First Alert VISTA3PK-TCH-V
The First Alert VISTA3PK-TCH-V is a dual-path monitoring VISTA H3 kit. It includes the VISTA H3, the Honeywell Home PROWIFIZW, the Honeywell Home PROLTE-V2, and the First Alert VISTAHTCHWLC. The PROWIFIZW provides WIFI services to the VISTA H3 panel. It also doubles as a Z-Wave controller. The PROWIFIZW also makes it possible to connect the VISTAHTCHWLC keypad. The VISTAHTCHWLC keypad is a remote touchscreen keypad. The VISTAHTCHWLC keypad is needed for local keypad programming. The PROLTE-V2 is a Verizon cellular module. This allows the system to be ready for dual-path monitoring.
Brand: Honeywell Home First Alert
First Alert VISTA3PK-TCH-V Compatible Products

Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD
Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
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Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
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Honeywell Home PROSIXC2W
Encrypted Wired to Wireless Converter for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
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Kit Includes

Honeywell Home PROLTE-V2
Verizon LTE Communicator for Honeywell Home and Resideo ProSeries Products
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Honeywell Home PROWIFIZW
IP Communicator & Z-Wave Plus Add-On for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
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