What Is Local Alarm Mode on a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS?
Local alarm mode on a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS disables the connection to AlarmNet 360 and Total Connect 2.0. It disables the communicator and reporter sections, which stops alarms from sending to central station. Wi-Fi is still used for remote keypads, weather, and Alexa (if previously enabled.)
The ProSeries panels by Resideo are all similar. There are the Plus series, which include the Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS and the Resideo PROA7PLUSC. Then the non-plus panels include the Honeywell Home PROA7 and the Resideo PROA7C. Another article discusses the differences between the plus and non-plus panels. The difference between the Honeywell Home and the Resideo panels is the labeling on the front of the product. So, when we mention the PROA7 and PROA7PLUS in this article, the information provided also applies to the PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC.
The ProSeries panels were designed to be constantly connected with AlarmNet360, or what we will refer to as AN360. This connection is made using an internet or cellular device. This constant connection allows all the account settings and panel programming to stay backed up at all times. For this reason, when you receive a new PROA7 or PROA7PLUS, it will naturally attempt to establish an AN360 connection.
If you want to configure the panel sensors and settings before you are ready to create an AN360 account, this can cause issues, such as communicator failure error messages. For this reason, there is a feature called 'Local Alarm Mode.' You have the option to select Local alarm mode upon the initial setup. In fact, the panel will not allow you to do anything but make the connection to AN360, or turn on local alarm mode.
If you desire to enable this feature anytime after initial setup, you can enter the Installer Tools Menu to do so. When you enable Local Alarm Mode, you disable any communications to the AN360 servers. This also disables the panel's ability to send alarms to the central station. This means any monitored alarm systems will not get a call from central station, or an alarm dispatched to the authorities while in this mode. This will also not allow your panel to communicate with TC2. So there will be no email, text, or push notifications from the app.
After deciding to use your PROA7 or PROA7PLUS, with an alarm dealer such as Alarm Grid. Please be sure to disable Local Alarm Mode prior to your activation appointment. This will allow the panel to be set up via AN360. To check to see if Local Alarm Mode is enabled or disabled, choose the Menu icon (≡) at the bottom center of the Home screen. Select Tools > enter Installer Code (default is 4112) > Local Alarm Mode. The feature can then be toggled OFF if it is enabled. If it was enabled and you toggle it off, you'll see a confirmation screen, click on the "YES, DISABLE" option. This will cause the panel to reboot to apply the changes.
After the initial setup period has passed you may need to test your alarm to ensure it is working properly. Then, we suggest that Alarm Grid customers put the account on test with the monitoring station. If your system is monitored by CMS (Alarm Grid customers in the US), you can reach them by calling 1-888-818-7728 and selecting option 9. Using this option will connect you to them directly, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you desire the ability to put your system on test and to check alarm signals without calling CMS, there is a free service you can set up to access your personal account. This feature allows you to put your system in test mode yourself, view your CMS account information, and access your signal history, all without having to call the monitoring station. This service is called MyAlarms.com.
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