Verizon LTE Cellular Communicators Posts

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Alarm Grid noticed a new addition to the AlarmNet360 platform for alarm dealers. There is now a banner counting down to the end of the respective AT&T 3G and Verizon CDMA network shut downs. It's another indication that the 3G Sunset is indeed a very pressing matter in the alarm industry.

If you are not familiar with the 3G/CDMA Sunset, it refers to quickly approaching dates at which the AT&T 3G Cellular Network and the Verizon CDMA Network will be permanently shut down and deactivated. Other cellular service providers also have their own dates for when they will decommission their older networks in favor of faster and more reliable LTE and 5G cellular networks. But for the alarm industry in the United States, the AT&T and Verizon shutdowns are particularly important, as many alarm systems rely on communication through these networks.

According to the banner shown on AlarmNet360, the AT&T 3G Sunset is set to occur after January 31, 2022. Likewise, the Verizon CDMA Sunset, according to the banner, will occur after December 31, 2022. We want to make it very clear that Alarm Grid is NOT stating that these are "official" dates for the respective network shutdowns. This is just what AlarmNet is displaying on their dealer portal. But it is our understanding that these dates are accurate and very important for end users to consider.

When a cellular network is shut down, any device communicating across that network will stop working. This includes many cellular alarm monitoring communicators that security systems depend upon for providing trustworthy and effective monitoring service. Inevitably, there will be many homes and businesses that fail to make the proper transition and get left behind during this period of adjustment. Our goal is to ensure that this happens to as few Alarm Grid customers as possible.

In preparation for the 3G/CDMA Sunset, AlarmNet has stopped allowing activations for these older cellular modules. Similar measures have also been taken by But just because new activations are no longer permitted does not change the fact that there are many existing communicators out there.

Alarm Grid has promised to continue providing support for these modules as long as possible. We know that there are many people who aren't necessarily in a position to purchase a new communicator and/or an entirely new alarm panel right away. We're doing our best to accommodate everyone. But once an associated cellular network is shut down, there is nothing we can do. This is completely in the hands of the cellular service providers, and it is entirely out of our control. We fully understand the need to decommission older networks in favor of better technology, and we know that cellular service providers are making these decisions in the best interest of everyone involved. But we need to urge our customers. Do not get left behind.

The 3G/CDMA Sunset is not something to take lightly. There will be some homes and business that do not get the memo and/or decide to not take any action. They will be left vulnerable and unprotected. That is an unfortunate reality of the situation. But you do not need to let that happen to you or those around you. Most systems will allow you to replace an existing 3G or CDMA Communicator with a newer LTE communicator.

The term LTE stands for "Long-Term Evolution". Cellular service providers like AT&T and Verizon are planning to keep their LTE networks active and in-service for many, many years into the future, possibly even decades. The LTE networks will serve as a reliable backup for the new 5G networks, for which the infrastructure is still being rolled-out. Even as cellular technology continues to evolve and change, the LTE networks will remain as a stronghold, keeping millions of security systems monitored and protected. Cellular service providers will not let their LTE infrastructure go to waste. These networks will be there for your home or business when you need them the most.

If you haven't upgraded to LTE yet, please contact us. We will help you explore your options so that you can make an informed decision. Depending on your current equipment, you might only need to buy a new communicator. Others will need to replace entire alarm panels. Our technicians can provide more detail once we know exactly what you are working with. We understand that it might be difficult or impossible for you to purchase new alarm system equipment right now. That's fine. You still have time. But time is running out. You need to start preparing and thinking about these things now. That's why AlarmNet has slapped a giant banner marking the countdown dates. Take action now, if possible, so that you aren't racing to make an upgrade at the last minute.

For Alarm Grid customers it is important to note that, in most cases a communicator replacement will require that you work with one of our trained technicians. In some cases, this can be done without an appointment, but in many cases an appointment will be required. So please, also keep this in mind when you're planning to upgrade your equipment. If everyone who needs an upgrade waits until the last minute, the wait for an available appointment time may get longer than usual.

The best way to contact us regarding any questions or concerns you might have about the 3G/CDMA Sunset is to email Please let us know about the security system equipment you currently have so that we can provide the most comprehensive and complete support possible. We may even ask for pictures of your panel and/or communicator so that we can help you to the best of our ability. Remember that our support hours for checking email run from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you and ensuring that your security system is kept monitored for many years to come!

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We're here once again to remind you to upgrade the old 3G or CDMA cellular communicator for your alarm system to an LTE communicator! Once the associated cellular network is shut down, the old communicator will no longer work in any manner. This could leave your home or business vulnerable!

Honeywell lte l57v verizon lte cellular communicator for l5200 l

Security systems use internet and/or cellular communication to send out signals to central monitoring stations and/or interactive monitoring platforms like Total Connect 2.0 and This is the very core principle of alarm monitoring. And if the associated communication network is shut down or fails, then alarm monitoring will become impossible.

Just like your phone, tablet, or computer, your alarm system cannot just magically send out signals. It needs equipment to accomplish this task. That equipment comes in the form of an alarm monitoring communicator. This is a piece of hardware either inside, or located nearby your alarm panel, much like what you would find inside of another electronic device that needs to communicate out and also receive incoming signals.

In the world of cellular communications, you have likely heard about the new 5G networks. These 5G networks represent the latest and greatest cellular technology available, and they are certainly going to change the game when it comes to mobile communication. But while service providers are working to develop new 5G infrastructure, they are also phasing out older technology. This includes the AT&T 3G Network and the Verizon CDMA Network.

If you have a system with a cellular communicator that works across a 3G network, such as the aforementioned AT&T 3G and Verizon CDMA Networks, then time is running out for you to upgrade. While we cannot provide an exact date of shut down, we can confirm that it is due to occur sometime in 2022.

Now, you might be thinking, "Well gee, 2022 is a long way away. I'll just wait until then." And really, we can't force you to upgrade now. We have already promised to continue supporting older communicators for as long as possible. But if you have the means to buy a new cellular communicator and keep your existing system running, then we urge you, as professionals, to make the jump sooner rather than later.

Time is moving quickly, and we can all but guarantee you that some people will not get the memo, and they will get left behind. We understand. For many people, a security system is not something that is on their minds regularly. Historically, this has been a piece of hardware that you hide away somewhere, while only interacting with a wired keypad. But don't take this deadline lightly. Make the jump sooner rather than later, and save yourself the trouble.

We are also often asked by people upgrading from 3G or CDMA which type of communicator they should get. The answer to that is an LTE communicator. LTE is the direct successor to 3G and CDMA. If you have heard the term "4G LTE", that's where LTE comes from. There have been LTE communicators available for security systems for a few years now. They work great, and they can keep a system monitored well into the very distant future.

You might be wondering why we aren't recommending a 5G alarm monitoring communicator. The truth is that 5G technology is still so new that there aren't really any 5G communicators available quite yet. We are sure that we will have some 5G communicators available to sell and promote in the near future. But for right now, LTE is the best available. And since LTE already provides fast speeds, there really won't be much difference for a security system.

Another common concern we encounter is that end users are fearful that LTE will also one day become obsolete. Our response to this concern is that LTE will most likely remain active and in place for many, many years, even decades into the future. The term LTE itself even stands for "Long Term Evolution". Cellular service providers envision 5G as the primary network of the future, with LTE infrastructure being kept in service as a reliable backup.

It's important to understand that building a new nationwide cellular network is not cheap. Every cellular service provider is spending billions to build the necessary infrastructure. To them, this is not a joke or a game. The 5G networks are being built to last. They enable the remarkably fast speeds needed to support future technology. The idea here is that they are spending huge amounts of money now so that they do not need to build new networks later.

And while 5G cellular networks are the technology of the future, the current LTE networks are also not going anywhere anytime soon. Why? They are designed to serve as backup options once 5G is fully in place. This is much like the current 3G and CDMA networks. They are a backup to the current LTE networks. If you have ever noticed that your LTE phone is also capable of using 3G, that is why. It's in case LTE is ever unavailable for some reason.

The difference with 5G is that, once in place, it is going to be the premier option for a very, very long time. The very idea of a supposed "6G network" isn't really even fathomable at the moment. We're likely talking decades from now. What you can expect in the near future is that 5G will become the primary technology, while LTE will be kept in-service as a backup.

And again, we hear some more cries from people, "Well, I'll just wait for a 5G communicator to come out." The truth is that with alarm systems, the difference between LTE and 5G really won't matter all that much. Security systems do not transmit large amounts of data. Yes, 5G might make some automation commands a hair faster. But LTE can already handle this quite well. And it's very possible that 5G communicators might not be ready before the 3G sunset.

Long story short, you should upgrade to LTE as soon as you can if you intend on using cellular communication with your security system. Remember that cellular service is much more reliable than WIFI connectivity. Even in the year 2020, internet outages are relatively common. They likely always will be. That is why users are willing to pay a premium for cellular monitoring service. Cellular all but ensures your system will always stay connected.

While your 3G or CDMA communicator might be working great right now (as it always has been), you will wake up one day (in 2022) only to find a scary "Comm Fail" message with no quick solution. And if you are cell-only, your panel will be offline, and your home or business will be vulnerable. Don't let that happen. Just make the jump to LTE as soon as you can.

Alarm Grid offers LTE cellular communicators for many types of alarm systems. We can help you get exactly what you need so your transition is as seamless as possible. As of this writing, there won't be any increase in your monthly bill. You will pay exactly the same monthly fee for cellular monitoring service using a new LTE communicator as what you pay with a 3G or CDMA communicator now. You only need to buy the new LTE module. That's it.

And if you're worried about needing to install your new LTE communicator, fear not! These devices are super easy to install. And if you're monitored by Alarm Grid, we will be more than happy to help you through the installation process. That's our job. Every day, we encounter new and inexperienced users and help them monitor their homes and businesses. And that includes keeping existing systems running. We love what we do, and we're happy to help.

Maybe you aren't sure which LTE communicator you need for your system? Hey, we totally understand! It's not like you're completely obsessed with this stuff (like we are). Just shoot us an email with a picture of your panel, and we can help you explore your options. If you can get us a picture of the panel's inside with its current communicator, then that's even better!

Like always, the best email to reach us is We'd love to hear from you, whether you're an existing Alarm Grid customer, or if you're looking for the very best in DIY security. Maybe you would prefer to talk on the phone? That's cool too. Our number is (888) 818-7728, and we happily answer phones from 9am to 8pm ET Monday thru Friday.

Our goal is to make the 3G and CDMA sunset as easy and as seamless for our customers (and future customers) as possible. The time to take action is now. We can help you get what you need so that you and the people around you stay safe and protected. The 3G sunset is serious, and we don't want you to get left behind. Please, upgrade now. We are grateful to have you as a member of the Alarm Grid family, and we look forward to hearing from you.

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Alarm Grid would like to remind all of its monitored customers who receive cellular alarm monitoring service to upgrade to an LTE communicator as soon as possible. Older 3G cellular communicators will no longer function once their associated cellular networks are shut down in 2022.

Honeywell lyric lte a at and t lte cellular communicator for the

Without going too in-depth, an alarm panel uses a cellular communicator to send the necessary signals for alarm monitoring service to take place. When doing this, the communicator will send and receive signals across the same cellular networks that are used by mobile phones and other devices that utilize cellular communication technology.

Cellular communication is widely recognized as being the optimal communication path for security systems due to its exceptional reliability and generally fast speeds. Additionally, the platform requires that all systems using their service have a cellular communicator that is registered and activated. This differs from Total Connect 2.0, where a user can forgo a cellular communicator and strictly use an IP communicator with their system.

If you read this blog regularly, then you will likely have heard us discussing the 3G Sunset. This refers to the ongoing process of shutting down 3G cellular networks in favor of newer and more powerful LTE networks and 5G networks. Both and Total Connect 2.0 have stopped allowing 3G activations. A user who has a security system with a 3G communicator that is already activate can continue to use their communicator until the associated network is shut down. Once that happens, the communicator will no longer work for monitoring service. and Total Connect 2.0 do not control the cellular networks, and it is not their decision when these networks are shut down. That decision falls on the cellular service providers. AT&T has stated that their 3G network is due to shut down by the end of February 2022. The Verizon CDMA Network (their 3G equivalent) is expected to be shut down in 2022 as well.

Alarm Grid urges everyone using a 3G communicator for monitoring service to upgrade to an LTE communicator as soon as they can. While 2022 might seem like a long time away, time is ticking by. Do not leave your home or business unmonitored and vulnerable. Upgrade to LTE now, and save yourself the hassle later on.

One concern that we have heard from some users is that LTE networks will also become outdated someday, and they will eventually be shut down as well. But AT&T and Verizon have both gone on record to say that their LTE networks will be supported and maintained well into the very distant future. This might seem surprising, especially considering that 5G is regularly mentioned in their advertisements. The reality though is that cellular service providers still intend on maintaining their LTE infrastructure for use as a backup to their 5G networks. Remember, even new and upcoming smartphones that utilize 5G technology are still designed to connect with LTE networks whenever 5G service is unavailable for whatever reason.

For more proof that LTE is here to stay, you do not need to look any further than the name itself. The term "LTE" is actually short for "Long-Term Evolution". Cellular service providers built their LTE networks with the intention that they would remain active and in service for many decades. They are not going anywhere any time soon, even as the excitement and anticipation of 5G continues to grow. And if that weren't enough, using 5G communication with a security system will not really be all that different than LTE. Alarm systems do not need to send large amounts of data, and LTE is more than capable of providing fast and reliable data transmissions as needed.

Alarm Grid has released many panel-specific guides to upgrading to LTE that we have linked below. You may notice that one noticeable absence from the list is the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 and IQ Panel 2 Plus. These systems already come with built-in LTE communicators, so no upgrade is necessary. Please check out our LTE upgrade guides linked below:

Remember that if you have any questions about the 3G sunset or upgrading to LTE, you can email us at We will be happy to discuss your options for keeping your existing system monitored. Our team checks email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Resideo has discovered that certain Honeywell LTE-XV and Honeywell LTE-L3V Communicators have a firmware issue that makes them unable to appear in AlarmNet360. The affected communicators can still process signals and report to the central station. But these affected units must be replaced.

Honeywell lte xv alarmnet verizon lte cellular communicator

The Honeywell LTE-XV is a Verizon LTE Communicator for Honeywell VISTA Systems, while the Honeywell LTE-L3V is a Verizon LTE Communicator for Honeywell L3000 Systems. Only certain LTE-XV and LTE-L3V units are affected. The affected units will have a date code ranging from C305 to C365 or from D001 to D023. Modules outside of those listed dates are unaffected.

If you need to locate the date code for your LTE-XV or LTE-L3V, then it is very easy to find. You can locate the code on the inside of the module itself on the lower-left corner of the MAC sticker. Remember, date codes from C305 to C365 and from D001 to D023 may be affected. These date codes are associated with manufacture dates from November 2019 through January 2020.

Additionally, not all units within the aforementioned date codes are affected. If the communicator has a blue dot on the module or on the product packaging, then it is not affected. The images below show units with blue dots on the packaging, meaning they are not affected by the issue.

Keep in mind that these blue dots will also appear on the communicators themselves. Any communicator with a blue dot is unaffected and does not need to be replaced. Remember, this issue only affects LTE-XV and LTE-L3V units. Other AlarmNet Communicators are not affected.

If you have a Honeywell LTE-XV or Honeywell LTE-L3V without a blue dot on the packaging or on the module itself, check for the listed date code to see if your module is affected. More information on this issue can be found in this document provided from Resideo.

If you believe that you have an affected communicator, or if you need help locating the date code for the module, please contact us at We operate support hours from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Alarm Grid is now offering Honeywell LYNX Touch LTE upgrade kits that each include a brand-new LTE communicator and a Honeywell LYNXTOUCH-MSD Updater Tool for updating the system to the latest firmware version. It has never been easier to upgrade a Honeywell LYNX Touch System to use LTE!

Honeywell l5210 lynx touch wireless security system with 4 1 sla

The two (2) new Alarm Grid LTE upgrade kits for the LYNX Touch Panels are the Honeywell LTEUPGKT-L57A (AT&T LTE) and the Honeywell LTEUPGKT-L57V (Verizon LTE). These kits are recommended for anyone with an L5200, L5210, or L7000 that needs a firmware update to support a new LTE communicator. The AT&T LTE version requires firmware update 9.00.201 or higher, while the Verizon LTE version needs update 9.00.209 or higher. If your system is already on a high enough firmware version, then you should just simply buy the standalone communicator module. Also keep in mind that these kits cannot be used with the older L5100 and L5000 LYNX Touch Panels. Those two panels cannot be used with any LTE communicator in any circumstance.

If you aren't sure what firmware version your LYNX Touch Panel is running, you can check by choosing the following options from the main screen: Security > More > Tools > enter your Master Code > Test. You will then access the system's Test Menu, where the firmware version will be displayed at the top of the screen. As you can see in the photo, this L7000 is on a high enough firmware version to support both the AT&T LTE Communicator and the Verizon LTE Communicator.

Any alarm system using cellular communication should be set up with an LTE communicator. And if you have a system that is using a 3G or CDMA communicator, then it is imperative that you upgrade to LTE as soon as possible. Although Alarm Grid will continue to support non-LTE communicators for as long as possible, these communicators will stop working once their associated cellular networks are shut down. This is expected to occur sometime in 2022. The clock is ticking, and you will need to upgrade to LTE if you want to continue using the same system.

Additionally, an LTE communicator will provide better reliability and overall performance than a non-LTE communicator. This is because LTE cellular networks offer faster speeds and improved dependability when compared with older 3G and CDMA networks. By using an LTE communicator, you will receive a quicker emergency response if an alarm occurs on your system. You may also notice that your system responds more quickly to remote commands sent from Total Connect 2.0. This simple change is a great way to improve your alarm system and help it work more effectively.

Some users have expressed concern with LTE communicators, stating that they too will eventually need to be replaced in favor of eventual 5G cellular communicators. We want to address those concerns and say that this will most likely not be an issue until decades in the future. Cellular service providers have repeatedly stated that they plan to maintain and support the infrastructure for their LTE networks for a very, very long time. Even as 5G networks are inevitably introduced and 5G communicators for security systems become a thing, your LTE communicator will still work fine. This is truly a long-term solution that you can count on.

With the impending shut down of 3G and CDMA networks, Resideo stopped allowing activations for those communicators in June of last year. Any new cellular activation must be done with an LTE communicator. You also have the option of activating a LYNX Touch System on IP only by using a Honeywell L5100-WIFI Communicator. This can be a good option if you want to save money in monitoring expenses, as most alarm companies charge less for IP only service. But you should be aware that an internet outage will take your panel offline if you don't have cellular backup. A new L5100-WIFI module will require Firmware Version 8.00.183 on a Honeywell LYNX Touch Panel.

You might also be wondering whether you should get the Honeywell LTEUPGKT-L57A for AT&T LTE service or the Honeywell LTEUPGKT-L57V for Verizon LTE service. The answer is that it depends on the network coverage in your area. You should go with whichever network provides more reliable service in your area, regardless of what provider you use for a personal phone. You should check coverage maps and decide based on the available information. And if you live in a rural area without adequate coverage from either network, then we will be happy to discuss cellular antenna and cellular amplifier options that can boost your system's cellular signals to reliable levels.

Honeywell lte l57a at and t lte cellular communicator for l5210

Whether you use LTE cellular, IP only, or dual-path connectivity with both IP and cellular, activating an AlarmNet Communicator with your LYNX Touch System will make it compatible with Total Connect 2.0. This is an interactive security and automation platform that you can use to control your system remotely from a web browser or mobile app. The service can be used to arm/disarm, check system status, and perform automation functions from pretty much anywhere in the world.

Remember that any communicator will require monitoring service in order to be activated. If you are shopping around for a monitoring plan, make sure to check out Alarm Grid. Our Gold and Platinum Level Plans (Self or Full) can be used with a LYNX Touch System that is set up for cellular service. Our lower-level Bronze and Silver Plans are good if you decide to use the system for IP only, without cellular backup. More information on all our plans can be found on our monitoring page.

If you have any questions about our new Honeywell LTEUPGKT-L57A and Honeywell LTEUPGKT-L57V Upgrade Kits, or any of the other products on our website, then we encourage you to reach out to us. The best way to contact us is to email This is also a great email to contact if you are considering starting service with Alarm Grid. Remember that our support hours run from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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We have heard some recent buzz in the industry that other alarm monitoring companies may begin stopping all support for older 3G, 4G and CDMA Cellular Communicators. While the push to get everyone onto LTE is important, Alarm Grid plans to support these existing modules as long as possible.

Honeywell lyric lte a at and t lte cellular communicator for the

If you have been keeping up with the latest events in the security industry, then you will know that both Total Connect 2.0 and will no longer allow activations for older cellular modules. The CDMA activation sunset occurred last year in 2018. Then this year in late June, Total Connect 2.0 stopped allowing AT&T 3G & 4G activations. From there, followed suit and also announced they would no longer allow new activations for 3G & 4G Communicators.

It is important to understand that these "sunset" events only affect new activations. If you have an existing 3G, 4G, or CDMA Communicator that is currently activated for use with Total Connect 2.0 or, then you can continue to use it, at least for now. As long as you keep it activated and your monitoring company continues to support it, then there will be no problem until the associated cellular network is permanently shut down.

For the record, the AT&T 3G Network is going to be shut down in February of 2022. We do not have an official date for the shutdown of the Verizon CDMA Network, but it is also expected to occur around this time. In preparation for this event, both Total Connect 2.0 and will only allow for new activations of LTE cellular communicators. In other words, if you want cellular alarm monitoring for your system, you should definitely go LTE.

Recently, we have heard that some other alarm monitoring companies are dropping support for these communicators sooner. Some will drop support as early as the end of 2019. This means that if you have monitoring service with that company and you have an older communicator, your monitoring service will be automatically terminated unless you upgrade to LTE before their self-imposed cut-off date.

Alarm Grid would like to state publicly that we plan to support existing 3G, 4G, and CDMA Communicators for as long as possible. We understand that not everyone can feasibly make the upgrade right away. We are doing everything we can to let our customers make the transition at their own pace. If you are still using a 3G, 4G, or CDMA Communicator with Alarm Grid, then rest assured that your communicator will still work for the next couple of years.

Now, just because we are still supporting these modules does not mean you shouldn't upgrade. LTE communication is faster, more reliable, and it will provide you with a better end user experience overall. Additionally, installing an LTE communicator will essentially "future-proof" your system against further advances in cellular technology. Cellular service providers have stated repeatedly that LTE networks will remain supported and in-service well into the very distant future.

Also remember that if you currently use a 3G, 4G, or CDMA Communicator, and you deactivate the module for ANY reason, you will NOT be able to reactivate it. This can be particularly important if you are trying to bring an older cellular module to Alarm Grid. If your communicator is still active with a different monitoring company, and you keep it active in your transition to Alarm Grid, we can help you reprogram it for use with our monitoring service.

At Alarm Grid, we are working to make sure all of our customers who use cellular monitoring will make a smooth and seamless transition over to LTE. We know that everyone moves at a different pace, and we are not going to rush you into doing something that you may not be ready for. While we certainly encourage you to make the jump to LTE as soon as possible, we will continue to work with you as long as we can.

If you have any questions about the 3G and CDMA sunset, or if you are trying to determine your best option for getting your panel on LTE, then by all mean, please reach out to us as soon as you can. Our team will be happy to work with you and assist you in any way possible. The best way to contact us is to email Remember that our support hours are 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Hi DIYers! We have a simple tip today that will be helpful for anyone looking to buy a new home security system. That tip is that the cellular communicator used with your panel is different than the one used with your phone. This is very important to keep in mind when buying a system.

Honeywell lyricpk lte a wireless security system w slash at and

As you probably know, cellular communication is not the only communication path available for security systems. There are also internet (IP) communicators and even traditional telephone dialers. But cellular communication is by far the most reliable. Unlike other communication paths, cellular service almost never goes down or becomes unavailable. Modern cellular communication has also improved tremendously through the years, and it is now nearly as fast as IP communication. For that reason, we recommend that everyone uses cellular communication with their alarm systems.

You may be surprised to learn that many people think they have to get a cellular communicator for their alarm system that uses the same service provider as their cell phone. That is false. You can certainly use a different service provider with your security system than what you use with your phone. There is nothing wrong with using the same service provider, but this is by no means required.

Your phone and your alarm system are completely separate devices. They are not related in any way. They have separate billing cycles, and the service for one will not affect the other. Of course, you may receive text alerts regarding system activity. And if you have a system like the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus, you may use Bluetooth disarming with your phone. But the fact remains that your system and your smartphone are totally separate.

Qolsys iq panel 2 plus at and t lte with powerg s line and legac

The reason we bring this up is because we have customers all the time who think that they must have the same service provider for their phone as they do their alarm system. They don't. This is a complete fallacy. Your service provider for your phone should have very little impact on which service provider you choose for your system. For example, if you have an AT&T Phone, then there's nothing wrong with choosing a Verizon Communicator for your system, or vice-versa.

Now, there's nothing wrong with considering how the service for your smartphone fares in your home when you are choosing service for your alarm system. For instance, if you think, "Gee, I have an AT&T Phone, and my service works excellent while I am at home!", then by all means, go with an AT&T Communicator for your system. It's just important to understand that this isn't mandatory.

You should also understand that a cell phone and an alarm panel using cellular communication operate in a very similar manner. Both will send out signals across a cellular network. Both have a SIM Card. The only difference is that one communicator is inside a phone, while the other is inside an alarm panel. If you have a phone with a service provider that provides strong service in your home, then it's fair to expect that the same cellular network can also provide strong service for your alarm system.

But if you find that your phone does not receive strong cellular signal strength while you are at home, then please, choose a different service provider for your alarm system! With your phone, you might sacrifice signal strength at home because the network provides better signal strength while you are at work or while you are in town. But your alarm system isn't going anywhere. You should choose your alarm system's cellular service provider based solely on how it performs at the location where it is used.

You should also realize that the costs for cellular alarm monitoring will remain the same, regardless of which service provider you choose. This is different for your phone, where you may shop around for different rates. For an alarm system it's a little bit different. You do not pay the cellular service provider directly. Instead, you pay your alarm monitoring company all the fees for your monitoring service. Your monitoring company will then handle any of the fees for cellular service. No matter which cellular provider you go with, your monthly cost will remain the same. It is the same cost for AT&T, Verizon, or any other cellular service provider you might use.

Cost and the service provider for your phone should not be factors when choosing a cellular service provider for your alarm system. The only factor you should consider is how well that service provider fares in the location of the system. You should check coverage maps and select the service provider that works best in that area. Whether that service provider is the same as the one you use for your phone should not make any difference.

2gig ltev1 a gc2 alarm dot com verizon lte cellular communicator

Remember, to use any cellular communicator, you will need a monitoring plan that includes cellular service. We recommend choosing one of our Gold or Platinum Level Plans so that you can take full advantage of the great features that and Total Connect 2.0 have to offer. More information about these plans is available on our alarm monitoring page. If you don't need the convenience of interactive monitoring and smart home automation, we also offer a Cellular-Only Plan that is less expensive and doesn't include access to or Total Connect 2. This plan is perfect for users who want reliable central station monitoring service, and nothing more.

If you have any questions about cellular communicators or alarm monitoring in general, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our planning department is here to help any potential customer make the best decisions for their needs. The best way to reach us is to email We will check your email at our earliest convenience and respond back as soon as possible. You may also call us at (888) 818-7728 during our regular business hours of 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you with all your home security needs.

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After much anticipation, Resideo has finally released the Honeywell LYRICLTE-V Verizon LTE Communicator for their flagship Lyric Security System. This now gives Lyric users a choice between two fantastic cellular coverage options in the AT&T LTE Network and the Verizon LTE Network.

Honeywell lyric controller encrypted wireless security system

For anyone who doesn't know, an alarm monitoring communicator is a very important accessory for an alarm system. This is the device that allows the panel to send and receive the signals that are necessary for alarm monitoring and remote smart home control. The Resideo Lyric Controller comes with a built-in WIFI card for this purpose. But you can also add a cellular communicator to serve as a backup communication path in case the internet ever goes down or becomes unavailable.

Previously, Lyric System users were restricted to the Honeywell LYRICLTE-A AT&T LTE Communicator for cellular backup. This presented a problem for Lyric System users in areas not covered by the AT&T LTE Network. These users were forced to forgo the ever-important cellular backup for their systems. The Honeywell LYRICLTE-V Verizon LTE Communicator finally provides a much-needed answer for these users.

It is also important to pay special mention to the Verizon LTE Network itself. LTE stands for "Long-Term Evolution". Cellular service providers like Verizon have been working hard to establish robust and powerful infrastructure for their LTE Networks over the past several years. These networks are not going away any time soon. The LTE networks represent both the present and the future for cellular communication.

By choosing an LTE communicator like the LYRICLTE-V, you are ensuring that your Lyric System can remain monitored for many years to come. Even as Resideo prepares to release the upcoming Resideo PROA7PLUS Wireless Security System, your Lyric Alarm System will still be supported. It will continue to work great for alarm monitoring and for smart home automation. The importance of the Honeywell LYRICLTE-V is that it is providing a long-term solution for your panel. This is more than just a communicator. This is a long-term investment to keep your Lyric Controller monitored well into the very distant future.

The LYRICLTE-V module is super easy to install. The process can be completed by any end user. First put the system into its cellular installation mode. You can do this by starting from the main screen and choosing Security > Tools > enter Master Code (default 1234, but usually changed) > Advanced > Install Cellular Module > Yes. Then just follow the onscreen instructions by pushing up on the right-side cover for the panel to reveal the cellular communicator slot. Insert the LYRICLTE-V, and reapply the side cover. Indicate on the Lyric Screen that you have installed the communicator, and the system will complete the process. You will then be able to activate the communicator for monitoring service. Be sure you have a monitoring plan that includes cellular communication before adding the module.

Honeywell lyric lte a at and t lte cellular communicator for the

With its new cell card, your Lyric System will now be capable of utilizing dual-path communication. This means that it will be able to send and receive signals across IP and cellular. IP communication normally serves as the primary communication path, as it is usually faster than cellular. But having that cellular backup is crucial for ensuring that your system always stays monitored and connected. As long as one path is available, your Lyric System will be able to perform all of the functions necessary for alarm monitoring. This includes staying connected with the AlarmNet Servers and Total Connect 2.0.

In order to support the LYRICLTE-V Verizon LTE Communicator, your Lyric System must be running Firmware Update MR9 or higher. As of summer 2019, this is the latest firmware release for the Lyric System. To upgrade the firmware, your Lyric System will need to be connected with the AlarmNet Servers. Since you won't be able to use the cellular communicator until you have MR9, you will need to use a WIFI connection to complete the upgrade.

Keep in mind that if you don't have WIFI access in your primary location, you can bring your Lyric Panel to a different location with WIFI access just for the sake of the upgrade. Then install and activate the LYRICLTE-V, and use a cellular-only path in your primary location. We know that many users don't have WIFI access in their homes. This work-around is perfect for these users, as they can get their systems on the necessary firmware and then use the communication path that works best for their situation. For more information on the MR9 Firmware Update, we strongly recommend reviewing this very recent blog post from Alarm Grid.

Finally, you will need an alarm monitoring plan that includes cellular communication if you want to take advantage of all the benefits that this communicator has to offer. Alarm Grid customers will want to choose a Gold Level monitoring plan or higher to unlock the full potential of the module. This will allow you to activate the communicator with Alarm Grid and provide you with access to the Total Connect 2.0 platform for remote security and smart home functionality. More information is available on our alarm monitoring page.

If you are not interested in Total Connect 2.0, we also offer a Cellular-Only Plan that will provide standard central station monitoring service and connectivity through cellular or cellular and IP. While we strongly recommend taking advantage of all the great features and remote access capabilities of Total Connect 2.0, we understand that some users may just want to keep things simple with non-interactive monitoring service. This Cellular-Only Plan is certainly an option if you want to activate a LYRICLTE-V module for no-frills alarm monitoring.

We are proud to say that the Honeywell LYRICLTE-V Verizon LTE Communicator is now available for purchase on our site. This is the communicator recommended for any Lyric user who finds that Verizon service works best in their area. If you have better coverage from AT&T, the Honeywell LYRICLTE-A AT&T LTE Communicator is still available. Remember, this has nothing to do with your standard cellular service provider. Your alarm system is completely separate from your smartphone. You can have an AT&T Phone and a Verizon Communicator for your alarm system. You should just pick whichever service works best in your area.

If you have any questions about the Lyric Alarm System, the new LYRICLTE-V Verizon LTE Cellular Communicator, or about alarm monitoring in general, please reach out to us. The best way to contact us is to email We check our email super regularly, and we make sure to reply to any inquiry as soon as possible. You also have the option of calling us at (888) 818-7728 during our regular business hours of 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to hearing from you and answering all your important questions.

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Hi DIYers! We are very happy to announce that software revision 1.09 is now available for the Resideo Lyric Security System. This software revision is more commonly known as firmware update MR9, and it can be downloaded for free by any end user with active alarm monitoring service.

Honeywell lyric controller encrypted wireless security system

The biggest addition that comes from firmware update MR9 is support for the upcoming Verizon LTE Communicator. We expect this communicator to be released sometime later this summer. Support for the existing AT&T LTE Communicator is also carried over to MR9. The update can be pushed down from the Resideo AlarmNet Servers and is completely free of charge. In order for the update to take effect, the system must be disarmed, with no trouble conditions present.

If you want to apply the update yourself when the system is disarmed, you can do so by entering the following commands from the main Lyric screen: Security > Tools > Installer Code (default 4112) > Update Firmware. The button will grey out to confirm that it was selected. Then return to the home screen using the return arrow in the upper-right corner. The update process should begin automatically.

Depending on the speed of the communication path, the update process can take anywhere from a few minutes to up to an hour. The system will then reboot to apply the update. If you want to confirm the update, go to Security > Tools > Master Code (default 1234) > Advanced > System Information. The listed Revision on the top line should start with 1.09.

If you want more information about the MR9 update, please check the associated release notes. If you have any further questions about the MR9 update, please reach out to us. The best way to reach us is to email We look forward to hearing from you!

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Resideo will be pushing down an over-the-air (OTA) firmware update for all AlarmNet LTE Communicators later this month. This update will go through automatically, and it should not affect your monitoring service in any fashion. The update will be applied sometime later this month.

Honeywell lte xv alarmnet verizon lte cellular communicator

This update only affects the communicator, not the panel itself. The updates will be applied automatically in batches until it has been applied to every Resideo LTE Communicator. First the Verizon LTE Radios will be updated, followed by the AT&T LTE Radios. Resideo will start each update cycle with batches of units that were registered first. The company will follow a sequential order, finishing with batches of units that were registered last. Any new unit that is activated will be placed at the end of the cycle.

It is possible that your system may reboot as part of this update process. However, it should resume normal operation after the update is complete. Additionally, you may notice the following contact ID codes in your Event Log on Total Connect 2.0:

Contact ID
E365 Update Started
R365 Update Finished
E366 Update Failed

Resideo says that this update will allow their LTE communicators to interact more effectively with the cellular network. Users should expect this update to go through sometime later this month. We do not have an exact date as to when the update process will begin. If you have any questions about this update, please contact us at for more information.

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