Honeywell LTE-L3V Posts

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Resideo has been investigating an issue with a very small number of communicators. The LTE-CFV, HWF2V-COM, LTE-IV, LTE-L3V, and VISTA-21IPLTE with LTE-21V. In a few cases, starting on March 19, 2022, the Verizon LTE SIM has become locked, causing a comm failure, or secondary path failure.

A device with this issue will show the following symptoms: Locally at the device, the LEDs will flash regularly at a rate of two times per second (see video above). Through AlarmNet360, the affected devices will have checked in normally for the period leading up to March 19, 2022. Then beginning on that date, or on a subsequent date through March 28, 2022, a comm failure will be indicated. Once the comm fail indication appears, it will not clear, so if you've had a comm failure during this time that has restored, then your communication failure is not being caused by this issue.

In addition to the above evidence of an issue, the alarm panel that the communicator is connected to will have a trouble indication displayed. This may come in the form of a Check 103, or a bF on VISTA-20P and similar panels, and also the L3000 panel. For the L3000 panel, the bF will only show on an RF keypad, such as the 5828 or 5828V, the panel itself will show Check or Fault 103. To silence any trouble beeping, enter a disarm command at any panel keypad. These trouble messages can be caused by other things, not just this issue, so if you see one of these error messages and think you may be affected, be sure to contact your alarm dealer for further assistance.

Bear in mind that only the communicators listed above are affected, and that these are all Verizon SIM Cards. If you have an AT&T Communicator, you needn't worry about this issue. Also, for those who have a dual-path communicator with Ethernet connected, you will not necessarily see a Communication Failure message. Instead you will be notified of a Secondary Path Failure. Again, if you are affected by this issue, once the failure occurs, it will not restore. So if you've received a Secondary Path Failure that has since restored, then you experienced a separate issue.

Again, if you feel that you have been affected by this issue, contact your alarm dealer. They can confirm if you are affected and will be able to assist you in receiving a replacement SIM. Alarm Grid customers who are affected have already been contacted and replacement SIMs are on the way. If any further information becomes available, we'll update this post with further details.

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Resideo has discovered that certain Honeywell LTE-XV and Honeywell LTE-L3V Communicators have a firmware issue that makes them unable to appear in AlarmNet360. The affected communicators can still process signals and report to the central station. But these affected units must be replaced.

Honeywell lte xv alarmnet verizon lte cellular communicator

The Honeywell LTE-XV is a Verizon LTE Communicator for Honeywell VISTA Systems, while the Honeywell LTE-L3V is a Verizon LTE Communicator for Honeywell L3000 Systems. Only certain LTE-XV and LTE-L3V units are affected. The affected units will have a date code ranging from C305 to C365 or from D001 to D023. Modules outside of those listed dates are unaffected.

If you need to locate the date code for your LTE-XV or LTE-L3V, then it is very easy to find. You can locate the code on the inside of the module itself on the lower-left corner of the MAC sticker. Remember, date codes from C305 to C365 and from D001 to D023 may be affected. These date codes are associated with manufacture dates from November 2019 through January 2020.

Additionally, not all units within the aforementioned date codes are affected. If the communicator has a blue dot on the module or on the product packaging, then it is not affected. The images below show units with blue dots on the packaging, meaning they are not affected by the issue.

Keep in mind that these blue dots will also appear on the communicators themselves. Any communicator with a blue dot is unaffected and does not need to be replaced. Remember, this issue only affects LTE-XV and LTE-L3V units. Other AlarmNet Communicators are not affected.

If you have a Honeywell LTE-XV or Honeywell LTE-L3V without a blue dot on the packaging or on the module itself, check for the listed date code to see if your module is affected. More information on this issue can be found in this document provided from Resideo.

If you believe that you have an affected communicator, or if you need help locating the date code for the module, please contact us at We operate support hours from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Resideo will be pushing down an over-the-air (OTA) firmware update for all AlarmNet LTE Communicators later this month. This update will go through automatically, and it should not affect your monitoring service in any fashion. The update will be applied sometime later this month.

Honeywell lte xv alarmnet verizon lte cellular communicator

This update only affects the communicator, not the panel itself. The updates will be applied automatically in batches until it has been applied to every Resideo LTE Communicator. First the Verizon LTE Radios will be updated, followed by the AT&T LTE Radios. Resideo will start each update cycle with batches of units that were registered first. The company will follow a sequential order, finishing with batches of units that were registered last. Any new unit that is activated will be placed at the end of the cycle.

It is possible that your system may reboot as part of this update process. However, it should resume normal operation after the update is complete. Additionally, you may notice the following contact ID codes in your Event Log on Total Connect 2.0:

Contact ID
E365 Update Started
R365 Update Finished
E366 Update Failed

Resideo says that this update will allow their LTE communicators to interact more effectively with the cellular network. Users should expect this update to go through sometime later this month. We do not have an exact date as to when the update process will begin. If you have any questions about this update, please contact us at for more information.

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