Wired Addressable 4" Continuity Fire Base

The DSC MXBASE is a 4" (10.16cm) mounting base for DSC MX916, MX926, and MX936 addressable photo smoke/heat, photo smoke, and heat detectors. An MXBASE is required for each of these detectors. This allows each detector to connect to the HSM3105 MX Expansion Module. The wiring for these detectors will be between the MXBASE and the HSM3105.
It might seem strange that the MXBASE is offered separately from the MX916, MX926, or MX936 smoke and heat detectors. If the MXBASE serves no purpose without a smoke or heat head, and the smoke or heat head can't operate without a base, then why sell them separately? This is because it is possible for the MXBASE to be fine, while the smoke or heat detector requires replacement, and vice versa. For those who are working with a new installation, we offer convenient kit options with the detector head and the base in a single SKU:
Each of the above kits contains one (1) of the specified detector heads, along with one (1) MXBASE.
The MX Addressable option on the Qolsys IQ Pro allows for long wire runs with addressable wired devices. Unlike conventional hardwired devices, addressable wired devices each have a unique serial number. This means that each detector must have its own zone. The MX, which is short for multiplex, loop constantly supervises each device that is connected to the panel through it. If a device fails to answer when the panel queries it, that device can be shown by the panel as a trouble or supervisory condition.
The HSM3105 MX Expansion Module connects to the Qolsys IQ Pro via the Corbus 4-wire connection. Each MX device then connects to the MX bus through the module. Each HSM3105 has the ability to use a spur or a loop configuration. On the MX wiring side of the HSM3105 there are two (2) positive and two (2) negative terminals for the MX wiring. Each of these pairs can be used for separate spurs, each with two (2) wires. The use of both terminal pairs in a looped configuration is also possible. For life-safety devices such as smoke detectors, it is recommended that they be wired using the loop configuration when possible.
The MXBASE is where all wiring connections for the MX916, MX926, and MX936 devices are attached. The device sensing heads do not have wiring terminals. This is why an MXBASE is required for each of these units. The IQ Pro should be powered down when connections are being made. Once everything is connected and each smoke or heat head has been attached to an MX Base, the system should be powered on and allowed to scan the bus to add each MX device. Once the initial scan is complete, you can use the Qolsys IQ Pro Installer app to finish configuring the devices. The app is available in the Apple App store and the Google Play store.
Brand: DSC