How do I clear a trouble caused by a Firefighter FF345?
Any panel that supports 345 MHz wireless sensors, can support the Encore FF345. This device works by listening for the unique sound a smoke or carbon monoxide detector makes. When it hears the sound, it transmits a wireless signal to the alarm panel. This causes an alarm sound, and signal.
The FF345 is supervised for check-in, and also has a tamper switch. It sends a supervisory check-in signal to the alarm panel about once every 64 minutes. Depending on the alarm panel, after a certain period of time without checking in (12 hours on Vista, LynxTouch, and Lyric panels), the unit will display a supervisory check signal for the FF345 zone. The tamper is located on the back of the unit, and is depressed when the FF345 is mounted properly. If it is removed from its mounting location, the tamper is activated and the zone will display tamper trouble.
To clear a trouble signal on the FF345 zone, you must first determine the cause, and correct the trouble condition. If the issue is due to failure to check-in, then perhaps the device needs to be relocated so that it has a better transmission path to the receiver, keeping in mind proper proximity to the Smoke or CO detector being monitored. If the issue is from a tamper condition, properly mount the FF345 with the cover in place. Once the trouble condition has been cleared, you can then clear the trouble display.
Follow this guide to clear a trouble on a Qolsys IQ Panel 4. On Honeywell panels, when a trouble condition is signaled, you should enter a valid Code + Off (Vista panels) or simply enter a valid Code (LynxTouch and Lyric panels) to silence the trouble sound. The sound will be silenced, but the condition will still be displayed on the keypad. This is a feature called Trouble Memory.
Trouble Memory exists to ensure that you never have a trouble condition without realizing it, and that once you silence the trouble sound, you can see what caused it before the display is cleared (without having to check the event log). Once the tamper or supervisory condition has been resolved, another Code + Off (Vista panels) will clear the display. On LynxTouch or Lyric panels, you can go to Security and press Disarm, then enter a valid Code, or press the Home key once or twice, until presented with a number pad, and enter a valid Code.
On the Honeywell Home PROA7 or PROA7PLUS or the Resideo PROA7C or PROA7PLUSC with a PROTAKEOVER module, which is required to use the FF345, tap "Clear" and enter a valid code when prompted. This will stop the trouble sounding. Once the trouble condition has been restored a second "Clear" command will clear the display.
The original version of the Encore FF345 only listened for the sound a smoke detector makes. This is a temporal-3 sound, which is three (3) beeps, pause, three (3) beeps, pause. This cadence is repeated over and over until the alarm or the smoke is cleared. In version 1.5, the FF345 added the ability to listen for the sound of carbon monoxide detectors.
Carbon monoxide detectors provide a temporal-4 sound. This is four (4) rapid beeps, pause, four (4) rapid beeps, pause. This cadence is repeated over and over until the alarm or the carbon monoxide condition has cleared. When a home or business has a network of inter-connected, hardwired smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, or combination devices, a single FF345 can conceivably allow the alarm system to monitor the entire system.
Inter-connected devices allow for a one-go-all-go setup. This means that if any one device senses smoke or carbon monoxide and activates its sounder, then all inter-connected devices will also begin to sound. In this type of set up, a single FF345 properly installed and programmed will be able to listen for a smoke or CO alarm condition anywhere in the protected premises.
- Version 1.0:
- Always Rectangular
- Uses Loop 2
- Does not support CO Listening
- Version 1.5+:
- Can be rectangular or round
- Uses Serial Number 1 (on sticker) with Loop 1 for Fire listening
- Uses 2nd Serial Number (1-digit higher than SN on sticker) with Loop 1 for CO listening
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- Answered
- Answered By
- Julia Ross