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Hi DIYers! If you have an Alarm.com 3G Cellular Communicator, the time to activate it is NOW. This is your very last chance. If you do not get your Alarm.com 3G Communicator activated by the end of Friday, June 28th, you will be unable to do so. The deadline to activate is almost here.

The actual cutoff date for Alarm.com 3G activations is Sunday, June 30th. However, Alarm Grid does not perform activations on the weekends. If you want to activate your Alarm.com 3G Communicator for use with Alarm Grid monitoring services, you must do so by the end of this Friday. Our team will get your communicator up and running for alarm monitoring service so that you can use Alarm.com.

By activating an Alarm.com Cellular Communicator and signing up for cellular alarm monitoring service, you can start using your system with the Alarm.com platform. Alarm.com allows you to arm and disarm your system, check current system status, control Z-Wave smart home devices, view the live feed for Alarm.com IP Cameras, and more. You can access this great service using the convenient Alarm.com Mobile App on your Android or iOS device.

An activated 3G communicator will provide consistent and reliable monitoring service until the 3G networks are shut down. AT&T is planning to shutdown their 3G network in February 2022, and Verizon is expected to shutdown their 3G CDMA network around this time as well. Remember, if you deactivate a 3G communicator after the cutoff date for any reason, you will not be able to reactivate it. Trying to reactivate a communicator is considered the same as an initial activation.

If you miss the deadline for activating an Alarm.com 3G Communicator, you will still be able to activate an LTE communicator for use with Alarm.com. Cellular service providers have stated that they plan to keep their LTE networks activated well into the very distant future. Getting an LTE communicator is the best way to provide long-term monitoring service for your panel.

At this point, a 3G communicator is only a temporary solution. Additionally, an LTE communicator will provide faster connection speeds than a 3G communicator. The difference isn't huge for monitoring itself, but LTE can make a big difference when it comes to home automation. Anyone looking to keep their system running for many years to come should make the jump to LTE as soon as possible.

If you need to activate an Alarm.com 3G Communicator, please reach out to us immediately. You may email us at support@alarmgrid.com, or call us at (888) 818-7728. Remember our office hours are 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to hearing from you.

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A couple of weeks ago, we learned that AlarmNet announced an end date for activating 3G and 4G cellular communicators. Now Alarm.com has followed suit by announcing that they will no longer allow 3G activations starting June 30, 2019. Future activations must use LTE communicators.

Both AT&T and Verizon have made it clear that LTE and eventually 5G communication is the way of the future. They are beginning the process of phasing out their older 3G networks in favor of faster and more advanced technology. AT&T has publicly stated that their 3G network will be shutdown in February 2022. The shutdown for the Verizon CDMA Network is expected to occur around this time as well. Users should start preparing for the long-term now by getting LTE communicators for their systems.

If you have an Alarm.com 3G Cellular Communicator, you must activate it by June 30, 2019, or else it will not work. If you deactivate your Alarm.com 3G Communicator after this date, you will not be able to reactive it. Reactivating a communicator is considered the same as a new activation. If you have a 3G communicator that is already activated, then it will continue to work as long as the associated cellular network is kept in service. But once the network is shutdown, the communicator will stop working.

Any customer who has an Alarm.com 3G Communicator should get it activated as soon as possible to avoid missing the cut-off date. Customers who want to prepare for the long-term should obtain an LTE communicator. This may mean upgrading to a new alarm panel. To activate a communicator or to learn about the options available to you, please email support@alarmgrid.com. You may also call us at (888) 818-7728 during our normal business hours of 9am to 8pm EST M-F.

Note: Verizon stopped allowing activations for all CDMA communicators starting on December 22, 2018. More information about this can be found here.

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