Honeywell LTEIA-TC2 Posts

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Alarm Grid has a handy tip for you today. We have discovered that the latest TC2 redesign also now allows Android users to adjust the font size and style. When you adjust the font from within the Android device settings, you will also be adjusting the font in the Total Connect 2.0 App.

Adjusting the font size and style in TC2 is only available for Android devices. We haven't seen the feature implemented for iOS devices yet. To access the Font & Style Settings, start by accessing your phone's main Settings Menu. Then choose Display, followed by Font Size and Style. You will then be taken to a menu where you can adjust the font to your liking. The menu may appear slightly different from the one shown above, but any differences should be minor. Remember that changing these settings is not just for Total Connect 2.0, but for your phone as a whole.

Once you go into Total Connect 2.0, you should find that the font for the app has changed. Keep in mind that the changes may not go into effect if you are not running the latest version of TC2. You can download the latest version for free from the Google Play Store. If you need any help using the TC2 app, or if you are interested in starting monitoring service so you can gain access to TC2, then please email us at We check our email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

Update: Below you can see what it looks like with the font set to "Cool Jazz". As you can see, the top menu and the arming buttons have updated with the new font.

And here you can see the same screen with the default font:

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