How Do I Clear the FC Code on my Honeywell Alarm?

You can clear the FC code on your Honeywell alarm by entering [Installer Code] + [800] + [*41*] + [*42*] + [*54] + [#15] + [*55] + [1] + [*99]. This will clear the phone number that was programmed. It will also adjust the dynamic signaling settings for the panel to prevent future FC messages.

An FC code stands for "Failed to Communicate". It basically means that the panel attempted to dial out, but its outbound dialing signal was not successfully received. The message is typically seen with Honeywell VISTA Panels that previously used a phone line to communicate, but now the user wants to have their panel use a different type of communication. To clear this message, it is necessary to remove the phone number that was programmed with the system. You can then adjust the dynamic signaling settings for the panel so that it attempts to send signals using its AlarmNet communicator. This will eliminate the FC message once and for all.

Please note that you will only see the "FC" message on a fixed English keypad, such as the Honeywell 6150. On an alphanumeric keypad. like the Honeywell 6160, you will instead see the message "Comm Fail". For all intents and purposes, these messages can be treated as the same issue.

Update: As of March 2020, we understand that some users are still using phone lines for alarm system communication. We recommend that anyone using POTS (plain old telephone service) upgrades their system use to an IP communicator, a cellular communicator, or a dual-path communicator. If you are using POTS with your system, and you are seeing an FC code, we recommend that you contact your alarm monitoring company for further assistance. If you are monitored by Alarm Grid, you should email us at Our support hours are from 9am to 8pm ET M-F.

For this FAQ, we will assume the user is using a system that DOES NOT use landline telephone service. Complete the following steps to clear an FC code and prevent it from appearing again:

1. Access system programming. Enter in [Installer Code] + [800] to access system programming. The default Installer Code for a Honeywell VISTA Panel is 4112. The message "Installer Code 20" will be displayed if you are using an alphanumeric keypad. The number "20" will be displayed if you are using a fixed English keypad. If you do not know your Installer Code, you will need to use the backdoor method to get into programming.

2. Clear the phone number. Enter in [*41*]. You will hear three beeps. Then enter in [*42*]. You will hear another three beeps. This will remove all phone numbers that the panel used to dial out.

3. Program dynamic signaling. Enter in [*54] + [#15] + [*55] +[1]. This will adjust the dynamic signaling settings so that the panel knows not to attempt to use its built-in dialer.

4. Exit programming. Press [*99] to exit programming and save your changes.

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