Honeywell 5811 - Wireless Thin Door Sensor and Window Sensor Videos

In this video tutorial we will show you how to program the Honeywell 5811 door and window sensor to the L5210 control panel.

Learn how to correctly program the Honeywell 5811 to an L7000 control panel in this step-by-step video.

The Honeywell 5811 is the most popular door and window sensor. In this video Sterling gives a quick explanation on how to program the 5811 sensor to your security system.

Watch Sterling program a 5811 wireless door contact to Honeywell's most popular wireless security system, the L5100.

Sterling shows you exactly which battery goes in a 5811 door and window contact.

This video explains how to install honeywell's 5811 door and window sensor on a sliding patio door.

Looking to install a Honeywell 5811 on your Double French Door? Watch our video on this wireless door contact now!

The Honeywell 5811 wireless door contact's CR2032 3V lithium coin cell battery lasts about 5 to 7 years depending on the amount of usage the product gets during that time.

Honeywell shows off their sensors at the International Security Conference and Exposition (ISC). Incredibly sensitive, extremely effective, these sensors are something to see.

Whether your looking for motion sensors, or glass break sensors or another of Honeywell's many different kinds of sensors, make sure it's a Honeywell.