Honeywell VISTA-20P Compatible Products

Wireless Peripheral Sensors

Honeywell 5800RP - Wireless Repeater
Honeywell 5800RP
Wireless Repeater
List Price: $188.00
Our Price: $132.99
Honeywell 5800TM - Wireless Transmitter Module
Honeywell 5800TM
Wireless Transmitter Module

Wireless Repeaters

Honeywell 5800RP - Wireless Repeater
Honeywell 5800RP
Wireless Repeater
List Price: $188.00
Our Price: $132.99

Home Automation Controllers

Honeywell Tuxedo Touch WIFI - Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Honeywell Tuxedo Touch WIFI
Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Honeywell Tuxedo Touch - Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Honeywell Tuxedo Touch
Talking Color Graphic Wired Touchscreen Alarm Keypad

Wired Alarm Keypads

Honeywell Tuxedo Touch WIFI - Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Honeywell Tuxedo Touch WIFI
Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Honeywell 6280S - Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad (silver)
Honeywell 6280
Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Honeywell 6160 - Alphanumeric Alarm Keypad
Honeywell 6160
VISTA Series Alphanumeric Alarm Keypad
List Price: $214.00
Our Price: $150.99

Wired Touchscreen Keypads

Honeywell Tuxedo Touch WIFI - Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Honeywell Tuxedo Touch WIFI
Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Honeywell 6280S - Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad (silver)
Honeywell 6280
Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Honeywell Tuxedo Touch - Talking Color Graphic Touchscreen Alarm Keypad
Honeywell Tuxedo Touch
Talking Color Graphic Wired Touchscreen Alarm Keypad

Wireless Receivers

Honeywell 5881ENH - Unlimited Zone Wireless Receiver
Honeywell 5881ENH
Unlimited Zone Wireless Receiver
List Price: $240.00
Our Price: $169.99
Honeywell 5881ENHC - Commercial Wireless Receiver
Honeywell 5881ENHC
Commercial Wireless Receiver
List Price: $432.00
Our Price: $302.99
Honeywell 5800TM - Wireless Transmitter Module
Honeywell 5800TM
Wireless Transmitter Module

Pet Friendly Motion Detecting Sensors

Honeywell Aurora - Pet Immune Motion Detector
Honeywell Aurora
Pet Immune Motion Detector
Honeywell DT7435 - DUAL TEC Motion Detector
Honeywell DT7435
DUAL TEC Motion Detector
Honeywell IS2535 - Pet Immune Motion Detector
Honeywell IS2535
Pet Immune Motion Detector

Passive Infrared Motion Detecting Sensors

Honeywell Aurora - Pet Immune Motion Detector
Honeywell Aurora
Pet Immune Motion Detector
Honeywell IS25100TC - Long Range PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS25100TC
Long Range PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS280CM - Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS280CM
Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Detector

Wired Motion Detecting Sensors

Honeywell Aurora - Pet Immune Motion Detector
Honeywell Aurora
Pet Immune Motion Detector
Honeywell IS25100TC - Long Range PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS25100TC
Long Range PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS280CM - Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS280CM
Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Detector

Wired Peripheral Sensors

Honeywell Aurora - Pet Immune Motion Detector
Honeywell Aurora
Pet Immune Motion Detector
Honeywell IS25100TC - Long Range PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS25100TC
Long Range PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS280CM - Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS280CM
Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Detector

Long Range PIR Motion Detecting Sensors

Honeywell IS25100TC - Long Range PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS25100TC
Long Range PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS215T - PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS215T
Long-range Motion Detecting Wired PIR Sensor
Honeywell IS216 - PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell IS216
PIR Motion Detector

Security Camera Systems

Honeywell WAP-PLUS - Wireless Access Point
Honeywell WAP-PLUS
Wireless Access Point
Honeywell ACU - Analog Converter Unit
Honeywell ACU
Analog Converter Unit
Honeywell IPCAM-WI2 - Fixed IP Security Camera
Honeywell IPCAM-WI2
Fixed IP Security Camera

Security Cameras

Honeywell WAP-PLUS - Wireless Access Point
Honeywell WAP-PLUS
Wireless Access Point
Honeywell ACU - Analog Converter Unit
Honeywell ACU
Analog Converter Unit

Internet Alarm Communicators

Honeywell 7847i - AlarmNet Internet Alarm Monitoring Communicator
Honeywell 7847i
AlarmNet Internet Alarm Monitoring Communicator
Honeywell LTE-IA - AlarmNet AT&T LTE Dual Path Communicator
Honeywell LTE-IA
AlarmNet AT&T LTE Dual Path Communicator
Honeywell LTE-IV - AlarmNet Verizon LTE Dual Path Communicator
Honeywell LTE-IV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Dual Path Communicator

Wired Alarm Strobes

Honeywell 710CL - Clear Strobe Warning Light
Honeywell 710
Strobe Warning Light
Amseco SSX-52S - Weatherproof Alarm Siren with Strobe
Amseco SSX-52S
Weatherproof Alarm Siren with Strobe

Glass Break Simulators

Honeywell FG701 - Glass Break Simulator
Honeywell FG701
Glass Break Simulator
List Price: $106.00
Our Price: $75.99

Wired Glass Break Detectors

Honeywell FG730 - Dual Tec Glass Break Detector
Honeywell FG730
Dual Tec Glass Break Detector
List Price: $128.00
Our Price: $90.99
Honeywell FG1625R - Round Glass Break Detector
Honeywell FG1625R
Round Glass Break Detector
List Price: $100.00
Our Price: $71.99
Honeywell FG1625 - Glass Break Detector
Honeywell FG1625
Glass Break Detector
List Price: $70.00
Our Price: $50.99

Wired Door & Window Alarm Contacts

Honeywell 944TWH - 3/8” Diameter Recessed Contact with Screw Terminals (N)
Honeywell 944T
3/8” Diameter Recessed Contact with Screw Terminals
List Price: $8.00
Our Price: $6.99
Honeywell 944SP-WH - 3/4” Diameter Recessed Contact with Leads
Honeywell 944SP
3/4” Diameter Recessed Contact with Leads
List Price: $12.00
Our Price: $9.99
Honeywell 947-75 White - 3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
Honeywell 947-75
3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
List Price: $14.00
Our Price: $11.99

Recessed Door/Window Alarm Sensors

Honeywell 944TWH - 3/8” Diameter Recessed Contact with Screw Terminals (N)
Honeywell 944T
3/8” Diameter Recessed Contact with Screw Terminals
List Price: $8.00
Our Price: $6.99
Honeywell 944SP-WH - 3/4” Diameter Recessed Contact with Leads
Honeywell 944SP
3/4” Diameter Recessed Contact with Leads
List Price: $12.00
Our Price: $9.99
Honeywell 947-75 White - 3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
Honeywell 947-75
3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
List Price: $14.00
Our Price: $11.99

Wired Recessed Door/Window Sensors

Honeywell 944TWH - 3/8” Diameter Recessed Contact with Screw Terminals (N)
Honeywell 944T
3/8” Diameter Recessed Contact with Screw Terminals
List Price: $8.00
Our Price: $6.99
Honeywell 944SP-WH - 3/4” Diameter Recessed Contact with Leads
Honeywell 944SP
3/4” Diameter Recessed Contact with Leads
List Price: $12.00
Our Price: $9.99
Honeywell 947-75 White - 3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
Honeywell 947-75
3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
List Price: $14.00
Our Price: $11.99

360-Degree Wired Motion Sensors

Honeywell 997 - Exterior of Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Detector
Honeywell 997
360° Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Detector
List Price: $100.00
Our Price: $71.99

Wired Alarm Sirens

Honeywell 747PD - Two-Tone Piezo Dynamic Indoor Siren
Honeywell 747PD
Two-Tone Piezo Dynamic Indoor Siren
List Price: $40.00
Our Price: $29.99
Honeywell 748 - Dual-Tone Siren
Honeywell 748
Dual-Tone Siren
List Price: $28.00
Our Price: $24.99
Honeywell 747 - Self Contained Indoor Siren
Honeywell 747
Self Contained Indoor Siren
List Price: $36.00
Our Price: $26.99

Wired Door Alarm Sensors

Honeywell 947-75 White - 3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
Honeywell 947-75
3/4” Diameter Steel Door Recessed Contact with Leads
List Price: $14.00
Our Price: $11.99
Honeywell MPS51C - Overhead Door Contact
Honeywell MPS51C
Overhead Door Contact
Honeywell MPS52 - Overhead Door Contact
Honeywell MPS52
Overhead Door Contact

Alarm Sensor Magnets

Honeywell PAL-M-WM - Magnet for PAL-T Surface Mount Contact
Honeywell PAL-M
Magnet for PAL-T Surface Mount Contact
Honeywell 7945BR-M - Brown Magnet for XTP 7945 Surface Mount Magnetic Contact with Leads
Honeywell 7945BR-M
Brown Magnet for XTP 7945 Surface Mount Magnetic Contact with Leads
Honeywell 7945GY-M - Grey Magnet for XTP 7945 Surface Mount Magnetic Contact with Leads
Honeywell 7945GY-M
Grey Magnet for XTP 7945 Surface Mount Magnetic Contact with Leads

Power Supplies

Honeywell 1361-GT - AC Transformer 16.5VAC, 40VA
Honeywell 1361-GT
AC Transformer 16.5VAC, 40VA
List Price: $34.00
Our Price: $24.99
Honeywell AD25624 - Auxiliary Power Supply
Honeywell AD25624
Auxiliary Power Supply
Honeywell AD12612 Auxiliary Power Supply
Honeywell AD12612
Auxiliary Power Supply
List Price: $40.00
Our Price: $29.99

Alarm System Transformers

Honeywell 1361-GT - AC Transformer 16.5VAC, 40VA
Honeywell 1361-GT
AC Transformer 16.5VAC, 40VA
List Price: $34.00
Our Price: $24.99
DSC PTD1640U - AC Transformer 16.5VAC, 40VA
AC Transformer 16.5VAC, 40VA
List Price: $19.00
Our Price: $17.99
Honeywell 1321 - AC Transformer 16.5VAC, 25VA
Honeywell 1321
AC Transformer 16.5VAC, 25VA
List Price: $32.00
Our Price: $24.99

Dual Tech Motion Detecting Sensors

Honeywell DT7435 - DUAL TEC Motion Detector
Honeywell DT7435
DUAL TEC Motion Detector

Verizon LTE Cellular Communicators

Honeywell LTE-XV - AlarmNet Verizon LTE Cellular Communicator
Honeywell LTE-XV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Cellular Communicator
Honeywell LTE-IV - AlarmNet Verizon LTE Dual Path Communicator
Honeywell LTE-IV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Dual Path Communicator
Honeywell LTEM-XV - AlarmNet Verizon LTE Cat M1 Communicator for VISTA
Honeywell LTEM-XV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Cat M1 Communicator for VISTA
List Price: $218.00
Our Price: $135.99

Cellular Alarm Communicators

Honeywell LTE-XV - AlarmNet Verizon LTE Cellular Communicator
Honeywell LTE-XV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Cellular Communicator
Telular TG-1 Express - 3G Universal Cellular Alarm Communicator
Telguard TG-1 Express
AT&T 3G Universal Cellular Alarm Communicator
Honeywell GSMV4G - AlarmNet Cellular Alarm Monitoring Communicator
Honeywell GSMV4G
AlarmNet Cellular Alarm Monitoring Communicator

AT&T LTE Cellular Communicators

Honeywell LTE-IA - AlarmNet AT&T LTE Dual Path Communicator
Honeywell LTE-IA
AlarmNet AT&T LTE Dual Path Communicator
Honeywell LTE-XA - AlarmNet AT&T LTE Cellular Communicator
Honeywell LTE-XA
AlarmNet AT&T LTE Cellular Communicator
Honeywell LTEM-XA - AlarmNet AT&T LTE Cat M1 Communicator for VISTA
Honeywell LTEM-XA
AlarmNet AT&T LTE Cat M1 Communicator for VISTA
List Price: $216.00
Our Price: $134.99

Dual-Path Alarm Communicators

Honeywell LTE-IA - AlarmNet AT&T LTE Dual Path Communicator
Honeywell LTE-IA
AlarmNet AT&T LTE Dual Path Communicator
Honeywell LTE-IV - AlarmNet Verizon LTE Dual Path Communicator
Honeywell LTE-IV
AlarmNet Verizon LTE Dual Path Communicator
Honeywell iGSMV4G Honeywell Dual Path Alarm Monitoring Communicator
Honeywell iGSMV4G
Honeywell Dual Path Alarm Monitoring Communicator

Outdoor Cameras

Honeywell IPCAM-WO - Outdoor IP Security Camera
Honeywell IPCAM-WO
Outdoor IP Security Camera

Universal Alarm Communicators

Telular TG-1 Express - 3G Universal Cellular Alarm Communicator
Telguard TG-1 Express
AT&T 3G Universal Cellular Alarm Communicator

Outdoor Sirens and Strobe Lights

Amseco SSX-52S - Weatherproof Alarm Siren with Strobe
Amseco SSX-52S
Weatherproof Alarm Siren with Strobe
WBOX 0E-OUTDSIREN - 120 dB Wired, Outdoor Siren (C) WBOX
120 dB Wired, Outdoor Siren
List Price: $92.00
Our Price: $66.99

Wired Shock Sensors

Honeywell ASC-SS1 - Glass Break Shock Sensor
Honeywell ASC-SS1
Glass Break Shock Sensor
List Price: $34.00
Our Price: $24.99

Wired Garage Door Alarm Sensors

Honeywell 959 - XTP Overhead Door Contact
Honeywell 959
XTP Overhead Door Contact
List Price: $52.00
Our Price: $38.99
Honeywell 958-2 - Overhead Door Contact
Honeywell 958-2
Overhead Door Contact
List Price: $64.00
Our Price: $45.99
Honeywell 958 - Overhead Door Magnetic Contact
Honeywell 958
Overhead Door Magnetic Contact
List Price: $34.00
Our Price: $25.99

Wired Environmental Sensors

Winland EA200 - EnviroAlert Dual Zone Digital Environmental Alarm
Winland EA200
EnviroAlert Dual Zone Digital Environmental Alarm
List Price: $224.00
Our Price: $157.99
Winland TEMP-L-W - Waterproof Low Temperature Sensor
Winland TEMP-L-W
Waterproof Low Temperature Sensor
List Price: $90.00
Our Price: $64.99

Temperature Sensors

Winland EA200 - EnviroAlert Dual Zone Digital Environmental Alarm
Winland EA200
EnviroAlert Dual Zone Digital Environmental Alarm
List Price: $224.00
Our Price: $157.99
Winland TEMP-L-W - Waterproof Low Temperature Sensor
Winland TEMP-L-W
Waterproof Low Temperature Sensor
List Price: $90.00
Our Price: $64.99

Wired Smoke Detectors

System Sensor 2W-B - 2-Wire Smoke Detector
System Sensor 2W-B
2-Wire Smoke Detector
List Price: $94.00
Our Price: $62.99

Wired Heat Detectors

System Sensor 2W-B - 2-Wire Smoke Detector
System Sensor 2W-B
2-Wire Smoke Detector
List Price: $94.00
Our Price: $62.99

2-Wire Smoke Detectors

System Sensor 2W-B - 2-Wire Smoke Detector
System Sensor 2W-B
2-Wire Smoke Detector
List Price: $94.00
Our Price: $62.99

2-Wire Heat Detectors

System Sensor 2W-B - 2-Wire Smoke Detector
System Sensor 2W-B
2-Wire Smoke Detector
List Price: $94.00
Our Price: $62.99


UltraTech 1240 Alarm Control Panel Battery Backup 12V 4.5Ah
UltraTech IM-1250F1
Alarm Control Panel Battery Backup 12V 5.0Ah
List Price: $32.00
Our Price: $24.99

LTE Cellular Communicators

Resideo LTEMPV-TC2 - Dual Path Verizon LTE Cat M1 Communicator, Total Connect 2.0 Upgrade Kit
Resideo LTEMPV-TC2
Dual Path Verizon LTE Cat M1 Communicator, Total Connect 2.0 Upgrade Kit
List Price: $266.00
Our Price: $157.99
Resideo LTEMPA-TC22 - Dual Path AT&T LTE Cat M1 Communicator, Total Connect 2.0 Upgrade Kit
Resideo LTEMPA-TC2
Dual Path AT&T LTE Cat M1 Communicator, Total Connect 2.0 Upgrade Kit
List Price: $266.00
Our Price: $157.99

Honeywell VISTA-20P

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