Permanently Extending the Exit Delay Time On IQ2
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Permanently Extending the Exit Delay Time On IQ2
[MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, DIYers. This is Michael from Alarm Grid. And today, I'm going to be showing you how to permanently extend the exit delay time on a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 or Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus security system. Now, the exit delay, it's a countdown for when you arm your system away, to make sure that you and everyone else in the building leaves. So that way, you do not set off an alarm by mistake. It's an important false alarm prevention tool. Because if you have someone moving around the building, then they're prone to setting off an interior sensor. When the system's armed away, there's supposed to be nobody in the building. So it counts down to let you and others know that you need to leave as soon as possible. And if you find that your exit delay isn't giving you enough time-- you're scrambling, really rushing around, trying to make sure you get out before it counts down completely-- then you might consider extending the exit delay, which is what I'm going to show you here today. For a permanent extension every time you arm, these changes will be applied. Just to show you what the exit delay looks like originally, we have our Arm Away option. And in our case, our exit delay is set to 60 seconds. So that's what our exit delay is. But so we have to leave in 60 seconds or less, or we risk setting off an alarm on our system. So we'll press the X to cancel our arming session. So let's say that 60 seconds wasn't enough for us. So I'm going to go through the complete exit delay settings and just show you what they look like, how you access them, what they mean. And so we're at our main screen of our IQ panel 2 here. We're going to press the small gray bar at the top. We're going to choose Settings. We're going to choose Advanced Settings. And then we're going to enter our installer code, which ours is at the default-- 1, 1, 1, 1. And then we're going to go to Installation, and we're going to go to Security and Arming. And we're going to scroll all the way down to the bottom. And you see our delay timers. This is where the exit delay settings are. Now, you have a normal exit delay and a long exit delay, OK? In our case, ours was 60 seconds. We were using the normal exit delay. I'm actually going to show you how we would activate it. So we would use the long exit delay, just for fun. The difference is, you get the normal exit delay when you have at least one sensor programmed with the system, and none of those sensors are set to sensor group 12 for the long entry exit. That's the sensor group 12. So we didn't have any on sensor group 12. But what I'm going to do, I'm going to move a sensor over to sensor group 12, so I can show you how it would activate the long exit delay. And interestingly, you could actually have this less than the normal exit delay, if you wanted to. The normal exit delay is going to become irrelevant, once we put a sensor on sensor group 12. I'm going to set it for 20 seconds. And actually, I'm not going to able to do that, because it only allows you to go down to-- I believe 45 seconds is the minimum here. Let me see this here. If I go all the way through, it goes up to 254. I'm just scrolling through it here. The reason it's not going to let me do a smaller number is because I have SIA Limits enabled on the panel. You can see I can't do anything less than 45, OK? That's for false alarm prevention, the Security Industry Association puts in those mandates to prevent false alarms. But let's say I wanted to override that, OK? Say, I wanted to make it 20 seconds. So what I could do, I could back out, and I could go to Installer Settings right there. I didn't mean to press the account number there. But if I scroll down a little bit, you'll see I get SIA Limits under General. Remember, this is in Installer Settings. And so we're going to disable that right there. We're going to uncheck the box. And now, the system is not confirming to SIA regulations. So if I go back into the Security and Arming screen, and I go back down to Timers here, you'll be able to see that I can now set it to a lower value. Now, we usually recommend giving yourself ample time for an exit delay. So that way, you do not cause any false alarms. These are important false alarm prevention tools. But we'll set ours to 20 seconds, just for demonstration purposes. And one last thing I have to do to show you how you get the system onto the long exit delay period-- we have to put a sensor onto sensor group 12. So we have a sensor here. It's in group 10. It's just a door and window contact. And if we set it to the sensor group to 12, Entry Exit, Long Delay, and we save the changes, then the next time I go to arm, it's going to give us the long, quote, unquote long, exit delay, even though it's shorter than the normal exit delay. The normal exit delay's irrelevant now. It's always going to use the long exit delay. So if you have a sensor on sensor group 12, or if you don't have any sensors at all enrolled with the system, you'll also get the long exit delay. But we'll return home. We've changed all our settings. Everything saved. And you see when I arm, it's going to give us 20 seconds, just 20 seconds. So we'll have to get out of here really quickly. And that's all we get. Now, if I wanted to extend it, because 20 seconds isn't a lot of time, we're running out of time here, then we could press this Plus 60 button to manually extend the exit delay countdown, just for this one arming session. The next time we arm, it's just going to give us 20 seconds again. That's a one-time deal to get that plus 60 to manually extend. So you see it gives this 20 again. But if you want to permanently change your exit delays, then you need to go into those settings and change either the normal exit delay, or the long exit delay, based on what you're using. At first, we were using the normal. And then we showed you how you would get the long exit delay. And changing those in programming, that will permanently change your exit delay so that, every time you go to arm your system, you'll have enough time to get out-- make sure your family gets out or your co-workers when you go to arm away. So that way, you don't cause any false alarms in your system. We take false alarms very seriously. We do want to prevent them. We don't want to waste the resources of local authorities, so always make sure you set your exit delays correctly. So that's how you permanently change the exit delays on your Qolsys IQ panel 2 or Qolsys IQ panel 2 Plus security system. If you have any questions about exit delays, or false alarm prevention, or about the IQ Panel 2, or about alarm monitoring services, send an email to If you found this video helpful, make sure to give it a thumbs up below, to like the video. And remember to subscribe to our channel for updates on future videos. We hope you enjoyed the video. Thank you.
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