Alarm Sirens Posts

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One great thing about owning a PowerG Security System is that it is super easy to add a wireless siren. DSC manufactures an indoor model and an outdoor model for PowerG users. Whether you are looking for a DSC NEO Wireless Siren or a new siren for an IQ Panel 2 Plus, we have you covered!

The two (2) sirens in the PowerG lineup include the DSC PG9901 Indoor Alarm Siren and the DSC PG9911B Outdoor Alarm Siren w/ Strobe. Both will easily pair with any system that supports PowerG Sensors. These systems include the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus, the DSC PowerSeries NEO w/ added PowerG Transceiver, and the DSC Iotega Security System. Both sirens work great, and they can make a nice addition to nearly any compatible alarm panel.

The Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus and the DSC Iotega already include their own built-in sounders that will activate during alarm events. But if you are using the system in a larger home or business, or if you find that the internal sounder isn't loud enough, then you might consider adding an external siren as well. Meanwhile, the DSC PowerSeries NEO Systems are wired panels that are typically paired with hardwired sirens. But if you want to skip the process for wiring a siren, then adding a wireless PowerG Siren can be the perfect solution.

There are two (2) main benefits to adding an external siren with a security system. The first is that most external sirens are louder than the internal sounders built into alarm panels. The Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus and the DSC Iotega both have internal sounders rated at 85 dB. The DSC PG9901 and the DSC PG9911B are both rated at 110 dB. Remember that volume increases exponentially with the decibel (dB) rating, so you are certainly getting a major increase in volume output with a DSC PowerG Wireless Siren.

The other major benefit to adding an external siren is that it spreads the sound out during an alarm event. Just because you add an external siren to your wireless system does not mean that the system's internal siren will stop functioning. Instead, both the system's internal sounder and the added siren will activate during alarm events. If you have the external siren in a different area, then you can really spread the sound out. This can be crucial for making sure that everyone on the premises is alerted.

Sirens activate during intrusion, fire, and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms on a system, unless the alarms are specifically set to silent. There are many purposes to alarm sirens, and every system should have one set up. First and foremost, a siren alerts building occupants to let them know that there is danger and that they need to evacuate immediately. A good alarm siren can mean the difference between life and death in many situations.

Sirens also provide assistance to emergency responders, such as police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians. In the heat of the moment, it can be difficult for a responder to determine which home or business is experiencing an emergency. A siren helps eliminate this issue, as the emergency responder will know to go to the location where the siren is coming from. Lastly, sirens are useful during intrusion alarms, as they will often scare off an intruder and prevent them from sticking around to cause more property damage. This is why every security system should have a functional siren set up and configured. And if you have a larger home or business, then setting up multiple alarm sirens is probably in your best interest.

For basic indoor use, the DSC PG9901 is an ideal option. This DSC Indoor Siren produces sounds of up to 110 dB, which is roughly as loud as an industrial grade chainsaw or a live rock concert in a typical venue. If you need a siren for outdoor use, then you should go with the DSC PG9911B. This siren also operates at 110 dB, but it is built to withstand an outdoor environment with its IP55 protection rating. The DSC PG9911B also includes a built-in strobe light, which can be a nice visual indication of an alarm. Please note that some jurisdictions may have restrictions on the color of strobe lights you can use. Make sure to check local laws and see if blue strobe lights are allowed in your area.

Both the DSC PG9901 and the DSC PG9911B are available from Alarm Grid. We're happy to help you get started with a new PowerG Siren. If you have any questions about the DSC PG9901, the DSC PG9911B, or any of the other products on our site, please contact us at We operate support hours from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Hi DIYers! As you may know, testing your equipment is an integral part of owning an alarm system. But your testing should go beyond just making sure your sensors work properly and that your panel communicates with the central station. Testing your sirens and sounders is also important.

Honeywell 5800wave wireless siren for lynxtouch series panels

When you activate your monitoring service with Alarm Grid, there will undoubtedly be some testing involved. Our team will be checking to see if your system sends out signals successfully. This is a vital part of receiving a certificate of alarm so that you can get a discount on your homeowner's insurance. And as a DIY installer, you will be checking to make sure that all your sensors work properly. This includes things like walking through a room to see if your motion sensor notices your presence and opening and closing your doors and windows to check that your contact sensors perform correctly. But what about your sirens?

Look, we know that testing your sirens isn't the most fun. They're loud. They scare pets. They make children cry. With that in mind, it's no surprise that some users decide to disconnect their sirens during system testing. This is perfectly fine in theory. After all, your system will still be able to communicate out, and its sensors will still work properly. You might think that you can just add your sirens later after testing. However, we're here to tell you that testing your sirens and having them activate is a step that every alarm system owner should take.

But why should you test your sirens? The reason actually goes beyond the obvious answer of making sure the sounders and strobes work. It's also smart to have a good idea of exactly what your system's sirens sound like. That way if an emergency does occur, you will have a better chance of knowing immediately what is going on. Keep in mind that not all sirens are created equal. They can differ in terms of volume and pitch. By taking the time to listen to your siren, you are more likely to be ready if there ever is an emergency.

Another thing that many users don't realize is that there are usually different noises for different types of alarms. For example, an activated smoke detector will typically produce a temporal 3 sound (three consecutive tones, then a pause, repeated), while an activated carbon monoxide detector will typically produce a temporal 4 sound (four consecutive tones, plus a pause, repeated). There are also continuous tone alarms (one long, steady tone) that are commonly used for burglary and intrusion alarms. Knowing what each alarm sounds like can potentially save your life in an emergency. For example, how you respond to a break-in won't necessarily be how you respond to a fire!

At Alarm Grid, we want all our customers to be prepared when alarms occur. This includes knowing what sounds your equipment makes. If you're a monitored customer, we are happy to help you however we can. The best way to reach us is to email with your questions. You may also call us at (888) 818-7728 during our normal business hours of 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to helping you get the very most out of all your alarm system equipment. That includes your sirens, sounders and strobes!

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Hi DIYers! Today we're highlighting the Qolsys IQ Siren. This easy-to-use system add-on is great for IQ Panel 2 users who want to increase the siren volume for their system. The device communicates using Z-Wave Plus technology, and it is offers exceptional functionality and versatility.

Qolsys iq siren z wave siren for qolsys iq and iq panel 2 qz2300There are many advantages to using a Qolsys IQ Siren. The most obvious is that it will increase the siren volume for the IQ Panel 2 Security System. The internal siren for the IQ Panel 2 is 85 dB, the minimum volume level for an alarm system. But the IQ Siren is rated at an astounding 105 dB. This is the volume equivalent to a jackhammer or a helicopter. Once the IQ Siren has been activated, everyone in the building will be made immediately aware of the emergency.

The great thing about the IQ Siren is its ease-of-use. Wired sirens can be tricky to install with wireless alarm panels, and extra equipment is usually required. But the IQ Siren can be installed by simply plugging it into a standard wall outlet. From there, it can be programmed with the IQ Panel 2 System in the same manner as any standard Z-Wave smart home device. Should the power go out, the IQ Siren will still be able to activate thanks to its 430 mAh rechargeable lithium backup battery.

In addition to the 105 dB sounder, the IQ Siren also includes a built-in strobe light for providing a visual indication of an alarm. This can be good for hearing-challenged or deaf users. Since the IQ Siren is a certified Z-Wave Plus device, it will serve as a viable repeater for other Z-Wave and Z-Wave Plus devices. Remember, it's always smart to add new Z-Wave devices to strengthen your Z-Wave mesh network!

At just 3.25" tall and 1" deep, the siren is unobtrusive, and it will only require a single wall outlet. And of course, it's compatible with the brand-new IQ Panel 2 Plus Systems! This makes the siren an exceptional add-on for any Qolsys user who wants to easily and effectively increase their system's siren volume.

The IQ Siren is available for purchase right now from Alarm Grid. Get yours today!

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Although the LYNX Touch has a built-in 95dB siren it never hurts to beef up your audible output in the event of an alarm. Sirens are a great way to scare off intruders and inform any neighboring parties that an alarm event is in progress. Before the release of Alarm Grid's LYNX-EXT external siren kit, compiling the necessary parts for installing an external sounder was complicated and cumbersome. Now you can simply pick up this kit and be on your way to adding sirens to your wireless alarm system. When it comes time to install, check out the LYNX external sounder installation manual which has a detailed wiring diagram. You can also check out our FAQ: How do I add an external siren to my LYNX Touch wireless security system?

The Honeywell 5800RL wireless relay allows you to place the siren power assembly in the included Meir metal cabinet where it is most convenient and effective without any wiring runs back to the panel. The included Honeywell AD12612 auxiliary power supply has a max output of 1.2 amps which can power the brawny Amseco SSX-52S outdoor siren/strobe. You may want to just keep it simple by connecting a bullhorn style siren like the Honeywell 702 in your attic or outside the premises. There is also an included Honeywell 1361 AC transformer and an Ultratech 1240 battery backup unit which will carry low voltage DC to the power supply and keep it from losing power during outages.

Forget piecing together a kit of your own. Pick up an Alarm Grid LYNX-EXT external siren kit today and save your precious time and money!

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