Black Friday 2022 Is Here! All Our Deals in One Place

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Hey everyone! Today is "Black Friday," and we have some great deals for you! We have a smattering of stuff we're putting on sale from today until Monday. And below is the list! Don't miss these deals, because they go away as soon as Monday is in the books.

Every order over $50 is getting 5% off!!!!!

All you have to do is fill your cart up, and the discount should be applied.

Garage Door Z-Wave Controllers are $32 off right now (44% off)

Ok, 44% might seem like an arbitrary number to mark something down. But it's not. It's basically as cheap as we're able to put these garage door sensors before we make absolutely nothing on them. We have lots of them, and we want to get rid of them. If you have a LYNXTouch, and you want to add garage door control to your alarm system, there has never been a better time than now!

Buy the 5877GDPK today!

All ProSiX Heat & Smokes are Marked Down $5

Truth, we should have offered you smokes and heats before you cooked that turkey yesterday. That is one of the highest fire-risk days of the year. But you're going to cook a turkey next year too. And not just that, but what about the rest of the days of the year. Protect everything that's precious to you with Alarm Grid's fire safety devices. We just really want all our customers to add smokes and heats to their systems. It costs nothing extra to add them, and if something happens, you'll be happy you did.

Get Pro-SiX Heat Detectors

Get Pro-SiX Smoke Detectors

$50 off Our Most Popular Security System Kit!

Our price on this kit is unbelievable! The ProA7 is our premier security system. It is the best that Resideo has to offer, and the most popular alarm system that we sell. We are selling our base level kit for $50 less than we normally sell it. If you're planning to upgrade an old system or get a new system, there has never been a better deal than this. $382.99 is for this weekend only. We hope that any of you that are thinking of buying a system in the near future take advantage of this deal before it goes away on Monday!

Buy Your 3 Sensor, 1 Motion Kit Today!

3 Months of Free Alarm Monitoring

This offer is for new customers only. We think you'll love our service. We want you to try it for 3 months free. Alarm Grid's service is unlike any other in the industry. For one, you can leave any time you want because we have no contracts. But if you couple that truth with the fact that we have the best service in the industry, you'll hopefully find that leaving isn't really something you ever intend to do. If you're feeling skeptical, that's ok, take 3 months free, try the service, and test our tech team relentlessly while you're with us.

We can't wait to have you on board. Sign up for monitoring today!
