Honeywell VISTA-20P Compatible Products
Wireless Peripheral Sensors

Honeywell 5800TM
Wireless Transmitter Module
Wireless Repeaters
Home Automation Controllers

Honeywell Tuxedo Touch WIFI
Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad

Honeywell Tuxedo Touch
Talking Color Graphic Wired Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Wired Alarm Keypads

Honeywell Tuxedo Touch WIFI
Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad

Honeywell 6280
Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Wired Touchscreen Keypads

Honeywell Tuxedo Touch WIFI
Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad

Honeywell 6280
Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad

Honeywell Tuxedo Touch
Talking Color Graphic Wired Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Wireless Receivers
Pet Friendly Motion Detecting Sensors

Honeywell Aurora
Pet Immune Motion Detector

Honeywell DT7435
DUAL TEC Motion Detector

Honeywell IS2535
Pet Immune Motion Detector
Passive Infrared Motion Detecting Sensors

Honeywell Aurora
Pet Immune Motion Detector

Honeywell IS25100TC
Long Range PIR Motion Detector

Honeywell IS280CM
Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Detector
Wired Motion Detecting Sensors

Honeywell Aurora
Pet Immune Motion Detector

Honeywell IS25100TC
Long Range PIR Motion Detector

Honeywell IS280CM
Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Detector
Wired Peripheral Sensors

Honeywell Aurora
Pet Immune Motion Detector

Honeywell IS25100TC
Long Range PIR Motion Detector

Honeywell IS280CM
Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Detector
Long Range PIR Motion Detecting Sensors

Honeywell IS25100TC
Long Range PIR Motion Detector

Honeywell IS215T
Long-range Motion Detecting Wired PIR Sensor

Honeywell IS216
PIR Motion Detector
Security Camera Systems

Honeywell WAP-PLUS
Wireless Access Point

Honeywell ACU
Analog Converter Unit

Honeywell IPCAM-WI2
Fixed IP Security Camera
Security Cameras

Honeywell WAP-PLUS
Wireless Access Point

Honeywell ACU
Analog Converter Unit
Internet Alarm Communicators

Honeywell 7847i
AlarmNet Internet Alarm Monitoring Communicator

Honeywell LTE-IA
AlarmNet AT&T LTE Dual Path Communicator

Honeywell LTE-IV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Dual Path Communicator
Wired Alarm Strobes

Honeywell 710
Strobe Warning Light

Amseco SSX-52S
Weatherproof Alarm Siren with Strobe
Glass Break Simulators
Wired Glass Break Detectors
Wired Door & Window Alarm Contacts

Honeywell 944T
3/8” Diameter Recessed Contact with Screw Terminals
List Price:
Our Price:

Honeywell 947-75
3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
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Recessed Door/Window Alarm Sensors

Honeywell 944T
3/8” Diameter Recessed Contact with Screw Terminals
List Price:
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Honeywell 947-75
3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
List Price:
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Wired Recessed Door/Window Sensors

Honeywell 944T
3/8” Diameter Recessed Contact with Screw Terminals
List Price:
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Honeywell 947-75
3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
List Price:
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360-Degree Wired Motion Sensors
Wired Alarm Sirens
Wired Door Alarm Sensors

Honeywell 947-75
3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
List Price:
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Honeywell MPS51C
Overhead Door Contact

Honeywell MPS52
Overhead Door Contact
Alarm Sensor Magnets

Honeywell PAL-M
Magnet for PAL-T Surface Mount Contact

Honeywell 7945BR-M
Brown Magnet for XTP 7945 Surface Mount Magnetic Contact with Leads

Honeywell 7945GY-M
Grey Magnet for XTP 7945 Surface Mount Magnetic Contact with Leads
Power Supplies
Alarm System Transformers
Dual Tech Motion Detecting Sensors

Honeywell DT7435
DUAL TEC Motion Detector
Verizon LTE Cellular Communicators

Honeywell LTE-XV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Cellular Communicator

Honeywell LTE-IV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Dual Path Communicator

Honeywell LTEM-XV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Cat M1 Communicator for VISTA
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Cellular Alarm Communicators

Honeywell LTE-XV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Cellular Communicator

Telguard TG-1 Express
AT&T 3G Universal Cellular Alarm Communicator

Honeywell GSMV4G
AlarmNet Cellular Alarm Monitoring Communicator
AT&T LTE Cellular Communicators

Honeywell LTE-IA
AlarmNet AT&T LTE Dual Path Communicator

Honeywell LTE-XA
AlarmNet AT&T LTE Cellular Communicator

Honeywell LTEM-XA
AlarmNet AT&T LTE Cat M1 Communicator for VISTA
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Dual-Path Alarm Communicators

Honeywell LTE-IA
AlarmNet AT&T LTE Dual Path Communicator

Honeywell LTE-IV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Dual Path Communicator

Honeywell iGSMV4G
Honeywell Dual Path Alarm Monitoring Communicator
Outdoor Cameras

Honeywell IPCAM-WO
Outdoor IP Security Camera
Universal Alarm Communicators

Telguard TG-1 Express
AT&T 3G Universal Cellular Alarm Communicator
Outdoor Sirens and Strobe Lights

Amseco SSX-52S
Weatherproof Alarm Siren with Strobe
Wired Shock Sensors
Wired Garage Door Alarm Sensors
Wired Environmental Sensors

Winland EA200
EnviroAlert Dual Zone Digital Environmental Alarm
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Temperature Sensors

Winland EA200
EnviroAlert Dual Zone Digital Environmental Alarm
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Wired Smoke Detectors
Wired Heat Detectors
2-Wire Smoke Detectors
2-Wire Heat Detectors

UltraTech IM-1250F1
Alarm Control Panel Battery Backup 12V 5.0Ah
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LTE Cellular Communicators

Resideo LTEMPV-TC2
Dual Path Verizon LTE Cat M1 Communicator, Total Connect 2.0 Upgrade Kit
List Price:
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Resideo LTEMPA-TC2
Dual Path AT&T LTE Cat M1 Communicator, Total Connect 2.0 Upgrade Kit
List Price:
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