February 2023 Archives

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Alarm Grid recently ran into an issue upgrading a customer's 2GIG GC2 with a new 2GIG LTEV1-A-GC2 communicator. The panel simply would not recognize the new radio. To compound the problem, we were unable to find anything online that would indicate that a firmware update was the solution.

After speaking with 2GIG technical support we found that recently, within the past couple of months, all newly manufactured 2GIG LTE communicators that are compatible with the 2GIG GC2 and the 2GIG GC2e require the newest available panel firmware in order to support the radio. For the 2GIG GC2 that means firmware version 1.19.4+ and for the 2GIG GC2e that means 1.24+.

The packaging on these new communicators, both the 2GIG LTEV1-A-GC2 and the 2GIG LTEA-A-GC2 will have information on the firmware update requirement if the communicator is new enough. It should be on the outside packaging, as well as the inside. However, if you don't pay attention to the packaging and discard it, there is no way to look at the communicator itself and tell which firmware it requires. So, if you have a 2GIG GC2 or 2GIG GC2e and you're updating to an LTE communicator, pay attention to the packaging, or at least hold onto it.

If you're in a position to be upgrading your GC2 or GC2e to LTE, you may have an existing communicator that is no longer working. If that's the case, and you need a firmware upgrade before the new LTE communicator will work, don't worry, Alarm Grid has you covered. We host the firmware files for both the 2GIG GC2 and the 2GIG GC2e on our site. There are two ways you can update. You can use the 2GIG UPCBL2 updater cable and a Windows computer, or you can use the 2GIG UPDV EZ Updater Tool.

If you don't want to purchase the EZ Updater Tool, and you don't have a Windows computer to use with the updater cable, Alarm Grid offers a loaner program for the EZ Updater Tool. Contact us at support@alarmgrid.com to inquire about the specifics of the loaner program. If you purchase the EZ Updater Tool, there is a good chance you will need to update it before you can use it. Doing so will require the use of a Windows computer.

This situation is a good reminder to always pay attention to all information you receive with new alarm equipment, including what's written on the packaging itself. You never know when you may have to return a piece of equipment, so keeping the packaging, at least until everything is set up and working, is a good idea.

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