Are ITI Wireless sensors compatible with VISTA systems?

ITI Wireless sensors are not compatible with a Vista alarm system.

The Vista panel line is a family of wired alarm systems produced by Honeywell. There are multiple different panels within the Vista line, each higher level panel providing more available zones, different methods of communication, greater amounts of users and special listings for use in industrial, governmental and commercial settings. For example in a small residential location a, Vista 15P could very well provide the zones and functions needed to secure the home. On the other hand, if a business was looking for commercial burglary protection a Vista 250BP may be the best option to use. Vista panels may also be rebranded and used by other companies. Even with a company specific firmware, most of the time Vista panels can still integrate with compatible security products.

Vista alarm panels need a compatible receiver installed on the system to integrate wireless security products. There are multiple models of standalone receivers that can be used with the system, but there are two devices in particular that are recommended for bringing wireless to a Vista panel. These are the 5883H and the 6160RF. The 5883H is a standalone transceiver that has a receiver and transmitter module built into the unit. This means the device not only receives signals from Honeywell 5800 series wireless devices, and relays them to the Vista panel. It can also communicate with Bi-Directional devices such as the 5828 keypad. The 5883H is a high receiver - this means it can support as many wireless devices as the system can handle. The other standalone receivers Honeywell produces in this line have a limit as to how many wireless devices they can support. The 6160RF is a 6160 alphanumeric keypad with a High receiver (supports unlimited wireless zones) combined into a single device. With this device a user can bring wireless capability to their system without having to install an additional standalone receiver.

ITI wireless sensors are manufactured by Interlogix. Interlogix is a security product manufacturer that has its own line of security systems and panels. The Concord Alarm Systems and the Simon Alarm Systems are two commonly used residential panels. Traditionally, all of the wireless devices that are available for these panels have been proprietary and would only work with their respective systems. Now, however, there are wireless translator modules. Resolution Products manufactures a wireless to wireless translator that is compatible with both Interlogix products and Honeywell products. This device allows ITI wireless sensors (and many others) to interface with a compatible Honeywell Alarm System. Keep in mind that this translator is not compatible with Honeywell’s new SIX Series Sensors.

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