First Alert VISTA3PK-TCH-A Compatible Products

Wireless Environmental Sensors

Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD - Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD
Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXTEMP - Encrypted Wireless Temperature Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXTEMP
Encrypted Wireless Temperature Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99
Encrypted Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
List Price:
Our Price: $109.99

Environmental Sensors

Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD - Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD
Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXTEMP - Encrypted Wireless Temperature Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXTEMP
Encrypted Wireless Temperature Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXCO - Encrypted Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
Honeywell Home PROSIXCO
Encrypted Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
List Price: $146.00
Our Price: $103.99

PROSIX Environmental Detectors

Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD - Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD
Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXTEMP - Encrypted Wireless Temperature Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXTEMP
Encrypted Wireless Temperature Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99
Encrypted Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
List Price:
Our Price: $109.99

PROSiX Series Sensors

Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD - Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD
Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXSIRENO - Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
List Price: $160.00
Our Price: $113.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXC2W - Encrypted Wired to Wireless Converter for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
Honeywell Home PROSIXC2W
Encrypted Wired to Wireless Converter for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
List Price: $110.00
Our Price: $78.99

Encrypted Wireless Peripheral Sensors

Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD - Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD
Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK - Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK
Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
List Price: $68.00
Our Price: $49.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXMED - Encrypted Wireless Single Button Medical Alert
Honeywell Home PROSIXMED
Encrypted Wireless Single Button Medical Alert
List Price: $56.00
Our Price: $40.99

Flood Sensors

Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD - Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXFLOOD
Encrypted Wireless Flood Detection Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99

PROSiX Outdoor Sirens

Honeywell Home PROSIXSIRENO - Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
List Price: $160.00
Our Price: $113.99


Honeywell Home PROSIXSIRENO - Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
List Price: $160.00
Our Price: $113.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXSIREN - Encrypted Wireless Siren & Strobe
Honeywell Home PROSIXSIREN
Encrypted Wireless Siren & Strobe
List Price: $110.00
Our Price: $78.99

Wireless Alarm Sirens

Honeywell Home PROSIXSIRENO - Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
List Price: $160.00
Our Price: $113.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXSIREN - Encrypted Wireless Siren & Strobe
Honeywell Home PROSIXSIREN
Encrypted Wireless Siren & Strobe
List Price: $110.00
Our Price: $78.99

Outdoor Sirens and Strobe Lights

Honeywell Home PROSIXSIRENO - Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
Encrypted Wireless Outdoor Siren & Strobe
List Price: $160.00
Our Price: $113.99

PROSIX Wired to Wireless converters

Honeywell Home PROSIXC2W - Encrypted Wired to Wireless Converter for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
Honeywell Home PROSIXC2W
Encrypted Wired to Wireless Converter for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
List Price: $110.00
Our Price: $78.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK - Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK
Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
List Price: $68.00
Our Price: $49.99

Wired to Wireless Security System Converters

Honeywell Home PROSIXC2W - Encrypted Wired to Wireless Converter for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
Honeywell Home PROSIXC2W
Encrypted Wired to Wireless Converter for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
List Price: $110.00
Our Price: $78.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK - Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK
Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
List Price: $68.00
Our Price: $49.99

PROSIX Shock Sensors

Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK - Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK
Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
List Price: $68.00
Our Price: $49.99

Wired to Wireless Security System Transmitters

Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK - Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK
Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
List Price: $68.00
Our Price: $49.99

Wireless Door Alarm Sensors

Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK - Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK
Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
List Price: $68.00
Our Price: $49.99

Wireless Shock Sensors

Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK - Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXSHOCK
Encrypted Wireless Shock, Door/Window, & Transmitter Sensor
List Price: $68.00
Our Price: $49.99

Temperature Sensors

Honeywell Home PROSIXTEMP - Encrypted Wireless Temperature Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXTEMP
Encrypted Wireless Temperature Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99

PROSiX Combination Environmental Sensors

Honeywell Home PROSIXTEMP - Encrypted Wireless Temperature Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXTEMP
Encrypted Wireless Temperature Sensor
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99

PROSIX Panic Buttons & Medical Alert Buttons

Honeywell Home PROSIXMED - Encrypted Wireless Single Button Medical Alert
Honeywell Home PROSIXMED
Encrypted Wireless Single Button Medical Alert
List Price: $56.00
Our Price: $40.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXPANIC - Encrypted Wireless Dual Button Panic
Honeywell Home PROSIXPANIC
Encrypted Wireless Dual Button Panic
List Price: $56.00
Our Price: $40.99

Medical Alert Bracelets

Honeywell Home PROSIXMED - Encrypted Wireless Single Button Medical Alert
Honeywell Home PROSIXMED
Encrypted Wireless Single Button Medical Alert
List Price: $56.00
Our Price: $40.99

Wireless Panic Buttons

Honeywell Home PROSIXPANIC - Encrypted Wireless Dual Button Panic
Honeywell Home PROSIXPANIC
Encrypted Wireless Dual Button Panic
List Price: $56.00
Our Price: $40.99

PROSIX Repeaters

Honeywell Home PROSIXRPTR - Wireless Repeater for PROSIX & SiX Encrypted Sensors
Honeywell Home PROSIXRPTR
Wireless Repeater for PROSIX & SiX Encrypted Sensors
List Price: $152.00
Our Price: $108.99

Wireless Repeaters

Honeywell Home PROSIXRPTR - Wireless Repeater for PROSIX & SiX Encrypted Sensors
Honeywell Home PROSIXRPTR
Wireless Repeater for PROSIX & SiX Encrypted Sensors
List Price: $152.00
Our Price: $108.99

Wireless Door Sensors and Window Alarm Sensors

Resideo PROSIXMINI3 - Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
List Price:
Our Price: $10,000.00
Resideo PROSIXCTV - Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Sensor
Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Sensor
List Price:
Our Price: $20.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXMINI2 - Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXMINI2
Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
List Price: $30.00
Our Price: $24.99

Encrypted Door Alarm Sensors

Resideo PROSIXMINI3 - Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
List Price:
Our Price: $10,000.00
Resideo PROSIXCTV - Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Sensor
Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Sensor
List Price:
Our Price: $20.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXMINI2 - Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXMINI2
Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
List Price: $30.00
Our Price: $24.99

ProSiX Door Sensors & Window Sensors

Resideo PROSIXMINI3 - Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
List Price:
Our Price: $10,000.00
Resideo PROSIXCTV - Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Sensor
Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Sensor
List Price:
Our Price: $20.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXMINI2 - Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXMINI2
Encrypted Wireless Door/Window Contact Sensor
List Price: $30.00
Our Price: $24.99

ProSiX Heat Detectors

Resideo PROSIXHEATV - Wireless 135℉ Fixed Temp, 15℉/Minute Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
Wireless 135℉ Fixed Temp, 15℉/Minute Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
List Price: $88.00
Our Price: $63.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXSMOKEV - Encrypted Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
Encrypted Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
List Price: $94.00
Our Price: $67.99

Honeywell SiX Heat Detectors

Resideo PROSIXHEATV - Wireless 135℉ Fixed Temp, 15℉/Minute Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
Wireless 135℉ Fixed Temp, 15℉/Minute Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
List Price: $88.00
Our Price: $63.99

Heat Alarm Sensors for Garages

Resideo PROSIXHEATV - Wireless 135℉ Fixed Temp, 15℉/Minute Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
Wireless 135℉ Fixed Temp, 15℉/Minute Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
List Price: $88.00
Our Price: $63.99

Battery Operated Heat Alarm Sensors

Resideo PROSIXHEATV - Wireless 135℉ Fixed Temp, 15℉/Minute Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
Wireless 135℉ Fixed Temp, 15℉/Minute Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
List Price: $88.00
Our Price: $63.99

Wireless Heat Detectors

Resideo PROSIXHEATV - Wireless 135℉ Fixed Temp, 15℉/Minute Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
Wireless 135℉ Fixed Temp, 15℉/Minute Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
List Price: $88.00
Our Price: $63.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXSMOKEV - Encrypted Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
Encrypted Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
List Price: $94.00
Our Price: $67.99

Pet Friendly Motion Detecting Sensors

Resideo PROSIXPIRV - 2.4GHz Encrypted ProSix Motion Detector
2.4GHz Encrypted ProSix Motion Detector
List Price:
Our Price: $43.99

ProSiX Motion Detectors

Resideo PROSIXPIRV - 2.4GHz Encrypted ProSix Motion Detector
2.4GHz Encrypted ProSix Motion Detector
List Price:
Our Price: $43.99

Encrypted Wireless Motion Sensor

Resideo PROSIXPIRV - 2.4GHz Encrypted ProSix Motion Detector
2.4GHz Encrypted ProSix Motion Detector
List Price:
Our Price: $43.99

PROSIX CO Detectors

Encrypted Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
List Price:
Our Price: $109.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXCO - Encrypted Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
Honeywell Home PROSIXCO
Encrypted Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
List Price: $146.00
Our Price: $103.99

Wireless Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Encrypted Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
List Price:
Our Price: $109.99
Honeywell Home PROSIXCO - Encrypted Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
Honeywell Home PROSIXCO
Encrypted Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
List Price: $146.00
Our Price: $103.99

ProSiX Smoke Detectors

Honeywell Home PROSIXSMOKEV - Encrypted Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
Encrypted Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
List Price: $94.00
Our Price: $67.99

One-Go/All-Go Wireless Smoke Detectors

Honeywell Home PROSIXSMOKEV - Encrypted Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
Encrypted Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
List Price: $94.00
Our Price: $67.99

Combination Smoke/Heat Detectors

Honeywell Home PROSIXSMOKEV - Encrypted Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
Encrypted Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
List Price: $94.00
Our Price: $67.99

Alarm Keypads

Honeywell Home PROSIXLCDKP - Encrypted Wireless Alphanumeric Keypad for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
Honeywell Home PROSIXLCDKP
Encrypted Wireless Alphanumeric Keypad for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
List Price: $130.00
Our Price: $92.99

PROSIX Keypads

Honeywell Home PROSIXLCDKP - Encrypted Wireless Alphanumeric Keypad for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
Honeywell Home PROSIXLCDKP
Encrypted Wireless Alphanumeric Keypad for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
List Price: $130.00
Our Price: $92.99

Wireless Alarm Keypads

Honeywell Home PROSIXLCDKP - Encrypted Wireless Alphanumeric Keypad for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
Honeywell Home PROSIXLCDKP
Encrypted Wireless Alphanumeric Keypad for PROA7PLUS & PROA7
List Price: $130.00
Our Price: $92.99

ProSiX Key Fobs

Honeywell Home PROSIXFOB - Encrypted Wireless 4-Button Keyfob
Honeywell Home PROSIXFOB
Encrypted Wireless 4-Button Keyfob
List Price: $34.00
Our Price: $25.99

Security Key Fobs

Honeywell Home PROSIXFOB - Encrypted Wireless 4-Button Keyfob
Honeywell Home PROSIXFOB
Encrypted Wireless 4-Button Keyfob
List Price: $34.00
Our Price: $25.99

Wireless Glass Break Detectors

Honeywell Home PROSIXGB - Encrypted Wireless Glass Break Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXGB
Encrypted Wireless Glass Break Sensor
List Price: $96.00
Our Price: $68.99

Glass Break Detectors

Honeywell Home PROSIXGB - Encrypted Wireless Glass Break Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXGB
Encrypted Wireless Glass Break Sensor
List Price: $96.00
Our Price: $68.99

ProSiX Glass Break Detectors

Honeywell Home PROSIXGB - Encrypted Wireless Glass Break Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXGB
Encrypted Wireless Glass Break Sensor
List Price: $96.00
Our Price: $68.99

Encrypted Glass Break Detectors

Honeywell Home PROSIXGB - Encrypted Wireless Glass Break Sensor
Honeywell Home PROSIXGB
Encrypted Wireless Glass Break Sensor
List Price: $96.00
Our Price: $68.99

PROSiX Indoor Sirens

Honeywell Home PROSIXSIREN - Encrypted Wireless Siren & Strobe
Honeywell Home PROSIXSIREN
Encrypted Wireless Siren & Strobe
List Price: $110.00
Our Price: $78.99

First Alert VISTA3PK-TCH-A

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