How to find device addresses for a Honeywell VISTA-20P?
Certain devices need to be programmed with a device address before they will work with a VISTA-20P alarm control panel.
Wireless receivers, graphic touchscreen (AUI) keypads like the Tuxedo Touch and Tuxedo Touch WIFI, regular alarm keypads like the 6150 and 6160, AlarmNet alarm monitoring communicators, the 4286 voice module, zone expanders like the 4229 and 4219, relay modules like the 4204 and the 5800TM wireless transmitter module all use a device address. Some of the devices are automatically assigned to the correct device address once they are installed, while other devices require the device address to be programmed.
On the Vista-20P, a Honeywell wireless receiver should be set to device address 00. Out of the box, receivers are set to this address, and the panel begins supervising address 00 as soon as a wireless zone, or an RF House ID are programmed into the panel.
AUI keypads can use device addresses 01, 02, 05, and 06. Address 01 and 02 are enabled in panel programming by default, but address 05 and 06 need to be be enabled through programming field *189 if they're to be used. By default, TUXWIFI and other AUI keypads are set to address 01. When using more than one of these keypads, the address in each additional device will need to be changed upon initial power up, and you will need to be sure the corresponding address (02, 05, or 06) has been enabled.
AlarmNet communicators by default are set to address 03. When enabling an AlarmNet communicator in *29, panel programming, the Vista-20P panel will then look for the AlarmNet device at this address, and if it doesn't see it, will display a Check 103, or bF (backup failure). When Total Connect 2.0 is used, the AlarmNet communicator will also use an address as if it were an AUI keypad. By default, they are set to address 02. When using multiple AUI keypads, be sure to avoid address conflicts, and remember that when Total Connect 2.0 is enabled, it will use one of the available AUI addresses, limiting the number of actual AUI's to 3 instead of 4.
The 4286 voice module is always set to address 04, and gets automatically enabled in the panel, and therefore supervised, when the phone module access code is enabled in programming field *28.
The 4219 and 4229 zone expanders get assigned to address 07, 08, 09, 10 or 11 depending on the dip switch settings on the zone expander module. As soon as you wire up the expander and program a zone using the expander, the correct device address will automatically become enabled.
All console keypads need to be addressed. Addresses 16-23 are available for keypads, but only address 16 is enabled by default in panels version 9 or lower. On these panels, when using more than one keypad, you will need to enable the appropriate addresses 17-23 in fields *191-196. You will also need to program the device address into each keypad. In version 10 or higher, all keypad addresses 16 - 23, are enabled in panel programming by default.
Device address 25 is enabled for Total Connect remote interactive service by enabling programming field *91 in version 9.12 and 9.18 panels. Versions lower than 9.12 don't support Total Connect 2.0. In version 10 or higher, this option is enabled by default and can't be disabled. RIS is also enabled in the AlarmNet communicator used to provide Total Connect 2.0 services to the panel.
Finally, device address 28 for the 5800TM wireless transmitter module is automatically enabled in the panel, and should be enabled on the device by cutting the red jumper on the 5800TM. These devices can only provide status for partition 1.
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