Honeywell LTE-21V Posts

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Resideo has been investigating an issue with a very small number of communicators. The LTE-CFV, HWF2V-COM, LTE-IV, LTE-L3V, and VISTA-21IPLTE with LTE-21V. In a few cases, starting on March 19, 2022, the Verizon LTE SIM has become locked, causing a comm failure, or secondary path failure.

A device with this issue will show the following symptoms: Locally at the device, the LEDs will flash regularly at a rate of two times per second (see video above). Through AlarmNet360, the affected devices will have checked in normally for the period leading up to March 19, 2022. Then beginning on that date, or on a subsequent date through March 28, 2022, a comm failure will be indicated. Once the comm fail indication appears, it will not clear, so if you've had a comm failure during this time that has restored, then your communication failure is not being caused by this issue.

In addition to the above evidence of an issue, the alarm panel that the communicator is connected to will have a trouble indication displayed. This may come in the form of a Check 103, or a bF on VISTA-20P and similar panels, and also the L3000 panel. For the L3000 panel, the bF will only show on an RF keypad, such as the 5828 or 5828V, the panel itself will show Check or Fault 103. To silence any trouble beeping, enter a disarm command at any panel keypad. These trouble messages can be caused by other things, not just this issue, so if you see one of these error messages and think you may be affected, be sure to contact your alarm dealer for further assistance.

Bear in mind that only the communicators listed above are affected, and that these are all Verizon SIM Cards. If you have an AT&T Communicator, you needn't worry about this issue. Also, for those who have a dual-path communicator with Ethernet connected, you will not necessarily see a Communication Failure message. Instead you will be notified of a Secondary Path Failure. Again, if you are affected by this issue, once the failure occurs, it will not restore. So if you've received a Secondary Path Failure that has since restored, then you experienced a separate issue.

Again, if you feel that you have been affected by this issue, contact your alarm dealer. They can confirm if you are affected and will be able to assist you in receiving a replacement SIM. Alarm Grid customers who are affected have already been contacted and replacement SIMs are on the way. If any further information becomes available, we'll update this post with further details.

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Hi DIYers! Today, we are happy to unveil the Honeywell Home VISTA-21iPLTE. This is the newest hardwired system from the VISTA Series by Resideo, and it is essentially replacing the existing VISTA-21iP System. The big addition is its ability to support special plug-in LTE communicators.

The Honeywell Home VISTA-21iPLTE is actually the same as a VISTA-21iP System, except that the 21iPLTE board has been upgraded to support new plug-in LTE communicators. This includes the Honeywell Home LTE-21V with Verizon LTE (available now).

This new plug-in module is just like the older Honeywell VISTA-GSM4G Communicator, which is conveniently plugged into the VISTA-21iP board. The only difference is that the LTE-21V supports LTE connectivity. This is important for anyone looking to use cellular communication with a security system.

The reason you want to use an LTE communicator with your alarm system is that it offers superior speed and reliability when compared with older 3G and CDMA networks. Also, these older networks are in the process of being shut down. By going with LTE, you are providing a long-term solution for your panel.

Just like the existing VISTA-21iP, the new VISTA-21iPLTE has a built-in IP communicator, which is basically the equivalent of a Honeywell 7847i Communicator. Even if you don't add a cell module to the VISTA-21iPLTE, you will still be able to connect it with AlarmNet for IP monitoring and access to Total Connect 2.0.

Honeywell vista gsm4g alarmnet vista 21ip cellular alarm monitor

But, adding a cellular communicator is very important for dealing with internet outages. If the internet goes out and you don't have a cellular backup, then your 21iPLTE will lose connectivity with the AlarmNet360 Servers. Maintaining this connection is necessary for properly utilizing any monitoring service. This makes cellular backup crucial!

By connecting your VISTA-21iPLTE Panel with AlarmNet360, you will also be able to control your system through Total Connect 2.0. This is an interactive monitoring and automation platform that you can access from nearly anywhere using your phone. Make sure you choose a monitoring plan with TC2 service!

If you plan to use cellular communication with your VISTA-21iPLTE and Alarm Grid, then you will need a Gold or Platinum Level Plan (Self or Full). This is needed to activate the cellular radio and connect it with AlarmNet360. You can find more information about all our monitoring plans on our monitoring page.

Once you have access to Total Connect 2.0, you will be able to control your 21iPLTE System from any location with network access. You can use Total Connect 2.0 to arm and disarm, check current system status, control Z-Wave devices (controller required), view IP cameras (video monitoring required), and so much more!

Honeywell vista 21ip internet alarm control panel open

As far as functionality is concerned, the VISTA-21iPLTE is just like like a VISTA-21iP. Other than the added support for the LTE-21V, they are the same panel. As a result, almost any specification that applies to the VISTA-21iP also applies to the VISTA-21iPLTE.

The VISTA-21iPLTE is capable of supporting up to 64 total zones. However, you can only use eight (8) hardwired zones out of the box. To use additional wired zones, you will need to add Honeywell 4219 Expansion Modules. To use wireless sensors, you will need a wireless receiver, such as the 6160RF Keypad.

By adding up to five (5) 4219 Expansion Modules, you can use up to 48 hardwired zones on the VISTA-21iPLTE. Keep in mind that Zones 2 through 8 support zone doubling. Zone 1 is a special zone for use with 2-wire smokes. That is why it does not support zone doubling, although it can be used as a burglary or environmental zone if 2-wire smokes are not needed. You can have up to 16 2-wire smokes on the zone.

Adding a compatible wireless receiver will let you use wireless 345 MHz sensors from the Honeywell 5800 Series. A standard wireless receiver will only support uni-directional (one-way) devices. But a wireless transceiver like the 6160RF will also let you use bi-directional devices. Up to 56 wireless zones can be used. The number of available wireless zones depends on the number of wired expansion zones being used.

It is important to keep in mind that the total number of zones (wired and wireless) can never exceed 64. Additionally, zones 49 through 64 on a VISTA-21iPLTE are designated as key fob zones. But you can use these zones with any wireless sensor, as long as you have a wireless receiver added.

Honeywell 6160rf alphanumeric alarm keypad with integrated transceiver

There are also some other accessories you can add to a VISTA-21iPLTE System. First and foremost, you will want a keypad for controlling the system. As stated earlier, the Honeywell 6160RF is a great option. If you don't plan to use wireless sensors, then the standard Honeywell 6160 will work just as well.

You might also consider getting a touchscreen keypad for the system. These can be easier to use than push-button keypads. But just remember that only push-button keypads can backdoor into programming. The new Honeywell 6290W is a great option. Or you could go with the Tuxedo Touch which will also add Z-Wave functionality.

There are limits to the number of keypads you can use with the system. Up to eight (8) push-button keypads can be added. Touchscreen keypads count as AUI devices, and the VISTA-21iPLTE will only support a max of four (4) of these. Keep in mind that the Total Connect 2.0 service also counts as an AUI device!

Speaking of Z-Wave, a Z-Wave controller is needed if you want to use Z-Wave devices with the system. Adding a Tuxedo Touch is a great way to add Z-Wave capabilities. If you already have a keypad, then the standalone Honeywell VAM was an option, but it has recently been discontinued. Remember, you can control all Z-Wave devices through TC2.

Ultratech 1240 alarm control panel battery backup 12v 4 dot 5ah

Lastly, the system comes with its own transformer for supplying power. You will still need to supply a backup battery like the UltraTech IM-1250F1. Power cabling is not included with the VISTA-21iPLTE system, so you must add your own. We recommend using 18-gauge wiring, or even better, a Honeywell LT-Cable.

We would also like to mention that the VISTA-21iPLTE supports two (2) partitions, along with a third common partition. It also supports other miscellaneous features like Quick Arming, Scheduling, up to 48 unique user codes, 100-event event log, two (2) low-current trigger outputs, chime functionality, and more.

The VISTA-21iPLTE System and the LTE-21V LTE Communicator are both available for purchase now from the Alarm Grid website. This system is great for anyone looking for a simple, yet effective hardwired panel. It will certainly serve as a long-lasting addition to your home or business and help keep you safe.

If you have any questions about the system, please email us at We will check your email at our earliest convenience and reply as soon as possible. You may also call us at (888) 818-7728. Remember that our support hours are 9 am to 8 pm EST M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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