Frequently Asked Questions

Why Am I Unable to Bypass Certain Sensors or Zones?
There are certain Zone Types that cannot be bypassed on a system. These include 24-Hour Zones and Temperature Zones. Find out why you cannot bypass certain sensors.

Will a Silent Alarm Show Up On Total Connect 2.0?
Total Connect 2.0 treats a silent alarm exactly the same as a regular alarm. It is only the panel that will treat a silent alarm differently. Learn about silent alarms.

Why Is The TC2 Mobile App Showing a Different Arming State Than My Panel?
When you arm/disarm from your panel, the signal has to be transmitted to TC2. A different arming state will be displayed if TC2 hasn't received the signal. Learn about TC2.

Why Is My Z-Wave Device "Offline" On Total Connect 2.0?
A Z-Wave device will appear as offline if it cannot be detected by the network. The sensor may be out of range, or it might have a dead battery. Learn about Z-Wave devices on TC2.

What Does the Alarm Cancel Function On TC2 Do?
By pressing the Alarm Cancel button on TC2, the system's sounders and sirens will be silenced. Any affected sensors will be reset. Learn about the Alarm Cancel function for TC2.

Why Does My System Say Not Ready To Arm?
Not Ready To Arm means that your system is in a state where it cannot currently be armed. You must correct the issue so that you can arm your system. Learn how to arm your system.

What Does Arm Custom Mean?
If you want to bypass a selection of zones on your system, then you might Arm Custom. Any bypassed zone will be inactive and unable to trigger an alarm. Learn about Arm Custom.

Does It Matter If The WIFI Network Used w/ My System is Not Secure?
If a potential intruder is able to access the WIFI network for your alarm system, it could potentially lead to a security breach. Find out why using secure WIFI with your system is very important.

Can I Expand Upon My Current Security System?
There are many ways for you to expand upon your current security system. New sensors and home automation devices are usually an option. Learn how to expand upon an alarm system.

What Should I Do If There is an AC Power Loss?
AC power loss indicates that the panel is not receiving power from the electrical outlet. You should fix the problem if possible. Learn how to troubleshoot AC power loss.