AT&T Security Systems Posts

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Alarm Grid is proud to announce that the Honeywell LTEM-XA and Honeywell LTEM-XV are now available! These are both brand-new cellular communicators for VISTA Systems. They follow the same installation process as the LTE-XA and LTE-XV, which are being phased out in favor of these new models.

What separates the LTEM-XA and the LTEM-XV from their predecessors is that they connect with the advanced LTE Cat M1 networks. These networks allow for stronger security and more effective signal penetration than other LTE cellular networks. The LTEM-XA receives service from the AT&T, while the LTEM-XV is covered by Verizon. As usual, the decision to go with one over the other has nothing to do with your personal phone, and it will have no impact on the cost of your monitoring service.

It should be noted that the older LTE-XA and LTE-XV will still continue to work as intended. Anyone using one of these modules does not need to upgrade to a newer model or replace their existing equipment. In fact, there is very little reason to do so if your system is working as intended. You can confirm that your communicator is receiving a strong cellular signal by checking the Signal LED on the front of the module. A solid green light indicates a strong signal. It's also worth mentioning that the LTE-XA and LTE-XV will continue to remain available for purchase while stock remains of these products. However, there is little reason to buy them, as the LTEM-XA and LTEM-XV are now the recommended models.

One other important note about the LTEM-XA and LTEM-XV is that they offer cellular connectivity only. These are not dual-path communicators, and they do not provide internet connectivity. This is not a huge concern, as LTE Cat M1 service is plenty fast and extremely reliable on its own. But if you do want a dual-path option for your Honeywell VISTA System, then the Honeywell LTE-IA (AT&T LTE & IP) and the Honeywell LTE-IV (Verizon LTE & IP) are still readily available. Just remember that the LTE-IA and the LTE-IV only use "standard" LTE connectivity, as opposed to the LTE Cat M1 service offered by the LTE-XA and LTE-XV. It is currently unknown if Resideo will eventually release dual-path communicators that utilize LTE Cat M1 connectivity. Like always, we promise to keep you informed about any updates.

The function of the LTEM-XA and LTE-XV remains largely the same from other AlarmNet Communicators. By installing and activating one of these modules, your Honeywell VISTA Security System will be able to communicate with the Resideo AlarmNet Servers across a fast and reliable LTE Cat M1 cellular network. If your alarm panel supports Total Connect 2.0, then you will be able to take advantage of that great service as well, provided that access to the TC2 platform is included in your monitoring plan. Remember that a VISTA-15P or VISTA-20P System must have PROM Chip Version of 9.12 or higher to support Total Connect 2.0. We sell PROM Chip Upgrades for the 15P and for the 20P if you need them. Please also refer to this FAQ on identifying and replacing PROM Chips.

While the 15P and 20P are most likely going to be the most commonly used systems with the LTEM-XA and LTEM-XV, you can technically use these communicators with any Honeywell VISTA System that supports ECP mode. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you have regarding system compatibility. You are also welcome to contact us if you are interested in starting new monitoring service. Our team is happy to help you get started. The best way to reach us is to email We're here to check your emails from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Alarm Grid has learned that 2GIG AT&T LTE Communicators will automatically roam to local cellular networks in Canada. This will allow Canadian users with 2GIG Systems to receive alarm monitoring service through This is a fantastic solution for Alarm Grid customers in Canada.

2gig ltea a gc2 alarm dot com at and t lte cellular communicator

The 2GIG AT&T LTE Communicators include both the 2GIG LTEA-A-GC2 for the 2GIG GC2 and 2GIG GC2e Systems and the 2GIG LTEA-A-GC3 for the 2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC3e Systems. Both the 2GIG LTEA-A-GC2 and the 2GIG LTEA-A-GC3 will roam to local Canadian cellular networks. Keep in mind that this only applies to the 2GIG AT&T LTE Communicators. The 2GIG Verizon LTE Communicators will not roam, and they cannot be used in Canada.

The 2GIG AT&T LTE Communicators will roam to the Bell, Telus, and Rogers Networks in Canada. As long as you have adequate coverage from one of those networks, you will be able to use a 2GIG AT&T LTE Communicator without any issue. If you live in a remote area and do not have adequate coverage from Bell, Telus, or Rogers, then using a compatible cellular antenna or a cellular amplifier is also an option.

With this revelation, Alarm Grid can now support both 2GIG and Qolsys Systems in Canada. If you decide to use a Qolsys System, you will want to get the AT&T version of the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus. The system's built-in AT&T LTE Communicator will similarly roam to the Bell, Telus, or Rogers Network in Canada. Again, the Verizon version of the IQ Panel 2 Plus cannot be used in Canada. Alarm Grid made an extensive post on alarm monitoring in Canada, which you can view here.

If you are looking to obtain alarm monitoring service for your Canadian home or business, then please email us at or call us at (888) 818-7728. Our security system planning team will be happy to help you explore your options so that you can make an informed buying decision. Remember, our business hours run from 9am to 8pm Eastern Time Monday thru Friday, so keep that in mind when contacting us. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Alarm Grid wants all of its customers to be aware that AT&T is now taking steps to formally discontinue their 3G and 4G networks. This is very important for anyone looking to activate an AT&T 3G or 4G communicator, as well as those who currently use either network with their alarm system.

Honeywell vista gsm4g alarmnet vista 21ip cellular alarm monitor

Starting Wednesday June 26th, 2019, it will no longer be possible to activate a new AT&T 3G or 4G Communicator with AlarmNet. If you want to activate an AT&T 3G or 4G Communicator on a Honeywell System for use with Total Connect 2.0, you must do so before this date. Additionally, if you deactivate an AT&T 3G or 4G Communicator for a Honeywell System on or after this date, then you will not be able to reactivate it. Trying to reactivate a deactivated communicator is considered the same as an activation.

Please note that this only applies to AT&T 3G and 4G Communicators on Honeywell Systems that are used with Total Connect 2.0. has not announced any deadline for activating an AT&T 3G or 4G Communicator. Alarm Grid will post any new information as it becomes available. For now, the deadline only affects communicators being used with AlarmNet.

A sole exception applies to any AT&T 3G or 4G Communicator that was manufactured within the past 180 days. These communicators come with SIM cards that are pre-activated by AT&T, and they can continue to be activated for the next 180 days, even after the June 26th, 2019 date has passed. You will not be able to activate the communicator after the 180 day period has elapsed. You will also not be able to deactivate the communicator and then have it reactivated. You can check the manufacture date both on the box and on the radio label sticker on the communicator.

Additionally, the AT&T 3G/4G Network is set to be shutdown in February 2022. After that, all AT&T 3G and 4G Communicators will stop working entirely. This applies to any AT&T 3G or AT&T 4G Communicator, including those used with Total Connect 2.0 or End users will need to upgrade to a new communicator or alarm system to maintain cellular communication. This does not apply to AT&T 4G LTE Communicators.

In order to maintain an active cellular communication path, it is crucial that you upgrade to an LTE communicator. LTE stands for "Long-Term Evolution", and AT&T is expected to support their LTE network for many years to come. Most alarm systems that we support currently have an LTE communicator available, while others should be releasing one in the coming months. We recommend checking through our selection of cellular communicators to see if an LTE communicator is available for your system.

Honeywell lyric lte a at and t lte cellular communicator for the

If you are affected by the AT&T 3G/4G Sunset, now is the time to take action. You still have an opportunity to keep your system monitored or upgrade to a new system if necessary. The best thing you can do is contact Alarm Grid immediately. We can verify which communicator your system is using if you aren't sure. If you do need an upgrade, we can make a recommendation of which communicator to go with.

Some systems may have an LTE communicator readily available, while others may have one set to be released in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, some users may need to upgrade to a new system entirely. The experts at Alarm Grid know exactly what you need to stay monitored, and we can present you with all the possible options. Remember, by upgrading to a newer LTE communicator, you are guaranteeing that you equipment can stay monitored for many years to come. We fully expect that LTE networks will remain active and in-service even as 5G technology begins to emerge.

Alarm Grid is on your side. We want you to stay monitored and protected. That is our absolute top priority as a company. If you are affected by the AT&T 3G/4G Sunset, we urge you to reach out to us. Likewise, we also urge you to reach out to us if you are not sure. We can check your equipment and confirm whether or not an upgrade is needed.

The best way to reach us is to send an email to Our team will reply to it as soon as possible so that you receive the support you need. You may also call us at (888) 818-7728 during our normal business hours of 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to helping you determine the best solution for your home or business.

Note: For information on the Verizon CDMA Sunset that went into effect last year, please click here.

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