AG Outdoor Security Stickers Posts

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While we love talking about our various security products, we also want to remind everyone about the security stickers and yard signs we offer. These goodies provide a great way to display our logo and let others know that you are monitored. You can buy them a-la-carte on our website.

Alarm grid security yard signs christmas signs

The purpose of our yard signs and window stickers is quite simple. You put them around your property to let others know that you are monitored by Alarm Grid. This will discourage intruders from trying to get into your home. Even if your security system works perfectly during a home invasion, an intruder might still cause damage during the break-in process. Therefore, the best case scenario is to prevent the bad guys from even trying to begin with. Intruders are less likely to target homes with alarm systems, so putting up stickers and yard signs serve as an excellent deterrence tool.

Alarm Grid sells two (2) types of window stickers. Our indoor window stickers have an adhesive front, and you place them on the inside of a window, facing the outside. Anyone who looks at the window will see it peeking. We also sell outdoor window stickers with an adhesive backing. The outdoor stickers are super versatile, and many users get creative by placing them on refrigerators, mailboxes, laptops, and even cars! Stickers are available in regular and mini sizes. Mini window stickers are sold in packs of 1, 5, and 10.

Alarm grid inside security stickers

While our stickers are ideal for posting around the home or office, a security yard sign is a bit more tangible. These yard signs come with a metal stake that you can push into the ground to keep them upright. A hammer can be useful for pushing the stake into the ground. You then secure the sign to the metal stake using the included hardware. And just like that, you will have a prominent sign outside your home or office deter any burglars from entering!

Alarm grid security yard signs christmas signs

We give away signs and stickers to newly monitored customers as a free gift. Make sure to ask when you sign up for monitoring. And if you want some extra ones, they are available for purchase on our website. You can get single stickers for just 99 cents plus shipping, so they are super convenient to add to an existing order. If you have any questions about our stickers or yard signs, feel free to email us at We check our email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. Also remember to check out this page to learn more about our monitoring plans. We look forward to hearing from you!

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If you recall last year, we made a post about a loyal Alarm Grid customer naming his cat after our company. Well, we're a bit early this time around, but it's a slow news day and all, so we figured we'd take the time to wish Alarm Grid (the cat) a happy 1st birthday! We hope it's purr-fect!

Alarm Grid the Cat lives with loyal Alarm Grid customer Brett in Philadelphia, MS. Brett has been an Alarm Grid customer since 2015, and we are thrilled that he continues to choose us for monitoring service. We take great pride in keeping all of our customers protected and safe, including Brett and his family. Thank you Brett for choosing Alarm Grid the company!

Brett says that he isn't exactly sure of Alarm Grid the Cat's official birthday, only stating that it is around "mid-June". Our post last year was from June 21st, so we're probably a bit early here. But we didn't want to forget this special time. We also recommend checking out last year's post that is linked above so you can see just how much Alarm Grid the Cat has grown. She's getting to be a big girl! We're sure that Brett and his family are taking great care of her.

If you want to receive monitoring service like Brett and Alarm Grid the Cat, make sure to check out our monitoring page to learn more about our monitoring plans. And if you decide to name your pet or child after us, feel free to shoot us an email at We might consider posting a blog about the honor! Our team checks new emails from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Hi DIYers! We have some fun news for you today. Alarm Grid will soon begin offering tiny and cute Alarm Grid Stickers. These are great for putting on your refrigerator, on your laptop or computer or just placing around the house. You will love the upcoming Alarm Grid Little Stickers!

Alarm grid inside security stickers

As you may know, Alarm Grid already offers window stickers for indoor use and weatherproof outdoor stickers. Our swag lineup also includes the Famous Alarm Grid Yard Signs. These are great for showing the world that your home or business is monitored with Alarm Grid. But we received word from many customers that they wanted something smaller and easier to put everywhere. That is why we decided to offer little stickers as well.

Each mini sticker has a strong adhesive backside or frontside that should last indefinitely when properly applied. These stickers are high-quality enough to survive the elements when used outside. This makes them perfect for placing on mailboxes, windows, vehicles and more. We will offer our stickers in packs of one (1), five (5) and ten (10). Each sticker is in the shape of an octagon - that's eight (8) sides - and features the Famous Alarm Grid Blue. You also get our logo, phone number and website for quick reference.

The message "Protected By Alarm Grid" is synonymous with top-quality alarm monitoring service. Any intruder who sees this sticker will know not to mess with your home or business!

And just how small are the Alarm Grid Little Stickers? Well we figured it was best to just show you. We found a penny around the office and used it for size-comparison. Check it out:

Now you're probably wondering when you can get your hands on these adorable stickers. We're sure that you want to share them with your friends, family and colleagues. We understand. Unfortunately, you have to wait. But we promise the stickers will be available soon, and we will very quickly let you know when you can buy them.

For now, the best thing you can do is email Let our alarm system support technicians and security planners know that you want your Alarm Grid Little Stickers. We are rushing to get them up as soon as possible, but it doesn't hurt to remind us of the sheer urgency in making these stickers available to you, the Alarm Grid Nation. We promise that these stickers will be worth the wait!

Update: And just like that our mini stickers are now available! We have mini indoor window stickers with an adhesive front:

And we also have mini outdoor stickers with an adhesive back:

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If you have been lamenting Alarm Grid's indoor security stickers, longing for stickers that will stick to the outside of a building or door, then you will be ecstatic at this new piece of news. Alarm Grid now has outdoor security stickers in stock. They look just like the indoor security stickers, but the sticky side is on the back (like a normal sticker) instead of the front (like a weird sticker).

We have a simple, you might even say minimalist aesthetic, and we are glad we can give you our incredibly good looking security stickers and security yard signs for such a great price. We know that these stickers look really... really good, but we don't want you to get too excited. You don't NEED one for every window. But if you do end up buying too many, give them to your friends. Security stickers and signs are a great first deterrent from burglars, and if you're friend doesn't have a security sticker in their window... what do you think that says about you as their friend? Friends don't let friends go without security stickers on the windows of their home.

Alarm Grid Outdoor Sticker

Hopefully by now you know that at Alarm Grid, we are alarm system geeks. We are pretty darn knowledgable about the Honeywell line of product in particular, but know quite a bit about other sundry things as well. We believe that serving our customers best involves giving them incredibly detailed information that they are seeking, for free. Likewise, we enjoy working with companies that are geeks in their own right. So we thought it would be a good time to give a little shout-out to the sticker geeks over at Sticker Mule (did you even know there was such a thing?) who made these wonderful stickers. They are weather proof as well as durable, and they look really great, to boot.

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