First Alert VISTA3PK-TCH


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The First Alert VISTA3PK-TCH is an H3 kit. It includes the PROWIFIZW and the VISTAHTCHWLC. Ready to handle your automation. Buy yours from Alarm Grid, today!
  • Z-Wave Plus
  • Z-Wave
  • WiFi
  • Total Connect
  • Bluetooth
  • Amazon Alexa
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$879.00 / mo
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The First Alert VISTA3PK-TCH is a VISTA H3 kit. It includes the VISTA H3, the Honeywell Home PROWIFIZW, and the First Alert VISTAHTCHWLC. The PROWIFIZW provides WIFI services to the VISTA H3 panel. It also doubles as a Z-Wave controller. The PROWIFIZW also makes it possible to connect the VISTAHTCHWLC keypad. The VISTAHTCHWLC keypad is a remote touchscreen keypad. The VISTAHTCHWLC keypad allows for local keypad programming. This is an automation-ready kit.

Brand: Honeywell Home First Alert

First Alert VISTA3PK-TCH Compatible Products

Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD - Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD
Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXSIRENO - Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
List Price: $160.00
Our Price: $113.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXC2W - Encrypted Wired to Wireless Converter for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
Honeywell Home PROSIXC2W
Encrypted Wired to Wireless Converter for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
List Price: $110.00
Our Price: $78.99

Kit Includes

Honeywell Home PROWIFIZW-RES - IP Communicator & Z-Wave Plus Add-On for PROA7PLUS
Honeywell Home PROWIFIZW
IP Communicator & Z-Wave Plus Add-On for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
List Price: $70.00
Our Price: $50.99
First Alert VISTAH3 - VISTA H3 Security Panel
First Alert VISTAH3
VISTA H3 Security Panel
List Price:
Our Price: $240.99
First Alert VISTAHTCHWLC - VISTA H3 7" Touchscreen Keypad
VISTA H3 7" Touchscreen Keypad
List Price:
Our Price: $195.99
* Based on a 10% APR with 12 months financing. APR's will vary between 10% - 30% based on credit score and various factors.