Which Keyfobs are Compatible With the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus?
The keyfobs that are compatible with the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus depends on the system's version. Each IQ Panel 2 Plus can support one legacy frequency of key fobs depending on the legacy daughtercard installed. Additionally, all IQ Panel 2 Plus Systems can support 915 MHz PowerG Key Fobs.
There are three versions of the IQ Panel 2 Plus. The first is a 319.5 MHz Version for supporting Qolsys Sensors and legacy Interlogix/GE Sensors. The second is a 345 MHz Version for supporting Honeywell 5800 Series Sensors and 2GIG 345 MHz Sensors. Finally, there is a 433 MHz Version for supporting legacy DSC Sensors.
In addition to one of the aforementioned legacy daughtercards (319.5 MHz, 345 MHz or 433 MHz), each IQ Panel 2 Plus System also includes a PowerG daughtercard that accepts the 915 MHz frequency. As a result, all versions of the IQ Panel 2 Plus can accept 915 MHz PowerG Key Fobs.
If you don't know which version of the IQ Panel 2 Plus you have, the easiest way is to check the box. The box with the Gold siding is the 319.5 MHz Version. The box with the Silver siding is the 345 MHz version. The box with the Red/Bronze siding is the 433 MHz Version. Additionally, you can check the sensor-enrollment menu to see which frequencies are available. Make sure you know which version you have before purchasing or enrolling new fobs.
We've grouped many of the key fobs below by compatibility:
915 MHz PowerG Key Fobs - Works With All IQ Panel 2 Plus Versions
319.5 MHz Qolsys and Interlogix Key Fobs - Works with 319.5 MHz Version Only
- Qolsys IQ Fob-S
- Qolsys IQ Fob
- Qolsys RE100 Wireless Key Fob
- Interlogix 600-1064-95R
345 MHz Honeywell and 2GIG Key Fobs - Works with 345 MHz Version Only
433 MHz DSC Key Fobs - Works with 433 MHz Version Only
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