Product Manuals

Winland TA-1 - Specification Sheet
Winland TA-1 - Specification Sheet

Winland TA-1 - Install Guide Dated 08/2012 Rev. B
Winland TA-1 - Install Guide Dated 08/2012 Rev. B

Resideo Technical Notification #69 - CELL-ANT3DB Incorrect Mounting Bracket - Dated 09/23/21
Resideo provides this technical notice to advise that some CELL-ANT3DB antenna kits included the wrong mounting bracket. This prevents proper installation of the antenna.

Winland WBTX319 and Winland WBTX345 Wireless WaterBug - Install Guide
Winland WBTX319 and Winland WBTX345 Wireless WaterBug - Install Guide

Winland WBTX319 and Winland WBTX345 - Specification Sheet
Winland WBTX319 and Winland WBTX345 - Specification Sheet

Winland WBTX319, WBTX345 - Data Sheet
Specifications and Sales Information for the Winland WBTX319 and WBTX345 Wireless WaterBug Sensors. These are not standalone sensors, they must be used in conjunction with an alarm panel in order to be effective.

Resideo ProSeries MR3.5 (BETA) Release Notes - Dated 08/23/21
Resideo ProSeries MR3.5 (BETA) Release Notes - Dated 08/23/21

GoControl GD00Z-8-GC - Install Guide - Dated 2020 Rev. B
These are the installation and programming instructions for the GoControl GD00Z-8-GC Z-Wave Garage Door Opener with Tilt Sensor.

Resideo ProSeries - Pairing the GoControl! GD00Z Z-Wave Garage Door Controller - Dated 08/11/21
This document provides instructions for pairing the GoControl! GD00Z series Z-Wave garage door controller with the Resideo ProSeries Panels. It also includes some troubleshooting notes.

Resideo Technical Notification #67 - TUXWIFI Family No Longer Supporting Weather - Dated 09/08/21
This document advises that the TUXWIFIW and TUXWIFIS will no longer support the weather feature, or the Sunrise/Sunset scheduling feature as of October 31, 2021. Any scenes previously created using Sunrise and Sunset will no longer work. The new Tuxedow family of products still support the weather feature and can be used as a replacement for those who require this feature.