August 2022 Archives

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Alarm panel manufacturers routinely offer panel firmware updates. This allows them to add features and correct issues. However, most DIY users don't have access to the restricted portion of the company's site where these files are housed. Alarm Grid offers the latest firmware file downloads.

Most alarm panels can be updated Over-the-Air (OTA) using either or AlarmNet360. AlarmNet never charges anything for these updates, and also offers them for free, unless they have to be sent to the panel using cellular data. In that case, the update will incur a small fee, depending on the size and number of updates that need to be sent.

Qolsys panels will not perform an OTA update unless the panel is connected to WIFI. If you have one of these panels installed in a location where WIFI is not available, then the only option is to either update using a cell phone as a WIFI Hotspot, or download the firmware files, and then install them via either Micro SD Card (IQ2/IQ2+) or Access Point (IQ4).

Honeywell L5200, L5210, and L7000

Honeywell used to offer free firmware updates for the LynxTouch panels that they pushed remotely using AlarmNet360. It was a messy process, AlarmNet tech support was required to request these updates individually, per account. So, sometime after the introduction of the Lyric panel, they stopped this practice. The Lyric can only be firmware updated using AlarmNet360, but the update can be requested by the dealer, and now, the customer can also request the firmware update via the panel. When Honeywell, now Resideo, ceased offering OTA updates for the LynxTouch panels, they released the Honeywell LYNXTOUCH-MSD Firmware Update Tool. This tool can be used to update the L5200, L5210, or L7000 panels.

When an L5200 is updated to the latest version, it becomes an L5210 internally, though there are certain physical traits of the L5200 that won't change, like the screen size. Depending on when you purchased the LYNXTOUCH-MSD tool, it may come with the latest firmware version already on the SD Card (it comes with both L5210 and L7000 firmware already loaded). However, if you purchased your update tool when they were first released, it will have an older firmware version on it, and you will need to download the newest firmware to the SD Card and update the panel again to get the most current version. The update files are housed on the Resideo website in the password-protected portion of MyWebTech, so we offer the files for download from our site:

2GIG Go!Control 2 (GC2) or 2GIG GC2e

The 2GIG GC2 and 2GIG GC2e have a couple of different methods for updating the firmware. There is the 2GIG UPDV Easy Updater Tool and the 2GIG UPCBL2 Firmware Update Cable. The updater tool is geared more toward a professional installer who will be updating multiple different panels over the course of years. It comes with a version of either the 2GIG GC2 or GC2e firmware loaded but the tool itself will then have to be updated when newer firmware is released. The files to load are available from our site and are linked below.

The updater cable is the method of update most DIY users choose to use. It requires that the user have a windows computer available. The cable is a fixed length, so the computer that will be used needs to be near the alarm panel in order to perform the update. Ideally, a laptop is used. Instructions for using the updater cable to load the latest firmware onto a 2GIG GC2 or 2GIG GC2e can be found here. Instructions for loading new firmware onto the 2GIG UPDV Easy Updater Tool can be found here. Instructions for using the updater tool to update a 2GIG GC2 or GC2e panel once it has the latest file loaded can be found here.

The 2GIG GC2 and 2GIG GC2e firmware pages are linked below. Each page has both Updater Tool and Updater Cable files:

2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC3e

The 2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC3e technically use the same firmware. The 2GIG GC3e was released at firmware version 3.2.1, so any GC3e panel will have at least this version of firmware already installed. Alarm Grid offers firmware versions 3.0.1 up through on our 2GIG GC3 Firmware Update Page. On our 2GIG GC3e Firmware Update Page, we offer up through the current version which, at the time of this writing, is

The 2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC3e are both much easier to update than the 2GIG GC2 or GC2e. Both 2GIG GC3 versions offer WIFI, which makes OTA updates simple, as well as free. For systems that need it, an OTA update can be pushed from via cellular for a nominal fee. Again, Alarm Grid offers this type of upgrade to our customers at our cost, with no markup. If WIFI is not available at the panel, and a user doesn't want to pay for an OTA update, we offer the upgrade files from our site. This FAQ provides a walkthrough on how to perform the update using the files from our site. Instructions for performing the update are also listed on the page along with the firmware files.

2GIG Edge

The 2GIG Edge updates in the same way as the 2GIG GC3 and GC3e. It has a USB port located on the top of the panel. Once the firmware update file has been loaded onto the root directory of a USB drive, the drive is inserted into the port on the panel's top and the panel prompts the user to update. For full instructions on updating a 2GIG Edge, check out this FAQ.

Qolsys IQ Panel 2 and IQ Panel 2 Plus

The IQ Panel 2 and IQ Panel 2 Plus also use the same firmware version. The difference between the two panels is hardware. The IQ Panel 2 does not support PowerG, and the IQ Panel 2 Plus does. As noted above, Qolsys panels will not download firmware updates via cellular data, so the options are to connect the panel to WIFI, temporarily connect the panel to a Hotspot on a cellular phone, or update locally using a Micro SD Card. The step-by-step instructions for loading the firmware from an SD Card are shown on the firmware update page.

Qolsys IQ Panel 4

The Qolsys IQ Panel 4, like the previous IQ Panels, will not download firmware updates via cellular data. However, unlike the IQ Panel 2 or IQ Panel 2 Plus, the IQ Panel 4 does not have a Micro SD Card slot. Instead, if WIFI is not accessible by the panel, either directly or via a cell phone Hotspot, then the firmware update files have to be downloaded to a phone or tablet, then the phone or tablet must be connected to the IQ Panel 4 Access Point, and the files then loaded to the panel from the phone or tablet. Instructions for updating using the Access Point are available on the firmware download page.

Above are links to all the different panel firmware pages we offer here on the Alarm Grid site. In addition to alarm panel firmware, we also offer some firmware pages for the Honeywell Home TUXEDOW or Resideo TUXEDOWC touchscreen keypads as well as the older Tuxedo Touch firmware. We don't have a page for the older 6280 touchscreen keypads, but if you need access to that firmware, send an email to letting us know what you need and we can get you access to it.

As mentioned above, the Lyric panel can only be updated via AlarmNet360 and in order to update the firmware, the panel has to be actively monitored. The same is true of the newer Honeywell Home and Resideo ProSeries panels (PROA7, PROA7PLUS, PROA7C, and PROA7PLUSC). These panels must be actively monitored and registered with AlarmNet360 before an update can be applied to them.

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Johnson Controls released a Technical Advisory Bulletin on Monday noting that some PowerSeries Neo, Pro LTE, and Internet Dual-Path Communicators have labeling errors. The serial number on the box appears to be incorrect. Comms built between August 15, 2021, and July 29, 2022, are affected.

The model numbers affected are the DSC TL880LECVZ, TL880LECAT, TL880LEBAT, TL880LEBTL, and TL880LECTL. This is a labeling error only and does not affect the signal transmitting, or remote control capabilities of these communicators in any way. The mixup seems to be with the name on the label on the product, and the serial number on the label on the box.

The model name listed on the label of the product is incorrect, while the serial number listed on this label is accurate. The model name listed on the sticker for the box is correct, but the serial number listed on the box is incorrect. So, be sure when registering one of these units that you use the serial number from the sticker for the product and not the one from the box.

The following products, built during the listed date range, are affected:

Model Name Production Dates
TL880LECVZ January 4, 2022 - July 29, 2022
TL880LECAT July 5, 2022 - July 29, 2022
TL880LEBAT November 15, 2021 - July 29, 2022
TL880LEBTL November 15, 2021 - July 29, 2022
TL880LECTL June 6, 2022 - July 29, 2022

Beginning July 29, 2022, new, updated and correct labels should be placed on these products. Remember, the performance of communicators that were manufactured during this timeframe is not compromised. This is only a labeling error, so as long as the serial number taken from the sticker affixed to the product itself, or the IMEI number from the printed circuit board is used everything should work as intended. DSC offers a handy Date Code Lookup tool at this site. You can find information on looking up a date code for any DSC product on that page.

The fact that this issue wasn't discovered sooner seems to indicate that this is a very minor issue. What do you think about this announcement? Do you often use these communicators? Have you run across this issue? Leave us a comment below and tell us what you think. We always enjoy hearing from our readers. That's all for today, until we meet again, stay safe!

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Resideo announced last week that due to a required component becoming obsolete, they are forced to discontinue the popular 5800FLOOD sensor. There is still some available stock, so Alarm Grid has not yet discontinued it, but once all stock has been exhausted, the 5800FLOOD is gone for good.

The 5800FLOOD is popular because unlike the 5821, it doesn't require that a water probe be added to the sensor. Water detection is built-in, and configuration is easy. Another benefit of the 5800FLOOD is that it will alert for flooding more quickly than the 5821. The prongs of the 5800FLOOD need only be in contact with water for about 25 seconds before a signal is sent to the alarm panel. The 5821 flood probe must be in contact with water for about three (3) minutes before sending a signal.

In addition to flood sensing, the 5800FLOOD also monitors for extreme cold and/or hot temperatures locally. This is done using a temperature sensor that is built into the 5800FLOOD. For cold temperature sensing, if the ambient temperature drops below 45℉ (7.2℃) for more than 15 minutes, an alert is sent using Loop 1. For high-temperature sensing, if the temperature rises above 95℉ (35℃) for more than 15 minutes, then an alert is sent using Loop 2. The flood sensor transmits using Loop 3.

Now that the 5800FLOOD is being discontinued, the Resideo and Honeywell Home 5821 is the recommended replacement. One drawback to the 5821 is that it requires a remote probe be added for flood sensing, and for freeze sensing. However, only one (1) remote probe can be used per transmitter, so if you need to monitor for both flood and freeze, two (2) 5821s are required.

The 5821 supports the following functions:

Loop Number Sensing Capability Description
Loop 1 Ambient Low Temperature Sensing <45℉ (7.2℃) >10 Minutes sends alert
Loop 2 - Local Ambient Warm/Hot Temperature Sensing >75℉ (23.8℃) >10 Minutes sends alert; >95℉ (35℃) >10 minutes sends alert. Disabled when any remote probe is used!
Loop 2 - Remote Using T280R or TS300R Remote Probe Freeze Sensing >10℉ (-12.2℃) for 30 minutes; Refrigerator Sensing >42℉ (5.5℃) for 30 minutes. Can't be used if the Flood Probe is used.
Loop 3 - Remote Uses FP280 or 470PB Remote Probe Flood Sensing - Signals when the probe's terminals have been in contact with at least 1/4" of water for > 3 Minutes. Can't be used if the Temp Probe is used.

For flood sensing, we recommend using the FP280 as it includes wiring, and the required resistor is already in place. With the 470PB, the user is responsible for providing their own wire and must add the 2.2 MΩ resistor themselves. In all cases, wiring between the 5821 and whichever remote probe is used should be made as short as possible, and should not exceed 96" (243cm). Be sure to read the full Install Guide for the 5821 for all of its various quirks.

Supply chain shortages claim another victim in the 5800FLOOD. It seems like only yesterday that we were excitedly telling you about it. What are your thoughts on the demise of this "New and Improved" environmental sensor? Leave us a note in the comments, as we always love hearing from our readers.

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