Setting Up WIFI & Cell on a Qolsys IQ Panel 2
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In this video, Jorge from Alarm Grid shows you how to set up WIFI and cellular communication for a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus System. The system must have an active communication path for communicating with Per requirements, a cellular communication path must be properly configured.
The Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus comes with both a WIFI card and an LTE cellular communicator built right in. This means that the system can be set up for dual-path communication right out of the box. Setting up the cellular communication path is required due to requirements mandated by Getting the system connected with a WIFI network is technically optional, but most users will go ahead and do it because it does not cost extra to get the system connected through both cellular and WIFI. And since most users will have WIFI in their homes and businesses, it just makes sense to get the panel on both WIFI and cellular.
When a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus System set up for dual-path communication needs to communicate with, it will send out signals across both communication paths. Whichever signal reaches the Servers first will automatically go through, while the other signal will be automatically discarded. This prevents the command from being triggered twice. As long as one signal reaches the Servers, the command will go through as intended. In most cases, the WIFI signal will reach the intended destination first. This is because WIFI is usually a little bit faster than cellular. However, cellular communication is typically seen as the more reliable and consistent option. This is because internet outages are relatively common, and an internet outage will take the system offline. But if the system has a cellular communication path set up, as is required for, then it will be okay because the system will still be able to successfully send out signals through a cellular network.
Hi, DIY-ers. I'm Jorge from AlarmGrid. Today, I'm going to be going over whether or not you can setup Wi-Fi as a primary communication path and cellular as a backup communication path on the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 and the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus. So to start off, the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 actually comes with the Wi-Fi communicator built in and the cellular communicator built in, whether it's AT&T or Verizon. And when you have the system monitored, what the system actually does, unlike most systems that use Wi-Fi as a primary and then cellular as a backup just because Wi-Fi is always going to be faster, what the IQ 2 and the IQ 2 Plus actually do is they send out the signal simultaneously on both paths. So the signal, whenever, let's say an alarm goes off, a door opens, any signal that is sent out by the panel, it's sent out through both the Wi-Fi and through the cellular path at the same time. Whichever one receives first, that's the one that it's going to use. So basically, whatever signal loses, whatever signal comes in last, is just going to be discarded, it's going to be ignored by the servers because it already received the signal on either the Wi-Fi or cellular path, depending on which one you do. Now generally speaking, Wi-Fi is still always going to be the fastest path. Wi-Fi is pretty much always going to be faster than cellular. However, with the new LTE cellular towers, sometimes LTE might be a little faster than Wi-Fi if you have slow Wi-Fi in your house. So again, it's just whatever signal that receives first, that's the signal it will use. And in order to get your Panel actually signaling to, you do have to have an active monitoring plan. You can't simply just power the system on and expect it to start signaling over to The system does need to be activated by a monitoring company, and they're the ones that actually need to create the account for your IQ 2 or your IQ 2 Plus on the servers. And that way, then your panel has something to send the signals to. And then if you're being monitored, self-monitored, the signals may be forwarded to a central station, and then you may be called whenever there's an alarm, et cetera, et cetera. Now, if you are going to be using the Wi-Fi on the IQ 2 Plus, you do need to make sure that you have your master code, your installer code, or your dealer code. These are the two codes required to set up the Wi-Fi on the system. The system pretty much, it just connects to your Wi-Fi network. If you don't have it connected to your Wi-Fi network, then the system will just use a cellular connection. Vise versa, if you don't have a cellular connection where you're at, your system will just use Wi-Fi. But keep in mind, if you're getting the IQ 2 or the IQ 2 Plus, you're going to want to make sure you get the one that has the best cellular connection in your area. If not, you may just want to get a-- if you don't have any cellular connection in your area, you may want to think about getting just a system that will work only on Wi-Fi. There are other systems out there where if you don't have cellular connection in your area, you may want to look into getting a system that will work on Wi-Fi only, like a Honeywell system. But again, the IQ 2 Plus comes with cellular, comes with Wi-Fi already built in. You just have to make sure you get it activated with the correct company and that they enable both pass for you. You can run it on cellular only if you don't have Wi-Fi at the house. That's perfectly fine. You just want to make sure that you have good signal. If you have minimum signal in your house, another thing you guys can possibly do is get a cellular amplifier for the house. Cellular amplifier will actually increase the cell signal strength, not just for your system, but for your personal cell phones or anything else that's using cellular towers or cellular service in your house. Cellular amplifiers are really, really great to do and I've always seen great improvements in cell signal, in the signal strength when somebody uses one in their house. So it's just something to keep in mind. If you guys have any questions about configuring your IQ 2 or your IQ 2 Plus on Wi-Fi, on cellular, if you have questions on getting it activated with, please send us an email to If you found the video helpful, make sure you hit Like underneath, subscribe to the YouTube channel, and enable the little bell icon so that you can turn on the notifications, so when we upload new content, you guys get notified. I'm Jorge, and I'll see you guys next time.
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