Honeywell LTEXV-TC2 Posts

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Alarm Grid has a handy tip for you today. We have discovered that the latest TC2 redesign also now allows Android users to adjust the font size and style. When you adjust the font from within the Android device settings, you will also be adjusting the font in the Total Connect 2.0 App.

Adjusting the font size and style in TC2 is only available for Android devices. We haven't seen the feature implemented for iOS devices yet. To access the Font & Style Settings, start by accessing your phone's main Settings Menu. Then choose Display, followed by Font Size and Style. You will then be taken to a menu where you can adjust the font to your liking. The menu may appear slightly different from the one shown above, but any differences should be minor. Remember that changing these settings is not just for Total Connect 2.0, but for your phone as a whole.

Once you go into Total Connect 2.0, you should find that the font for the app has changed. Keep in mind that the changes may not go into effect if you are not running the latest version of TC2. You can download the latest version for free from the Google Play Store. If you need any help using the TC2 app, or if you are interested in starting monitoring service so you can gain access to TC2, then please email us at We check our email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

Update: Below you can see what it looks like with the font set to "Cool Jazz". As you can see, the top menu and the arming buttons have updated with the new font.

And here you can see the same screen with the default font:

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Resideo will be pushing down an over-the-air (OTA) firmware update for all AlarmNet LTE Communicators later this month. This update will go through automatically, and it should not affect your monitoring service in any fashion. The update will be applied sometime later this month.

Honeywell lte xv alarmnet verizon lte cellular communicator

This update only affects the communicator, not the panel itself. The updates will be applied automatically in batches until it has been applied to every Resideo LTE Communicator. First the Verizon LTE Radios will be updated, followed by the AT&T LTE Radios. Resideo will start each update cycle with batches of units that were registered first. The company will follow a sequential order, finishing with batches of units that were registered last. Any new unit that is activated will be placed at the end of the cycle.

It is possible that your system may reboot as part of this update process. However, it should resume normal operation after the update is complete. Additionally, you may notice the following contact ID codes in your Event Log on Total Connect 2.0:

Contact ID
E365 Update Started
R365 Update Finished
E366 Update Failed

Resideo says that this update will allow their LTE communicators to interact more effectively with the cellular network. Users should expect this update to go through sometime later this month. We do not have an exact date as to when the update process will begin. If you have any questions about this update, please contact us at for more information.

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As the sunset for 3G cellular networks is quickly approaching, Alarm Grid has some important news regarding support for Verizon's 3G CDMA network. This news affects both the service and Honeywell's AlarmNet server.

As of today, June 1st, 2018, Verizon will no longer activate CDMA cellular communicator SIM cards as they prepare for their CDMA network sunset. If the Verizon SIM card is already activated, which is done during manufacturing, will still allow the account activation to go through.

However, if a communicator is manufactured and never activated with, or if it's activated with but then cancelled, the Verizon SIM will eventually become deactivated. Therefore, it's possible that a CDMA module you already have won't be able to be used if it's not currently active with

If you have an existing CDMA communicator with a different monitoring company, it can still be "recycled" and brought over to a new alarm company, as long as the communicator is re-activated with the new monitoring company soon after it's cancelled by the existing monitoring company.

Any existing CDMA communicator that is already active with will continue to work for the time being, but will be sunsetting soon.

If you need to purchase a new cellular communicator for an panel, we recommend one of the following Verizon LTE options:

For 2GIG GC3:

For more information on GC3 Firmware Updates, please click here. Also see this guide to upgrade the GC3 communicator.

For 2GIG GC2:

For more information on GC2 Firmware Updates, please click here. Also see this guide to upgrade the GC2 communicator. You can also review the FAQs 2GIG GC2 Firmware Update Instructions Using UPCBL2 and How to Upgrade GC2 Firmware Using a Cable for more information.

2gig ltev a gc3 alarm dot com verizon lte communicator for 2gig

Starting June 30th, 2018, Honeywell AlarmNet CDMA cellular communicators that were manufactured before March 1st, 2018 can no longer be activated. If you have an AlarmNet CDMA communicator that was manufactured before this date, you must activate it by June 30th.

At that time, it will also be impossible to bring a Honeywell CDMA radio from one monitoring company to another. AlarmNet CDMA communicators that were manufactured after March 1st, 2018 can be activated until December 22nd, 2018. Any AlarmNet CDMA communicator that has already been activated will continue to work until the CDMA network is shutdown.

If you need to purchase a new cellular communicator for a Honeywell Alarm System, we suggest buying an LTE module. Alarm Grid recommends the following options based on system type:

Honeywell Lyric Controller: LYRICLTE-V supports Verizon LTE

Honeywell L5210 and L7000 (Firmware 9+): LTE-L57V supports Verizon LTE

Honeywell VISTA Systems: LTE-XV supports Verizon LTE or LTE-IV supports Verizon LTE & IP

Honeywell lyric lte a at and t lte cellular communicator for the

Additionally, if you have a CDMA communicator that has not been activated, you will no longer be able to return it to Alarm Grid for a refund. We will not be taking any CDMA returns as of today. Our company stopped selling CDMA communicators roughly three months ago, and we have been preparing for the 3G sunset for quite some time.

Cellular service providers have already discontinued support for their 2G networks, and they are currently preparing to do the same for their 3G networks. This includes the Verizon 3G CDMA network. Instead, cellular service providers are shifting their focus to their newer and more advanced 4G and LTE networks. If you need to upgrade an alarm system to cellular, you should purchase an LTE module if possible.

Remember, existing CDMA communicators that have already been activated can still be used for the time being. These modules will continue to work until the CDMA network is discontinued. At that point, any CDMA cellular module will need to be replaced and upgraded to a newer communicator.

If you have any questions about this news, please send an email to You may also call us at 888-818-7728 from 9am to 8pm EST M-F.

Edit (6/8/18): This blog post previously stated that as of June 1st, no CDMA module that wasn't currently active with service could be activated on a new account, which has changed since it was written. It has been edited to reflect the correct information.

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