2GIG GC2 3-1 Kit Posts

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Alarm Grid would like to announce that we are making some very exciting changes to our Security System Kits. Most of our Security System Kits will now include an ultra-convenient Honeywell LT-Cable for powering the alarm system. All Honeywell Lyric Kits and 2GIG Kits will also now include VERSA-2GIG Door and Window Contacts. These are outstanding sensors that look and operate in exactly the same way as the Honeywell 5800MINI. Finally, we reduced the price of our kits by as much as in price, providing significant savings to our DIY users. These new changes will go into effect immediately. Now is truly the best time to get started with a brand new security system from Alarm Grid!

We have found that most of our DIY customers already go out of their way to purchase a cable. Rather than chasing customers to purchase the items, we now include them in the kits. These electric cables make supplying power to a security system significantly easier. The cable requires no wire-stripping, and it can easily connect with any security system transformer. This makes it great for use with the Honeywell Lyric Controller, any Honeywell LYNX Touch, the 2GIG GC2 and GC3 systems, and even the wired Honeywell VISTA Panel. The cable itself is 8-feet long. It includes male and female adapters for simple installation and connecting.

Another major change for our Security System Kits is that all Honeywell Lyric Kits and 2GIG Kits will now include VERSA-2GIG Door and Window Contacts. The 2GIG-VERSA Door/Window Contact is a fantastic device that is designed for use with Honeywell and 2GIG panels. These sensors are the most reliable sensors that we have found. They are small and discrete.

Additionally, with these new system kits, we are focused on modernizing what you get. Most of Alarm Grid's customers are controlling their system using Total Connect or Alarm.com. We are getting more and more requests that the key fobs be removed from the packs. So we did that. The key fobs are pretty cheap a piece. They are for sale individually. If you think that the key fob would be a great convenience, we highly recommend you purchase whichever one is compatible with your system. This will give you the flexibility to get as many key fobs as you need or want.

Finally, we are officially reducing the costs of our Security Kits. This makes now a better time than ever to get started with Alarm Grid. Take advantage of these reduced prices on our Security Kits right now! If you have any questions about any of these new changes, feel free to contact our support team online or over the phone. Thank you for choosing Alarm Grid, and we look forward to providing you with top-quality support. We have a number of new systems as well. Below are some of our favorite, most popular systems.

The prices of kits are hugely reduced. Some have come down as much as $100. The price of the Lyric 10 door/window sensor and LTE communicator kit, for example, has been reduced in price from $578.99 to $489.99, $97 or 20% reduction in price. This is the sort of change that has happened all across our listed kits. The Lyric kit with 3 door/window sensors and an LTE communicator has been reduced by 10% or $40. Additionally, we've made available never before seen Qolsys kits. These 4 Qolsys kits, are the traditional 3-1 and 10-1 kits. We do not include the Qolsys sensors. Instead, we have included VERSA's 2GIG sensors. These sensors look and act the same way as Honeywell's 5800MINIs.

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