Utah Customers Subject to Monitoring Tax

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Alarm Grid will soon begin charging sales tax for monitoring service in the state of Utah. The state has recently passed new tax revisions that require our company to apply sales tax for monitoring service in Utah. Alarm monitoring service was previously non-taxable in the state of Utah.

If you live in the state of Utah and receive monitoring service from Alarm Grid, then you may notice a change to your monthly bill. This is due to a change in state policy, and it is entirely out of our control. We appreciate your understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.

Remember, Alarm Grid does accept tax exempt certificates. If you have been approved for tax exempt status in the state of Utah, then you should make sure to send us the latest copy of your tax exempt certificate as soon as possible so that we know not to apply sales tax on your next monitoring bill. For more information on our policies regarding tax exemption certificates, please review this helpful post.

If you need to send us a copy of your tax exempt certificate, you should email support@alarmgrid.com and include a scanned version of the certificate as an attachment. This is also a great contact email if you have any questions about your monitoring bill or any of our products or services. Remember that our support hours run from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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