What Panels Support the Maintenance Feature on the 5808W3?
Any panel that supports 5800 Series wireless devices, with enough available zones, can support the maintenance feature of the 5808W3. Panels that offer the "smart contact" option, can monitor for smoke, heat and maintenance on a single zone. All others will require programming of two zones.
The maintenance feature is a drift compensation algorithm that automatically maintains the optimal sensitivity of the 5808W3 detector, even with the presence of fine particles like dust and dirt that may settle in the optical chamber of the device. Once the detector reaches its limit of compensation, it transmits a maintenance signal to the panel alongside its usual RF check-in signal. In addition to this signal, the red LED light on the 5808W3 will blink once every 5 seconds whenever maintenance is required.
Honeywell's combination Fire/Burglary panels, as well as the Vista-128BPT and the Vista-250BPT, support the 5808W3 maintenance feature using a single zone. In zone programming, the question "Smart Contact?" will appear for zones with input type RF (03) or Serial Number Polling (06). The 5808W3 should be programmed with input type RF (03), and, if maintenance supervision is desired, the question should be answered with a 1 for "Yes". With this feature enabled, if the smoke falls outside its limits of compensation, either a Hi SENS or a Lo SENS message will be displayed on the keypad for the zone. Also, a contact ID message of E385 (Hi SENS) or E386 (Lo SENS) will be sent to the monitoring station if enabled.
All other Honeywell panels that support 5800 series wireless can also monitor the 5808W3 for maintenance signals. However, they require that each individual detector have a second zone programmed for this purpose. Once the zone for smoke and heat detection has been programmed using the smoke's serial number with Loop 1, a second zone will need to be programmed with the same serial number and Loop 2. This second zone can be programmed as a day/night zone, as a monitor zone or, on Vista-21iP, Vista-20P and other similar panels, as a 24 hour trouble zone with a configurable zone type.
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