Important Guidance When Swapping a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS

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If you must replace a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS* panel, it is important to perform not only the proper steps but in the proper order. Failure to do so may cause some PROSIX sensors to become unresponsive, forcing a replacement of those sensors. In this blog, we'll outline the proper procedure.

As we've often noted, Resideo's SiX Series and PROSIX sensors are uniquely paired to the alarm panel during initial panel and sensor configuration. Once paired, they cannot be used with any other panel until they are properly unpaired from the original. Without this unpairing, a failed original panel can potentially render a sensor unusable.

AlarmNet360 (AN360) acts as an important safeguard. When a PRO Series panel is registered with AN360, it begins near-constant two-way communication. Any programming change at the panel triggers an upload of the panel's configuration to AN360. This creates a backup of the panel's current programming, including the essential configuration information for all PROSIX sensors.

In the event of a PRO Series panel failure, a replacement panel can be configured with the exact same zone and system programming parameters as the original. The sensor information, including wireless channel data and encryption keys, is transferred to the new panel, ensuring it matches the existing sensor programming. By following the proper replacement process, the existing PROSIX sensors function seamlessly, unaware of the panel change.

However, a significant problem arises when DIY users add new PROSIX sensors to the replacement panel before a proper AN360-based panel replacement is performed. We've observed this issue on several occasions. Customers, awaiting a scheduled panel replacement, decide to add new PROSIX sensors in the interim.

Because the panel replacement requires dealer involvement, and in the case of Alarm Grid customers, a scheduled appointment with an Alarm Grid activator, customers often utilize their wait time by tinkering with their system. This can include adding new PROSIX devices.

When the scheduled replacement occurs, customers often overlook the newly added sensors, failing to mention them to the activator. This oversight, due to the unique way PROSIX sensors function, can create a serious conflict.

PROSIX sensors communicate using 2.4 GHz, similar to some WIFI networks. Like WIFI, PROSIX sensors utilize channels within the 2.4 GHz band. If a PRO Series panel detects interference on its current channel, it can instruct all PROSIX sensors to switch to a less congested one. This ensures the most consistent ongoing communication.

During pairing, encryption keys and the designated communication channel are established. All PROSIX devices on a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS panel operate on the same channel. This channel information is regularly backed up to AN360 and transferred to the replacement panel during the swap.

Consequently, AN360 holds a complete backup of the original panel's configuration. However, the new panel now contains configuration information for the recently added sensors, including new encryption keys and a potentially different 2.4 GHz channel.

During the replacement process, the new panel's configuration is overwritten with the backup from the original panel. The information for the newly added PROSIX sensors is lost. Effectively, the new panel becomes the original panel. Unfortunately, the new sensors were paired with the actual new panel, not the restored version.

Consequently, from this point there is no mechanism to instruct the newly added sensors to release or unpair, allowing them to be paired with the restored panel. There is a narrow 24 hour window from the time of enrollment where most PROSIX sensors can be defaulted. If the window for default is missed, and the replacement through AlarmNet360 is completed, the newly added PROSIX sensors become unusable. For that reason, we recommend anyone replacing a PRO Series panel follow these steps.

Recommended Steps, In Order, For Replacing a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS:

  1. Make sure the replacement panel is the same revision, or higher, as the original panel. Work with your alarm dealer to verify the panel versions. It is possible to replace a PROA7 with a PROA7PLUS. It is NOT possible to replace a PROA7PLUS with a PROA7.
    NOTE: Firmware updates require WIFI. If your location doesn't have WIFI you can use a phone as a hotspot. This will be seen as a WIFI connection by the panel and AN360, and should allow you to perform the update. Obviously, this means the panel will need a PROWIFI or PROWIFIZW.
  2. Make sure both panels are powered down.
  3. Your alarm dealer will begin the replacement process in AN360. They will instruct you when to move to the next step.
  4. With both panels still powered down, remove any modules such as PROLTE-A/PROLTE-V2, PROTAKEOVER, PROWIFI/PROWIFIZW from the original panel and install them into the new panel. If you have a PROTAKEOVER, be sure you move the backplate from the old panel to the new panel as well. It contains the antennas for the PROTAKEOVER.
  5. Power up the NEW panel. You can immediately join the WIFI network when prompted, if applicable, or wait for the cellular module to initialize then press NEXT.
  6. Press REGISTER, when prompted. The panel will register then pull all available programming from AN360. When this process is finished, the panel will display the Home screen.
  7. If any PROWLTOUCH or PROWLTOUCHC WIFI keypads are associated with the panel, each will prompt you to "Pair to Panel". Do this at each keypad.
  8. If the original panel was a Version 01 or 02 and there were PROINDMV Motion Viewers associated with it, these will have to be repaired with the new system. Your alarm dealer will give you specific instructions on what to do. The alarm dealer will need to go to each PROINDMV zone within AN360, select EDIT, then select LEARN. At that point they will tell you to activate the Motion Viewer. You can either remove the cover, or remove and replace the batteries. The PROINDMV will then be repaired.
  9. Thoroughly test each component including zones, keypads, keyfobs, communicators, etc. Use the system test mode.
  10. It is now safe to add new PROSIX devices to the panel.
  11. If you're using BlueTooth Disarming, all cell phones will have to be manually paired with the new panel.
  12. If you used Alexa with the original panel, you'll need to set that up manually with the new panel.
  13. All Z-Wave devices that were paired with the original panel will need to be excluded then included with the new panel.
  14. All Total Connect 2.0 scenes will need to be recreated.

Resideo recently announced they would discontinue the Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS and would continue to produce the Resideo PROA7PLUSC. We now use PROA7PLUS and PROA7PLUSC interchangeably.

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