering zone information, after the serial number and loop number information have been entered, whether manually or by activating two fault/restore transmissions, when you press the * key to proceed to the next prompt, it will be "XMIT to Confirm, press * to skip" (as shown below).
If you choose to, you can transmit another fault/restore, and by doing so, confirm that the serial number and loop number entered are correct. This is particularly helpful if you have manually typed in the serial number and loop number, and want to be sure you haven't made any errors. If the information transmitted doesn't match the information entered, you'll see this screen. Press * re-enter the information and try again.
If the information transmitted does match, you'll automatically be taken to the summary screen. Press * to proceed to programming Alpha for this zone, or * again to proceed to the next zone. In this screen, the 1s under L indicates the loop number and that a serial number has been entered for the zone.
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