Properly Closing the Qolsys IQ Panel 2
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In this video, Michael from Alarm Grid shows you how to properly close the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus Security System. The trick to closing the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 is ...
[MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, DIYers. This is Michael from Alarm Grid. And today, I'm going to be showing you how to properly close a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 or a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus security system. The Qolsys IQ Panel 2 is a wireless all-in-one security system. It has built-in Wi-Fi, a built-in LTE cellular communicator. And the RF receivers are built in. And they don't sell separate data cards to change out the receiver. So there's very little reason to ever have to open up the IQ Panel 2. You can even access the barrel connector for providing power, without having to open it up. There, they have a convenient little slot to put it in. I'll show you a little bit more later. But the really only reason you would have to open up the IQ 2 is because you're replacing the backup battery, which you need to replace the backup battery every few years, because the battery will lose its ability to store a charge. And you'll have to swap in a new battery. So that's the main reason why you would open up the IQ Panel 2. And when you do open it up, you would close it afterwards. And a lot of people struggle to close it. It's actually a very tricky system to close. So we're going to try and demonstrate that for you today. And if you can't get it closed, then there is an option to disable the tamper cover. So if you really just can't get it closed, then we'll show you how to do that. When you do have the system open, every 30 minutes, assuming you have the tamper cover enabled, it will make kind of a strange sound. It sounds like a mechanical type of sound. You might think it's a communicator issue. But really, it's just the system letting you know that the tamper cover is open. And you're going to get that sound every 30 minutes on the dot. So a lot of people just live with the sound. It's really not a problem, if you have it. We're going to show you how to disable it towards the end of this video. But if you do want to get the sound to stop properly, then you have to properly close the system. So we're going to show you that today. We're going to show you both how you would close the system when you have it mounted on a wall, and if you have it on a table, we're going to show you a flat mount to how to properly close it. So first, let's get started by showing you how to close the system when it's wall mounted. So we have our Qolsys IQ panel 2 system here. And we're going to start by opening it up, just to get the first tab, and then the bottom tab. And it does let us know that the panel has been tampered. So what Qolsys recommends, they recommend putting the system at a 45 degree angle on the top part. There are four tabs on the top, by the way, and two tabs on the bottom. And you want to just have it like at approximately a 45 degree angle. And you can wiggle it around to where it feels right. Want to make sure we get the antenna going through the back plate fully, OK? And then so we have this mostly aligned. And we're going to just do the bottom, and then we do the top up there. And that's how you close the IQ Panel 2 when it's wall mounted. So now, we're going to show you how you would open the IQ 2 if you have it resting on a table or a desk-- how to properly close it. So we have the two tabs at the bottom. This is how we can open the IQ 2. So we're going to press in the tabs. You have to use a little bit of force here. And there we go. We've got the first one. And then we just press in the second one, and the IQ 2 is open. And then to close it, so we're going to do what Qolsys recommends. First, we're going to stick the antenna through the back plate and evertying. And so we have the four tabs. You see the four tabs on the back plate, and they're going to be positioned on the panel at a roughly 45 degree angle. Get them aligned properly, like so. And then, make sure everything's out of there. As we did that, we lost the tab position there. But we're going to get them back. And so we got that. Then we click the bottom into place. And one, two. And then just make sure the top tabs are good, and the system is closed. So if you find that you just can't get your IQ Panel 2 to close, and you really just want the tamper sound to stop, then you do have the option of disabling the tamper cover feature. This means that the system won't provide a notification if anyone opens up the panel. But it can be a good last resort if you really just can't get it closed, you just want the sound to stop, you just want an easy fix, then this is what you can do. So we're at the main screen of our Qolsys IQ Panel 2. We're going to click the small gray bar at the top of the screen, and we're going to choose Settings. We're going to choose Advanced Settings, and then we're going to enter in our installer code, which ours is at the default of 1, 1, 1, 1. We're going to choose Installation, and we're going to go to Security and Arming. And then, you see the panel tamper feature right here. It says Panel tamper is enabled. If I uncheck this box-- it's a toggle box, and we just want to be without the check mark in there-- and then it says Panel tamper is disabled. Now, the system will ignore if we open up the system, if we open up the panel. And it also won't provide that sound every 30 minutes, that weird mechanical sound. So that's how you can disable the tamper cover and stop the sound from occurring, if you just can't get your IQ Panel 2 to close. A lot of people do this just because it is a tricky system to close. Sometimes, you just can't get it right. So you can do this. And then you can just return to the home screen by pressing the house at the bottom. And then you're back at the main screen. So that's how you properly close the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 or IQ Panel 2 Plus security system and also how you disable the tamper cover feature, if you just can't get it to close. [BEEPING] Thanks, GC3e. OK. [LAUGHS] If you have any questions about the IQ Panel 2 or IQ Panel 2 Plus security system, send an email to If you found this video helpful, make sure to give it a thumbs up below to like the video. And remember to subscribe to our channel for updates on future videos. We hope you enjoyed the video. Thank you.
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