Honeywell LTE-IA Product Manuals

MyWebTech Technical Notification #121 - Firmware Release for Legacy AT&T Radios - Dated 2/20/25

MyWebTech Technical Notification #102 - LTE Radios Resume Automatic Updates - Dated 04/29/24

Resideo AlarmNet Cell-ANT3dB - Install Guide - Dated 11/20 Rev. A

MyWebTech Technical Notification #94 - VISTA Communicator Signal Strength - Dated 09/07/23

VISTA Compatible AlarmNet Communicators - MWT Technical Notification #91 - Dated 07/24/23

The Honeywell LTE-I Series and External Antenna Options Guide covers the different cellular antenna options for the Honeywell LTE-IA and LTE-IV Dual-Path Communicators. Using an antenna can boost cell signals and ensure reliable communication. The guide is from 09/2019. Read about cellular antennas.

The AlarmNet Communicator ECP Status Codes document provides a list of ECP status codes that may appear on your panel. These codes indicate a problem with your system's communicator. You can reference the codes to determine which issue your communicator is experiencing. Learn about ECP status codes.

The AlarmNet Communicator to Panel Compatibility Guide shows which communicators are compatible with different Honeywell and Resideo Panels. In this document, when discussing the panel revision for the L5210 and L7000 Panels, 9.01 revers to panel revision 9.00.201, and 9.09 refers to panel revision 9.00.209. The guide is dated 10/10/2019. Learn about Honeywell Panel and Communicator compatibility.