Excellent Lyric System Kit Review from Gabe at Security Baron
Posted By Michael GorisHi DIYers! Today, we wanted to show you a YouTube video review of one of our Lyric Kits made by Gabe from Security Baron. Gabe checks out each component of our Lyric AT&T-LTE 3-1 Kit. The kit includes a Lyric Panel, LTE communicator, 3 VERSA Contacts, a Honeywell PIR Motion and an LT-Cable.
We think this is a tremendous video, and we would really like to thank Gabe and Security Baron for putting it together. We certainly encourage all our customers to do unboxing videos just like this so that they can share their Alarm Grid experience with others. It makes us very proud to know that many people out there are making great use of our products.
In order to provide better information for our customers, we would like to go through and make some small notes on what was stated in the video. Although the video was super informative, we still can offer some further insight on the equipment that was presented.
First, the wireless door and window contacts featured in the video were actually VERSA-2GIG Door and Window Sensors. VERSA is the same company that manufactures the famous Honeywell 5800MINI Sensors. The VERSA Sensors are exactly the same as the 5800MINI Sensors, but they are available at a much lower cost. Those particular VERSA Contacts will work with the Honeywell Lyric Alarm System, as the 2GIG Go!Control and 2GIG GC3 Systems. Alarm Grid gets these sensors direct from VERSA to provide the lowest possible price for customers.
The VERSA Sensors are uni-directional devices that only send signals to the alarm system. They are not protected by any wireless encryption, but this is not a major concern for most users. However, Alarm Grid also offers a very similar kit that features encrypted door and window contacts. That kit provides Honeywell SiXMINICT Door and Window Contacts instead of the VERSA-2GIG Contacts. The bi-directional SiXMINICT Sensors use 128-bit AES encryption for added wireless protection.
The motion sensor shown in the video was a Honeywell SiXPIR Motion Sensor. This sensor works by using passive infrared (PIR) technology to detect the changes in infrared energy that occur with movement. Whenever a person or large object comes within the sensor's field of view (FOV), it will detect its energy signature and alert the security system. Just like the SiXMINICT Sensors, the SiXPIR Motion Sensor also uses bi-directional 128-bit AES encrypted communication. For optimal performance, the SiXPIR should be mounted at a height of between 7 and 9 feet.
The power cable that is shown is called the Honeywell LT-Cable. This handy accessory comes pre-prepared, and a user will not have to strip any wires to power on their Lyric Panel. By using the LT-Cable, the entire power-up process can be completed with just a simple screwdriver. Alarm Grid includes this cable with many of our system kits to make things easier for DIY users.
Not specifically mentioned in the video is the Honeywell LYRICLTE-A Cellular Communicator. This module is inserted into the side of the Lyric Panel, and it allows the system to communicate with the AlarmNet Servers through the AT&T LTE Network. Cellular communication is perfect for alarm systems because of its fantastic reliability and super fast speeds. By using this communicator, the Lyric System will be immediately capable of using a dual-path setup with both cellular and WIFI.

In the video, it is noted that the Lyric System works with Apple HomeKit. This is one of the best features of the Lyric, and pairing the system with HomeKit is very easy. By using the platform and a compatible HomeKit Hub, such as an iPad or Apple TV, a user can control their HomeKit devices remotely using their iPhone. We would also like to mention that the Lyric is compatible with Amazon Alexa through Total Connect 2.0.
For clarification, you can only stream live video on the Lyric Panel using a legacy Honeywell IP Camera. You cannot stream video directly from the panel using a newer Honeywell HD Camera, such as the Honeywell IPCAM-WIC2 mentioned in the video. Instead, these cameras can only be streamed through the Total Connect 2.0 service.
For DIY users, we also recommend adding a Honeywell LCP500-DK Desk Mount. This device will allow the user to install the system without having to mount it to the wall. Instead, it can be conveniently rested on any sturdy table or desk. You can also mount the wireless sensors using double-sided foam tape. This will let you complete the entire installation process with nothing more than a screwdriver. You don't need to drill any holes or use any power tools!
The Honeywell Lyric is not the only alarm control panel offered from Alarm Grid. We also offer many great systems from other companies like Qolsys and 2GIG. Our website also features a wide-selection of pre-packaged wireless system kits to fit a user's unique needs. All of the systems we offer are perfect for pairing with our alarm monitoring services, which start at as little as $10 per month. We can even takeover many existing systems so that users can get started without having to purchase new equipment.
If you want to learn more about Alarm Grid, or if you need help planning a security system, we invite you to reach out to us. The best way to contact us is to send a quick email to support@alarmgrid.com and let us know what you are looking for. If you would prefer to speak with us by phone, you can call us at (888) 818-7728 from 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to helping you meet your security needs!