Honeywell LTE-XV Product Manuals

MyWebTech Technical Notification #102 - LTE Radios Resume Automatic Updates - Dated 04/29/24

Resideo AlarmNet Cell-ANT3dB - Install Guide - Dated 11/20 Rev. A

MyWebTech Technical Notification #94 - VISTA Communicator Signal Strength - Dated 09/07/23

The Resideo LTE-X Series Installation and Setup Guide is a comprehensive manual that covers the complete process for installing a Honeywell LTE-XA AT&T LTE Communicator or LTE-XV Verizon LTE Communicator with a Honeywell VISTA Alarm Panel. Learn how to install a Honeywell LTE-XA or Honeywell LTE-XV.

The Resideo LTE-X Series Quick Installation Guide provides a brief overview of the process for installing a Honeywell LTE-XA AT&T LTE Communicator or a Honeywell LTE-XV Verizon LTE Communicator with a Honeywell VISTA Series Security Panel. Learn how to install a Honeywell LTE-XA or Honeywell LTE-XV.

Resideo Technical Notification #45 outlines a critical firmware issue that was discovered for the Honeywell LTE-XV and Honeywell LTE-L3V Verizon LTE Communicators. Affected communicators are unable to appear in AlarmNet360. Learn more about the Honeywell LTE-XV and Honeywell LTE-L3V Firmware Issues.

The AlarmNet Communicator to Panel Compatibility Guide shows which communicators are compatible with different Honeywell and Resideo Panels. In this document, when discussing the panel revision for the L5210 and L7000 Panels, 9.01 revers to panel revision 9.00.201, and 9.09 refers to panel revision 9.00.209. The guide is dated 10/10/2019. Learn about Honeywell Panel and Communicator compatibility.

The Honeywell Cellular Antenna Data Sheet for 2018 covers the technical specifications for the Honeywell Cellular Antennas that are available as of the end of 2018. These products include the CELL-ANTHB, the CELL-ANTSMA, the CELL-ANTU and the CELL-ANT3DB. Learn about the Honeywell Cellular Antennas.

The Honeywell LTE Family Radios Data Sheet covers important information about the LTE cellular communicators used with Honeywell Systems. These modules allow the systems to access LTE cellular networks and work with the Total Connect 2.0 service. Learn about the Honeywell LTE cellular communicators.

Honeywell AlarmNet LTE Communicators - Data Sheet