What Is Total Connect?
Total Connect is the interactive service platform used with Honeywell Security Systems. It can be accessed from any web browser or through the Total Connect mobile app. The service allows users to arm and disarm their panel, control home automation devices and check the status of sensors.
Most Honeywell panels with an IP or cellular connection can access Total Connect. The service essentially serves as an access point for the security system. If a user is away from home and they want to let a friend inside, they can use the Total Connect mobile app to disarm the system. After the friend leaves, the user can go back on Total Connect to rearm the system. This is also great for situations in which a user forgot to arm their system before leaving home.
Still, Total Connect can be used for more than just arming and disarming the system. One of the best features of Total Connect is its ability to control home automation Z-Wave devices. Any Z-Wave devices, such as Z-Wave lights, Z-Wave locks and thermostats, can be activated, turned-off and adjusted through the Total Connect service. Plus, with the use of scenes, a user can have their Z-Wave devices activate automatically when certain conditions are met.
Total Connect also serves as the central hub for all of a user's Total Connect Cameras. From Total Connect, a user is able to view a live feed of all of their cameras. They can also view any recording from the past 7 or 30 days depending on their account settings. Total Connect is also where users can adjust any settings or configurations for their security cameras.
One limitation of Total Connect is that it cannot be used to program any sensors to the security system. Instead, this must be done from the panel itself. However, the user can access Total Connect to check the status of their security sensors at any time. This way, they can know if a door has been opened or if a motion sensor has been activated. Total Connect can even send the user text and email alerts to let them know when any system event has occurred.
Please note that to use Total Connect, a user must have a monitoring plan that includes access to Total Connect. Please see our Monitoring Page for more information.
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