Wireless Heat Detectors Posts

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Hi DIYers! Today, we're taking a look at the 2GIG SMKT8e-345. This is a wireless encrypted smoke and heat detector that also offers freeze detection. This versatile and effective life-safety combo sensor is designed exclusively for use with the 2GIG GC2e and 2GIG GC3e Security Systems.

Encrypted communication is important for wireless sensors like the 2GIG SMKT8e-345. It prevents anyone from hacking or spoofing the sensor. This way, you can always be sure that it will communicate with the system properly. Many of the newer security systems on the market have their own lineup of encrypted sensors. The 2GIG GC2e and GC3e have the 2GIG eSeries Lineup, and the 2GIG SMKT8e-345 represents the latest addition.

The 2GIG SMKT8e-345 has a photoelectric sensor for smoke detection. This involves using a small light source inside the sensor, coupled with a photo sensor. When smoke enters the chamber, the light will refract onto the photo sensor. The sensor will detect this and alert the system to the fire. This detection method is extremely reliable, and it helps ensure that the system properly responds to any fire. Additionally, the optical chamber for the SMKT8e-345 is designed in such a way that the sensor is more sensitive to synthetic smoke rather than natural cooking smoke. This helps to prevent certain false alarms on the system.

The SMKT8e-345 also uses a fixed temperature and rate-of-rise sensor for extreme heat detection. The heat sensor is triggered in a rather unique way that we've never quite seen with another heat detector. Whenever the sensor detects a temperature increase of 15°F or more in a single minute, it sends a rate-of-rise alert to the panel. But the system will only go into alarm and the sensor will only activate its sounder if the rate-of-rise alert is sent when the sensor detects a fixed temperature of 104°F or higher. The sensor will monitor and report any extreme temperature variations.

We do not have the specifications for the built-in freeze detector at this time. We can assume that the sensor most likely activates at temperatures around 40°F to 45°F and below. This will give you time to take action before the pipes freeze due to a broken HVAC system. Note that the internal sounder for the 2GIG SMKT8e-345 is rated at 90dB. This is good for alerting everyone in an average sized home or a small business. If your system is monitored, the activated sensor will trigger an alarm so that an alert is sent to you and/or a central station. The sensor uses three (3) AAA batteries, and it has an average battery life of 10 years with normal use.

If you have any questions about the 2GIG SMKT8e-345 or any of the products sold on our site, please reach out to us by emailing support@alarmgrid.com. Keep in mind that our support hours run from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Last week at ISC West, Honeywell received a SIA new product award for the newly released 5800COMBO. The Security Industry Association (SIA) rewards products that balance industry innovation with false alarm prevention. The 5800COMBO encapsulates this criteria almost perfectly. This is the first professionally monitored, fully UL listed wireless heat, smoke and CO combination detector in the industry. This feat alone is quite an accomplishment. The technology packed into the device makes this product even more deserving of this award.

Honeywell did not just integrate standard smoke, heat and CO detection into a single detector housing. They did much more. The individual technologies inside the COMBO are fairly standard. Photoelectric smoke detection, fixed temp (135F degrees) heat detection and electrochemical CO sensing. There is a new infrared (IR) technology designed to pick up ambient light levels and flame flickers. Also the CO detector does have a longer than average life expectancy of 10 years. Everything else is fairly common across other non-monitored combination detectors on the market. So what is it that makes the 5800COMBO so special?

(Photo: Honeywell's booth at ISC West just after the award was given by SIA.)

There are 3 programmable zones: smoke (loop 1 with serial), low temp (loop 3 with serial) and CO (loop 1 with serial + 1 on last digit). The low temp and CO zones are standard and only rely on a single sensing element to trip that zone on the alarm system. The smoke zone is much more advanced since this is the most common zone type for false alarms on these types of life safety detectors. This is especially the case in residential environments. It is the "multi-criteria algorithm" that sets this product apart. Yes Honeywell did it again and engineered a state of the art sensor.

The smoke zone requires two of the four sensing elements to be tripped in order to trigger a fire alarm at the alarm system and dial out to a central station. The four elements are photoelectric smoke detection, fixed high temp, CO and the new IR technology mentioned earlier. The first element must be photoelectric smoke detection. Then any of the other three elements in combination with smoke detection will trigger an immediate alarm and report if the system is monitored. If there is only airborne particulate detected the COMBO requires at least 5 minutes of alarm level contact before triggering.

This dual technology of sorts makes the 5800COMBO extremely versatile and less prone to false alarms. That means better protection for your property and more importantly life safety for anyone within the protected premise. False alarms are not only an issue for local authorities. End users are seeing increasingly higher fines per false alarm across the country. That means by using devices like the COMBO will potentially save you money in the event that your local authorities deliver fines for false dispatches.

All in all, we are very excited about the added value of the 5800COMBO to the Honeywell 5800 series line up. The barrier to monitoring smoke, heat and CO just lowered with the introduction of this simple to install, multi-faceted product. We believe that every Alarm Grid customer should have every form of life safety equipped in this device. If you do not already we recommend adding it today!

Note: This is a 5800 series wireless sensor that requires a compatible RF receiver. To confirm panel compatibility you can contact us at support@alarmgrid.com. There is a list of panels mentioned in the product description as well.

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