Frequently Asked Questions

How Do Plunger Switches Work?
A plunger switch is one way that a recessed door contact can operate. The contact's plunger switch is pressed-in whenever the door is closed. Find out how plunger switches work.

How Does a Honeywell Communicator Work?
Adding a communicator is one of the most important upgrades for a Honeywell System. This is what allows the system to work with Total Connect. Learn about alarm communicators.

How Do I Use a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 to Control a Garage Door?
By setting up a Z-Wave garage door opener, you will be able to control your garage door right from your IQ Panel 2. Learn how to set up your IQ Panel 2 for garage door control.

How Do I Enroll a 910 Kwikset on a DSC Impassa?
To enroll a 910 Kwikset with an Impassa, put the system in its Z-Wave inclusion mode, and activate the lock's inclusion function. Learn to enroll a 910 Kwikset with a DSC Impassa.

How Do I Enroll a Z-Wave Lock to My DSC Impassa?
To program a Z-Wave lock with a DSC Impassa, put the system in its Z-Wave enrollment mode and activate the lock's inclusion mode. Learn to enroll a Z-Wave lock with an Impassa.

What Are the Ranges of Security System Sensors?
Wireless security system sensors can vary greatly in terms of range. In most cases, a user can expect a standard range of about 200 feet. Learn about security system sensors.

Are LYNX Touch Panels Compatible with
Honeywell LYNX Touch Panels do not work with But they can be used with Total Connect 2.0, which offers similar features. Learn more about the LYNX Touch Panels.

What Is the Range on a Qolsys Security System?
Qolsys 319.5 MHz sensors have a range of 600 feet in open air. But the IQ Panel 2 Plus can use PowerG Sensors with a max range of 2k feet. Find out the range of a Qolsys Panel.

How Do I Fix a Low Battery Alert on an LKP500 Lyric Keypad?
A low battery alert for the LKP500 can be cleared by letting the battery charge or by replacing the old battery with a fresh one. Learn to fix the low battery alert on an LKP500.

How Do I Turn On My Honeywell LCP500?
The LCP500, or Lyric Controller, will power on automatically once it is getting power from either its plug-in transformer or its backup battery. Learn how to turn on your LCP500.