What Are The Resideo Total Connect 2.0 Camera Recording Limits?
The Resideo Total Connect 2.0 camera recording limits are dependent upon the camera model that is used. The Resideo HD Cameras have less strict limits than the older SD models, which are no longer available on our site. When the limit is reached, the oldest clips are replaced with new ones.
Resideo IP Cameras do not offer an option for a 24-hour recording schedule. Instead, these cameras record short videos clips upon detecting sound or motion during the programmed hours that are set through Total Connect 2.0. However, there is a limit to the number of video clips that can be stored. There is also a limit to the length of time that these clips can be stored. The limits are dependent upon the type of camera. They can also be adjusted by the user's alarm monitoring company in certain cases.
For Resideo HD Cameras, there are two limit options. The first option is 1,500 clips or 30 days per camera, whichever comes first. The second option is 350 clips or 7 days, whichever comes first. This option is set by the user's monitoring company. Alarm Grid always sets this option to 1,500 clips or 30 days, but other companies may choose the lesser option. Assuming that you are monitored through Alarm Grid, you will have a limit of 1,500 clips or 30 days (whichever comes first) for each HD camera. You can have up to eight (8) HD cameras on a single TC2 account. If you exceed the 1,500 clip limit for the camera, the oldest clips will be automatically deleted to make room for the new ones. Likewise, any clip that is older than 30 days will be automatically deleted.
For Resideo non-HD legacy cameras, the limit is 7 days or 100MB of storage per account, whichever comes first. Any stored clip that is 7 days old will be automatically deleted. If you exceed 100MB of legacy video storage on your TC2 account, then the oldest clips will be automatically deleted to make space for the new ones. For reference, the average size of a recorded 10 second clip on a legacy IP camera is 300-400KB. However, some clips may be up to 2MB in size. Assuming that every clip is 2MB, you will be able to store up to 50 clips. You can have up to six (6) legacy non-HD cameras on your TC2 account.
This is why it is important to always download any clips that you will want to retain for permanent use. Once a clip is automatically deleted it cannot be recovered. Any created clip that hasn't been deleted can be accessed from the Events section of Total Connect 2.0. This is where you can download a clip before it gets automatically deleted.
Note: The Total Connect 2.0 Legacy IP Cameras can only be used if they were online at the time when Resideo pushed down an OTA update to make them compatible with an updated TC2 platform. Any legacy camera that was not online to receive this update can no longer be used. You must be very careful when purchasing used legacy TC2 IP Cameras, as many people will try to pass off bricked models on unsuspecting buyers. Please read this FAQ for more information.
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