Honeywell Home PROLTE-A Posts

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Although users accustomed to the Lyric's all-in-one style and convenience are unlikely to switch to a hybrid panel, it is still possible. Therefore, in this installment of "Preparing for the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life," we will discuss replacing the Lyric with the new First Alert VISTAH3.

Replacing The Lyric With A Hybrid Panel:

The First Alert VISTAH3 may be a good choice to replace an aging Lyric. Much like the PRO Series panels, the VISTAH3 supports SiX and PROSIX sensors right out of the box. It can also support a variety of wired and wireless devices.

The VISTAH3 is more of a traditional system, like the VISTA-20P. The main control panel is installed in a remote location, away from entry points. Then, either wired or wireless keypads are used to control the system. This is the first panel Resideo has produced that can support wired zones, wireless devices, legacy wireless, ECP zone expansion, and V-PLEX zone expansion. That's every type of expansion the company has ever made.

While the VISTAH3 might seem complex, its programming closely resembles that of the PRO Series panels. When replacing a Lyric system, you may not immediately utilize the new panel's more advanced features. However, it's nice knowing these capabilities are available for future expansion.

Recommended Keypads:

DIY installers of the VISTAH3 should be aware that local programming requires a touchscreen WIFI keypad. This means adding either a PROWIFI (WIFI-only) or a PROWIFIZW (WIFI and Z-Wave Plus) module before connecting a programming keypad.

There are three (3) touchscreen keypads to choose from when using the VISTAH3. The Honeywell Home PROWLTOUCH, the Resideo PROWLTOUCHC, and the First Alert VISTAHTCHWLC. If you'll be purchasing a new touchscreen keypad for use with this panel, we recommend the First Alert model. It is compatible with all versions of the VISTAH3 panel without having to undergo a firmware update.

Before using either the PROWLTOUCH or PROWLTOUCHC with the VISTAH3, a firmware update is required. This update can take up to 30 minutes to download and install. The VISTAH3 panel must be registered and updated first; then, it will automatically push the necessary firmware to the keypad. If you intend to set up and program your system before registration, the First Alert VISTAHTCHWLC is the best keypad for you.

Although touchscreen keypads offer the best functionality and control of both the system and automation devices, it is recommended that you have at least one wired keypad to provide control of the alarm system in the event of a wireless failure.

The First Alert VISTAHLKP and First Alert VISTAHPKP both connect to the panel through the iBus. This new bus technology leverages RS-485 and provides robust flexibility for long wire runs.

RS-485 is not a protocol. Instead, it's a standard that defines the electrical characteristics of drivers and receivers in a serial network. It's been commonly used in manufacturing automation for years due to its relative immunity to electrical noise. It supports long wire runs in noisy environments and multiple devices connected to a single bus.

Support for Legacy Wireless:

The VISTAH3 is compatible with the First Alert VISTAHTKVRWL for legacy wireless zone support. This legacy wireless takeover module works exactly like the PROTAKEOVER module used with the PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC. The biggest difference between the two modules is in their antennas.

The PROTAKEOVER includes a new PRO Series panel backplate with integrated antennas. The original backplate must be replaced for proper module function. Similarly, the VISTAHTKVRWL utilizes two external antennas, installed within the VISTAH3 panel's enclosure, to ensure effective wireless signal reception.

Similar to the PROTAKEOVER, the VISTAHTKVRWL cannot support multiple legacy wireless frequencies simultaneously. That means it cannot support both 5800 Series 345 MHz sensors and 2GIG 345 MHz sensors. If your Lyric panel incorporates both sensor types, a decision will have to be made as to which wireless series to keep and which to replace.


The VISTAH3 features an integrated Ethernet communicator. If a wired Ethernet connection is unavailable, or if you plan to use a WIFI keypad, you'll need to add either the PROWIFI (WIFI-only) or PROWIFIZW (WIFI and Z-Wave Plus) module. For enhanced reliability, consider installing either the PROLTE-A or PROLTE-V2 LTE cellular communicator. However, similar to the PRO Series, the VISTAH3 requires an Ethernet or WIFI connection for firmware updates. Over-the-air updates are not allowed via cellular connection.

Total Connect 2.0:

As with choosing a PRO Series panel as a replacement for the Lyric the First Alert VISTAH3 also comes with the added convenience of supporting Total Connect 2.0 (TC2). Whether you've already been using TC2 with the Lyric, or you want to begin using it with the replacement panel, the VISTAH3 provides you with that opportunity.

TC2 is the remote accessibility platform offered by AlarmNet. AlarmNet is a subsidiary of Resideo. It started life as a means of providing backup communication for alarm systems that relied on telephone lines for a communication path. A savvy burglar could cut the phone lines from outside the building, then make entry, secure in the knowledge that the alarm system was unable to communicate.

AlarmNet changed all that by providing cellular communication capabilities for alarm systems. Those old analog cellular communicators were used only in instances where the primary means of communication, namely the copper phone line, was compromised.

Now, cellular communication is often the primary or the only communication path used. With the addition of IP communication, in the form of an Ethernet or WIFI path alarm users can have the best of both worlds. The speed of IP communication with the reliability of cellular. Total Connect 2.0 leverages these paths to provide remote control, along with real-time remote monitoring and notification capability.

Be sure to check out the rest of this series on Preparing For the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life. In Part 1, we discuss the considerations when continuing to use the Lyric. In Part 2 we discuss replacing the Lyric with another all-in-one panel, in particular with one of the PRO Series systems. In Part 4 we discuss using an compatible system as a replacement.

Preparing for the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life - Part 2

Preparing for the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life - Part 4

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The Resideo LTEM-PA and LTEM-PV are dual-path capable communicators that use the LTE Cat-M1 network. During the global chip shortage, these radios have come to prominence because of their availability in the absence of other LTE communicators. They provide nearly the same speed as LTE comms.

Another feature that differentiates the LTEM-PA and LTEM-PV from other communicators is their modular design. These radios are considered a part of the ProSeries lineup, which includes the Honeywell Home PROA7 and PROA7PLUS and the Resideo PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC. The reason for this is that many of the add-on modules that can be used with the ProSeries panels can also be used with the LTEM-P communicators. Including the PROWIFI or PROWIFIZW, the PROLTE-A or PROLTE-V, and the PRODCM.

The LTEM-P Series communicators support an ethernet connection, but if you find yourself in a situation where a wired connection is not possible, then you can install the PROWIFI or PROWFIZW, which will give you WIFI, or WIFI and Z-Wave Plus capabilities. The ability to add a modular cellular unit is exciting as it allows you to install a separate LTE communicator to use instead of the built-in LTE Cat-M1 communicator. This will come in handy if you purchase an AT&T LTEM-PA, but find out later that Verizon would provide a better signal in this particular installation. Also, far in the future, when LTE is eventually phased out, whatever takes its place can easily be installed in the unit, rather than having to replace the entire communicator.

The PRODCM is a dialer-capture module. It allows the LTEM-P Series communicator to work with an alarm panel that has a built-in dialer and can report using Contact ID Format. The PRODCM installs inside a slot in the LTEM-P Series communicator, then two wires are connected between it and the Tip and Ring terminals on the alarm panel. The panel believe's it is dialing out over a phone line, but the module captures the signal, and transmits it via IP, or Cellular. Many of these add-on modules are also compatible with the ProSeries panels, which is why the LTEM-P Series are considered a part of the ProSeries lineup.

Tip 1: Power Wiring

The LTEM-PA and LTEM-PV come with a 9VDC power supply. Depending on the communicator you may be replacing there could be an existing AC Transformer in place. Do not make the mistake of trying to use the existing transformer. You have two (2) options when it comes to powering the LTEM-PA or LTEM-PV. You can use the included power supply, making sure to observe proper polarity with the power wires, or you can wire it so that the communicator receives all its power from the alarm panel. If you choose the latter option, be sure to calculate the current draw for the communicator correctly, and if you decide to leave the battery out of the LTEM-P Series device, turn off the radio's Low Battery Reporting.

Tip 2: Installing A WIFI Module

If you want to add support for WIFI to your LTEM-P module, you can add the PROWIFI module. When the PROWIFI module is installed, the ethernet connection becomes unavailable, so you can only use one or the other of these, but not both. If you want to add both WIFI and Z-Wave Plus capabilities to your system, then you can choose to install the PROWIFIZW.

Using the PROWIFIZW can add Z-Wave support in a situation where it would otherwise be unavailable, such as when using the LTEM-P with a non-VISTA panel. The PROWIFIZW cannot be used as a secondary controller, so it can't be used to extend the range of another controller such as the Tuxedo or VAM. Using the PROWIFIZW also doesn't give you an option to create scenes through Total Connect 2.0, only manual control of Z-Wave devices is available.

Tip 3: Always Default the Communicator

We've found, through painful experience, that it is a good idea to always default the LTEM-PA or LTEM-PV once all the wiring is completed, prior to account creation and activation. To default, hold down the red button on the upper right side of the main communicator board for at least 20 Seconds. The LEDs on the communicator should begin going through their initial power-on sequence. This is how you can tell the default has completed.

Once the communicator has booted completely up, then do one last power cycle. Do this by unplugging the transformer and disconnecting the red battery lead. If the communicator is being powered completely by the panel, simply power the panel down and back up by unplugging its transformer and backup battery. If the communicator battery is still connected though, be sure to disconnect this battery as well to completely power the communicator off. Wait about 30 seconds, then power back on as you normally would. For VISTA panels, plug in the transformer, then the battery. If the communicator has its own DC Power Supply, plug in the communicator battery, then plug in the power supply. Now you can proceed with programming and activation.

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We are thrilled to announce that new Alarm Grid System Kits featuring the Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS System are now available! We have twelve (12) kits in total, split into four (4) main categories, with options available for users in most situations. They're ready for your home or business!


As of Firmware Version 3.591.92.0, the Honeywell Home PRO Series panels all support local programming through the keypad. You can read full details about this exciting firmware update here.

If you aren't familiar with the PROA7PLUS, then we strongly recommend reviewing this introduction post and buying guide, as it will really help you get acquainted with the latest Resideo Security System. For this post, we mainly want to focus on the new kits, so that is what we will do.

Potential buyers should keep in mind that the PROA7PLUS does NOT support local end user programming at this time, though we have received word from Resideo that the feature is coming. And while we do not have a firm answer on Apple HomeKit compatibility, we suspect that HomeKit support will be coming later down the pipeline. Remember that the Honeywell Lyric and its system kits DO support local end user programming and Apple HomeKit, so that can be a really good alternative if you don't want to wait for Resideo to get their system ready.

With that out of the way, here are the kits! Like we said earlier, there are four (4) distinct categories, with three (3) system kit options in each category. Basically, in each category, you are choosing an IP-only option OR a dual-path IP & LTE cellular option with either AT&T OR Verizon. Find the category that makes the most sense for you, and then choose - IP-only, Dual-Path AT&T & IP, or Dual-Path Verizon & IP.

Remember that if you go dual-path, you will need a monitoring plan with cellular connectivity, such as an Alarm Grid Gold or Platinum Level Plan (Self or Full). We always recommend the use of cellular backup, as it is the only way to keep your system connected for monitoring service in the event of an internet outage. But whether you ultimately go with IP-only or dual-path is up to you. As a reference, the cellular communicator options for the PROA7PLUS are the PROLTE-A (AT&T LTE) and the PROLTE-V (Verizon LTE). And make sure that your monitoring plan includes access to Total Connect 2.0 if you want to control the PROA7PLUS System remotely from your phone or a web browser!

The first category we have is our 3-1 PROA7PLUS Kits. These include the PROA7PLUS System, three (3) PROSIXMINI2 Door and Window Sensors, one (1) PROSIXPIR Motion Sensor, and a Honeywell LT-Cable. These are great for smaller homes and apartments where only a few sensors are needed.

Next, we have our 10-1 PROA7PLUS Kits. These include the PROA7PLUS System, ten (10) PROSIXMINI2 Door and Window Sensors, one (1) PROSIXPIR Motion Sensor, and a Honeywell LT-Cable. These are great for larger homes and businesses where many sensors are needed.

Then, we have our Wired Upgrade PROA7PLUS Kits. These include the PROA7PLUS System, a PROSIXC2W Wired to Wireless Converter, and two (2) Honeywell LT-Cables. These are great if you are upgrading to the PROA7PLUS from a wired alarm system, and you want to keep using your existing hardwired sensors.

Last, we have our Wireless Upgrade PROA7PLUS Kits. These include the PROA7PLUS System, a PROTAKEOVER Legacy RF Receiver Module, an a Honeywell LT-Cable. These are great if you are upgrading to the PROA7PLUS from a wireless alarm system, and you want to keep using your existing compatible wireless sensors.

Like always, if you have any questions about compatibility, or if you are interested in signing-up for new monitoring service, then please email us at We are here to help you from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you get started with your new PROA7PLUS Alarm Panel!

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