Honeywell LYRICLTE-V
Verizon LTE Cellular Communicator for the Lyric Controller
The Honeywell LYRICLTE-V provides a Resideo Lyric Alarm System with fast and reliable connectivity through the Verizon LTE Network. It serves as an excellent backup for the panel's internal WIFI card and helps ensure that the system remains constantly connected with the AlarmNet Servers.
Upgrading to cellular is extremely important for any alarm system. It is the best way to provide a trustworthy and consistent communication path for your system. If you rely on internet alone, you are running the risk of outages and reporter failures. Remember, internet outages are still extremely common and can occur at any time. Additionally, a power outage can take a router offline and make IP communication impossible. Cellular connectivity works even when the electricity is out, and a strong cellular connection is unlikely to ever experience significant disruptions in service. Anyone who wants to make sure that their Lyric System works as reliably as possible should definitely consider getting a cellular communicator like the LYRICLTE-V.
Since the Lyric already includes a built-in WIFI card, adding the LYRICLTE-V will provide dual-path connectivity for the panel. This means that whenever WIFI connectivity is available, the system sends signals to the Resideo AlarmNet Servers via WIFI. If WIFI is compromised, the panel knows, and sends signals via its cellular path instead. Because WIFI communication is usually slightly faster than cellular, this path is used whenever possible. But since WIFI is more likely to go down, cellular service will be there as a strong backup option. The Verizon LTE Network is still very fast, and you shouldn't notice any change in performance when WIFI is down or unavailable.
In order to use the LYRICLTE-V, you will need an alarm monitoring plan that includes cellular connectivity. We recommend getting a Gold or Platinum Plan from Alarm Grid. These plans include dual-path connectivity and access to Total Connect 2.0 for security and smart home automation functions. You can access the TC2 interactive monitoring and automation platform from virtually anywhere using the TC2 Mobile App on an Android or iOS device. You can also use the TC2 website if that is what you prefer. We recommend checking out our alarm monitoring page for more information. If you don't need access to TC2, then Alarm Grid also offers a Cellular-Only Plan that will support the Lyric for dual-path connectivity for alarm monitoring service.
A great aspect of the LYRICLTE-V is its ease of installation. You must put the Lyric System into a special mode for installing a new cellular communicator. This mode can be accessed from the main screen by choosing Tools > Master Code (default 1234) > Advanced > Install Cellular Module > Yes. Follow the instructions displayed on the Lyric touchscreen. Push up on the right side of the panel and remove the cover to reveal the cellular communicator slot. You can then insert the LYRICLTE-V module into the slot on the side of the panel. The LYRICLTE-V should slide right into place. You can then have Alarm Grid activate the cellular communicator for monitoring service.
Please note that the LYRICLTE-V requires that the Lyric System is running Firmware Update MR9 or higher. More information is available here. If you have a Lyric System that is running a lower Firmware Version, then there is an easy work-around. You can activate the system for IP-only monitoring so that the system can have the firmware update pushed down from the Resideo AlarmNet Servers. Then once the update has been applied, you can install the LYRICLTE-V Communicator and activate it with Alarm Grid.
Also note that an AT&T LTE Version for the Lyric System is also available. If you find that the AT&T LTE Network works better in your area, then you should purchase that communicator instead. You can purchase the AT&T LTE model here.
Honeywell LYRICLTE-V Compatible Products