Honeywell VISTA-250BPT

Commercial Alarm Control Panel

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The Honeywell VISTA-250BPT is a commercial alarm control panel that is even more robust than the Honeywell VISTA-128BPT Turbo Series comm...
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  • Total Connect
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The Honeywell VISTA-250BPT is a commercial alarm control panel that is even more robust than the Honeywell VISTA-128BPT Turbo Series commercial alarm control panel. Before Honeywell VISTA Turbo Series commercial alarm control panels were released, Honeywell offered VISTA Enhanced Series commercial alarm control panels like the VISTA-128BPE and VISTA-250BPE which were really just VISTA-128BP and VISTA-250BP alarm control panels that had a software revision of 4.0 or higher. The Honeywell VISTA Turbo Series commercial alarm control panels have many advantages over the VISTA Enhanced Series alarm control panels. The RS232 communications used when integrating your Honeywell commercial alarm control panel with Honeywell WIN-PAK or a third party interface and automation system are faster with the VISTA Turbo Series commercial alarm control panels (9600bps vs 1200bps) and the RS232 interface is integrated instead of having to add a 4100SM module like with the Enhanced Series commercial alarm control panels. You also don’t have to add the BSM module for the battery status monitor feature with the VISTA-250BPT like you did with the older VISTA-250BPE. The VISTA-250BPT features phone line cut detection which the VISTA-250BPE lacked. You can add up to (6) graphic touchscreen alarm keypads with the VISTA-250BPT while you could only use (3) graphic touchscreen keypads with the VISTA-250BPE. (Graphic touchscreen alarm keypads are Advanced User Interface (AUI) devices like the Honeywell Tuxedo Touch or Honeywell Tuxedo Touch WIFI.) The VISTA Turbo Series commercial alarm control panels fully support AlarmNet’s advanced Total Connect interactive service using Cal4 protocol while the Enhanced Series commercial alarm control panels had limited Total Connect support using the older Cal3 protocol. (You need to add a compatible AlarmNet alarm monitoring communicator to be able to sign up for the optional Total Connect service.) Finally, the VISTA-250BPT Turbo Series commercial alarm control panel has V-Plex® Smart Contact support while the VISTA-250BPE Enhanced Series commercial alarm control panel did not. Any one of these features would be reason enough to upgrade from the Honeywell VISTA Enhanced Series commercial alarm control panels. By choosing a Honeywell VISTA Turbo Series commercial alarm control panel, like the VISTA-250BPT, you can take advantage of all of these advanced features!

While the VISTA-250BPT supports the same (9) standard hardwired zones as the Honeywell VISTA-128BPT, you can use up to (241) advanced V-Plex zones with the VISTA-250BPT, instead of the (119) V-Plex zones supported by the VISTA-128BPT. V-Plex zones are different than typical hardwired zones in that you can connect devices that typically require 4-wire connections, like motion detectors and glass break detectors, using a simple twisted pair wire. V-Plex technology turns your commercial alarm control panel into a comprehensive scalable system that requires much less power and fewer auxiliary power supplies to cut down on cost and improve the ease of installation. You must make sure to use V-Plex alarm devices with V-Plex zones when setting up your Honeywell VISTA-250BPT commercial alarm control panel.

Another difference between the VISTA-128BPT and the VISTA-250BPT is that the VISTA-250BPT supports up to (249) wireless zones while the VISTA-128BPT only supports up to (127) wireless zones. Of course, to be able to use any wireless zones, you must upgrade your VISTA-250BPT with a Honeywell wireless receiver. Once you have added a wireless receiver, you will be able to use any of the Honeywell 5800 Series wireless devices with your VISTA-250BPT. You can even add a second wireless receiver if your property is big enough to require a larger wireless range. While the VISTA-250BPT can support a maximum of (250) wireless devices, each programmed hardwired zone will reduce the number of availablel wireless zones.

The Honeywell VISTA-250BPT commercial alarm control panel can be integrated with Honeywell’s V-Plex addressable VISTAKey access control system to control up to (15) doors and (500) individual cards while the VISTA-128BPT can only support up to (8) doors and (250) cards when integrated with the VISTAKey access system. The VISTA-250BPT supports up to (250) users and has an event log that can track up to (1000) different system events. If you integrate your commercial alarm control panel with Honeywell’s WIN-PAK access control system, you can increase the number of users and expand the event log even further.

We do not recommend using the Honeywell VISTA-250BPT on low-end residential or commercial applications. It is much more difficult to program a VISTA-250BPT than it is to program a Honeywell VISTA-20P alarm control panel. You will need at least (1) Honeywell 6160 alphanumeric alarm keypad to program your commercial alarm control panel and you should have a full understanding of the VISTA-250BPT installation guide before attempting to install your Honeywell commercial alarm control panel.

Brand: Honeywell ADEMCO

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* Based on a 10% APR with 12 months financing. APR's will vary between 10% - 30% based on credit score and various factors.