Secure Arming On The Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus
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In this video, Michael from Alarm Grid discusses the Secure Arming feature on the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus. This feature is also found on the original IQ Panel 2. When Secure Arming is enabled, a user must enter a valid user code or the Master Code when they go to arm their system.
The user must also provide a valid user code if they go to cancel an arming session early by pressing the red X button during the Exit Delay countdown. The Secure Arming feature is disabled by default on the system. A user must enable the feature within the Security & Arming Menu if they want to use it.
Most users elect to keep the Secure Arming feature disabled, as it only slows them down when they go to arm their system. But some users choose to enable the feature to prevent accidental system arming. A common reasoning is that they have small children who may get into the security system and accidentally arm it. Requiring a code entry through secure arming can prevent this situation.
It is important to note that the Installer Code and Dealer Code cannot be used to initiate a secure arming session. Only the Master Code and valid user codes can be used to initiate an arming session when secure arming is enabled. You should make sure that everyone who is permitted to use the system knows a valid code. This is especially important if you enable secure arming, as they will not be able to cancel the arming session during the Exit Delay countdown without a valid code.
Remember that you will need the system's Installer Code or Dealer Code to access the Security & Arming Menu to enable or disable the feature. The default Installer Code is 1111, while the default Dealer Code is 2222.
Hi, DIYers. This is Michael from Alarm Grid. And today, I'm going to be explaining what secure arming is on the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 security system. And this also applies to the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus security system. Now secure arming, if you have this feature enabled then whenever you go to arm your system, whether you Arm Stay or Arm Away, you will need to provide a valid user code before it will allow you to arm the system. You can't use the installer code or the dealer code for this purpose. You have to use the master code or any other valid user code and then it will allow you to arm. In addition, if you go to cancel the arming session while it's still in the exit delay countdown after your Arming Away, you'll, again, have to provide a valid code. You won't just be able to press the x. You press the x to initiate the cancel, but then you have to confirm by entering a code. Normally, it would just cancel right away not requiring you to enter a code. Now most users, they don't want this feature enabled. Really, all it does is slow you down. It gets in the way a little bit, makes it a little-- I mean, not harder to arm your system, but it just takes a little bit more time. So most users just prefer to keep it disabled, which it is by default. Default setting for the IQ 2 for secure arming is to have it disabled. Some users do want it enabled, though. Usually, a common reason is because they might have small children who might get into the security system and they might accidentally arm the system. So you put in this code to prevent them from doing that. You can enable this feature. So I'm going to show you right now. Right now we don't have the feature enabled. And so I'm going to show you when I go to arm the system-- Select arm system type. Arm Stay. I can choose Arm Stay and it allows me to immediately arm without having to do anything. It's only when I go to disarm the system that it's going to make me enter in a code. So our master code is at the default, 1 2 3 4. System is now disarmed. And the system disarms. And again, usually you'll change your master code from the default for security purposes. But I'll also show you Arm Away. Select arm system type. Away mode selected. Again, it doesn't require me to enter a code. It just allows me to do it. And when I press x, again it allows me to cancel the arming session without having to provide a code. But now I'm going to show you what happens if you enable a feature. It's going to require me to enter a code whenever I arm and if I try to cancel it. So we're at the main screen of the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 right here. And we're going to click the gray bar at the top and we're going to choose Settings. We're going to choose Advanced Settings. Enter user code. And then we're going to enter in our installer code, which ours are at the default of 1 1 1 1. And we're going to choose Installation. We're going to choose Security and Arming. And we're going to go down to Secure Arming right there under the Arming subsection and we're going to the box. And then it's saved just like that. We can go back to the home screen by pressing the house at the bottom. And you're going to see that when I try to arm the system this time, it's going to make me enter a code. And I'm going to demonstrate that the installer code won't work. I'm going to try to do that. It's going to say invalid and then I'll do it using the master just to demonstrate. So we'll try. Select arm system type. We'll try arming stay. Stay mode selected. And as you can see, the keypad comes up. It makes me enter a code. And I can't use the installer code for this purpose. Invalid user code. Please reenter a valid user code. You just saw that it allowed me to get into programming with this code, but I can't use this for secure arming. So I have to enter in a valid user code like the master code, which ours is at the default, 1 2 3 4. Arm Stay. And then it does allow me to arm the system. So we're going to just disarm real quick. System is now disarmed. And now I'm going to show you when we Arm Away. When I Arm Away, I'm going to try to cancel during the exit delay countdown and it's going to require me to enter in a code again. Just to demonstrate. Select arm system type. Away mode selected. Same thing as before, it makes me enter in a code. And then let's say I realized, oh, wait, I don't want my system right now. I want to cancel. So I'm going to press the x, but this time it makes me enter in a code. Before it didn't do that. So we're just going to enter in our master code here. And just like that it canceled the arming session. So that's how you use the secure arming feature on the Qolsys IQ Panel 2. That's how you enable it and what happens when it is enabled. It's great if you have children or someone who might get into the system and arm it accidentally. It's a good way to prevent false alarms, prevent accidental arming. It can really come in handy in that regard. If you think it just slows you down then you don't have to enable it. It's optional. But that's how you would enable the secure arming feature on the Qolsys IQ Panel 2. If you have any questions about secure arming, or about the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 system, or about alarm monitoring, send an email to We'd love to help you out. If you find this video helpful, make sure to give it a thumbs up below to like the video. And remember to subscribe to our channel for updates on future videos. We hope you enjoyed the video. Thank you.
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