Can I Use A VISTA 20P In My Business?
Yes, the Honeywell Vista 20P is ideal for commercial properties as well as residential.
The Vista 20P has 2 partitions plus 1 common partition. The common partition allows either of the 2 partitions to be armed while leaving a common area such as a lobby disarmed to have access into another partition.
The Vista 20P supports up to 8 alpha and fixed (combined) keypads plus up to 4 graphic keypads. The system can be armed from any of the system keypads.
The Vista 20P control panel supports up to 48 users codes with separate authority levels and can be assigned to either partition.
The Vista 20P has 8 on board hardwired zones and supports 40 hardwired expansion zones or 40 wireless expansion zones. In total the Vista 20P control panel provides up to 48 protection zones plus 16 keyfob zones for a total of 64 zones.
The Vista 20P supports up to 5, Honeywell 4219 or 4229 hardwired zone expanders and uses the Honeywell 5881/5883 series receivers / transceivers or an RF keypad for wireless expansion zones. Users can create up to 4 configurable zone types which allows custom zone types by assigning all zone attributes.
The Vista 20P control panel will store up to 100 events with a time and date stamp that can be viewed from any system keypad.
The Vista 20P has 2 on board low current outputs and supports up to 16 output devices when paired with a Honeywell 4204 relay or 4229 expansion module.
The Vista 20P control panel can communicate by land line, gsm cellular communicator, internet communicator or dual path. The compatible gsm cellular units are the GSMV4G and the GSMX4G. The 7847i is the compatible internet communicator and the iGSMV4G for dual path communication.
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