2GIG GC2e Posts

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The Smart Arming feature can be enabled for any residential customer who has an interactive monitoring plan with Alarm.com. Once enabled, the feature can easily be configured using either the customer website or iOS or Android app.

Once configured, the Smart Arming feature will automatically arm the system to the Stay Mode once the occupants of the home have gone to bed. This can be accomplished using a schedule, or by configuring certain door and/or motion sensors to work in conjunction with the feature. You can reach the Smart Arming settings by going to Security, or through the Automation page. The Smart Arming programming is listed as Goodnight for Arming, and Wake Up for Disarming.

For example, you can set the system to Arm Stay at 10:00 PM, or you can set the system to Arm Stay when no activity has been detected for 30 Minutes between 10:00 PM and 11:30 PM (this is just an example, and you can use whatever time frame you want). If you choose the latter option, you then configure which zones you want to apply this logic to.

For the Stay Arming feature, doors, windows, and motions can be used along with the feature. So, once you choose the zones to be used with this logic, if no activity has been detected on ALL of those zones for a full 30 Minutes, and the time is between 10:00 PM and 11:30 PM, the system will automatically Arm Stay. Smart Arming logic is canceled if the system is already Armed Away.

For Disarming the options are similar. You can set the system to Disarm at a specific time, or you can set it to Disarm when motion is detected on certain motion detectors within a specific time window. For example, in our screenshot below, you can see we have our system set to Disarm if the Upstairs Motion detects movement between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM. We also have it set so that if no motion is detected, the system will still disarm at 9:00 AM, which is sort of the best of both worlds.

Notice that only Motion Detectors are now available to tie to the Disarm logic. You don't want someone opening a door to disarm the system. By the same token, be sure that no outdoor motions are configured to work with this automation.

This is an excellent new feature that can go a long way toward preventing false alarms. No more forgetting to disarm the system when you go to let the dog out in the morning. As long as you set it up so that a motion you walk past on your way to the door causes the system to Disarm, you're all set. No more laying in bed wondering if you remembered to set the alarm. Now, as long as you have configured the Goodnight options, you know your system will arm itself based on either a schedule or activity (or lack thereof) combined with a time window.

The following Alarm.com compatible panels support this feature:

Panel Compatible Motion Sensor
Groups (Arm & Disarm)
Compatible Contact
Sensor Groups (Arm Only)
2GIG GC2/e 4, 10, 23 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 23
2GIG GC3/e 4, 10, 23 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 23
2GIG Edge 4, 10, 23 All
DSC PowerSeries Neo/Pro 4, 5, 9, 10 4, 5, 9, 10
Interlogix Concord 15, 17, 18, 20 14, 16
Interlogix Simon XT/XTi/XTi-5i 15, 35 14, 16
Qolsys IQ Panel 2 17, 20, 44, 43, 35 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 25
Qolsys IQ Panel 4 17, 20, 44, 43, 35 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 25
Note: Sensor-based disarming is only available in the Simon XT/XTi/XTi-5i with firmware versions below 193a.

What do you think of this new Alarm.com feature? For that matter, what do you think of Alarm.com's commitment to bringing you new products and features in general? They're doing an excellent job of listening to customers and responding with great new options. Drop us a note in the comments and let us know what you think. We always look forward to hearing from you!

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Alarm panel manufacturers routinely offer panel firmware updates. This allows them to add features and correct issues. However, most DIY users don't have access to the restricted portion of the company's site where these files are housed. Alarm Grid offers the latest firmware file downloads.

Most alarm panels can be updated Over-the-Air (OTA) using either Alarm.com or AlarmNet360. AlarmNet never charges anything for these updates, and Alarm.com also offers them for free, unless they have to be sent to the panel using cellular data. In that case, the update will incur a small fee, depending on the size and number of updates that need to be sent.

Qolsys panels will not perform an OTA update unless the panel is connected to WIFI. If you have one of these panels installed in a location where WIFI is not available, then the only option is to either update using a cell phone as a WIFI Hotspot, or download the firmware files, and then install them via either Micro SD Card (IQ2/IQ2+) or Access Point (IQ4).

Honeywell L5200, L5210, and L7000

Honeywell used to offer free firmware updates for the LynxTouch panels that they pushed remotely using AlarmNet360. It was a messy process, AlarmNet tech support was required to request these updates individually, per account. So, sometime after the introduction of the Lyric panel, they stopped this practice. The Lyric can only be firmware updated using AlarmNet360, but the update can be requested by the dealer, and now, the customer can also request the firmware update via the panel. When Honeywell, now Resideo, ceased offering OTA updates for the LynxTouch panels, they released the Honeywell LYNXTOUCH-MSD Firmware Update Tool. This tool can be used to update the L5200, L5210, or L7000 panels.

When an L5200 is updated to the latest version, it becomes an L5210 internally, though there are certain physical traits of the L5200 that won't change, like the screen size. Depending on when you purchased the LYNXTOUCH-MSD tool, it may come with the latest firmware version already on the SD Card (it comes with both L5210 and L7000 firmware already loaded). However, if you purchased your update tool when they were first released, it will have an older firmware version on it, and you will need to download the newest firmware to the SD Card and update the panel again to get the most current version. The update files are housed on the Resideo website in the password-protected portion of MyWebTech, so we offer the files for download from our site:

2GIG Go!Control 2 (GC2) or 2GIG GC2e

The 2GIG GC2 and 2GIG GC2e have a couple of different methods for updating the firmware. There is the 2GIG UPDV Easy Updater Tool and the 2GIG UPCBL2 Firmware Update Cable. The updater tool is geared more toward a professional installer who will be updating multiple different panels over the course of years. It comes with a version of either the 2GIG GC2 or GC2e firmware loaded but the tool itself will then have to be updated when newer firmware is released. The files to load are available from our site and are linked below.

The updater cable is the method of update most DIY users choose to use. It requires that the user have a windows computer available. The cable is a fixed length, so the computer that will be used needs to be near the alarm panel in order to perform the update. Ideally, a laptop is used. Instructions for using the updater cable to load the latest firmware onto a 2GIG GC2 or 2GIG GC2e can be found here. Instructions for loading new firmware onto the 2GIG UPDV Easy Updater Tool can be found here. Instructions for using the updater tool to update a 2GIG GC2 or GC2e panel once it has the latest file loaded can be found here.

The 2GIG GC2 and 2GIG GC2e firmware pages are linked below. Each page has both Updater Tool and Updater Cable files:

2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC3e

The 2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC3e technically use the same firmware. The 2GIG GC3e was released at firmware version 3.2.1, so any GC3e panel will have at least this version of firmware already installed. Alarm Grid offers firmware versions 3.0.1 up through on our 2GIG GC3 Firmware Update Page. On our 2GIG GC3e Firmware Update Page, we offer up through the current version which, at the time of this writing, is

The 2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC3e are both much easier to update than the 2GIG GC2 or GC2e. Both 2GIG GC3 versions offer WIFI, which makes OTA updates simple, as well as free. For systems that need it, an OTA update can be pushed from Alarm.com via cellular for a nominal fee. Again, Alarm Grid offers this type of upgrade to our customers at our cost, with no markup. If WIFI is not available at the panel, and a user doesn't want to pay for an OTA update, we offer the upgrade files from our site. This FAQ provides a walkthrough on how to perform the update using the files from our site. Instructions for performing the update are also listed on the page along with the firmware files.

2GIG Edge

The 2GIG Edge updates in the same way as the 2GIG GC3 and GC3e. It has a USB port located on the top of the panel. Once the firmware update file has been loaded onto the root directory of a USB drive, the drive is inserted into the port on the panel's top and the panel prompts the user to update. For full instructions on updating a 2GIG Edge, check out this FAQ.

Qolsys IQ Panel 2 and IQ Panel 2 Plus

The IQ Panel 2 and IQ Panel 2 Plus also use the same firmware version. The difference between the two panels is hardware. The IQ Panel 2 does not support PowerG, and the IQ Panel 2 Plus does. As noted above, Qolsys panels will not download firmware updates via cellular data, so the options are to connect the panel to WIFI, temporarily connect the panel to a Hotspot on a cellular phone, or update locally using a Micro SD Card. The step-by-step instructions for loading the firmware from an SD Card are shown on the firmware update page.

Qolsys IQ Panel 4

The Qolsys IQ Panel 4, like the previous IQ Panels, will not download firmware updates via cellular data. However, unlike the IQ Panel 2 or IQ Panel 2 Plus, the IQ Panel 4 does not have a Micro SD Card slot. Instead, if WIFI is not accessible by the panel, either directly or via a cell phone Hotspot, then the firmware update files have to be downloaded to a phone or tablet, then the phone or tablet must be connected to the IQ Panel 4 Access Point, and the files then loaded to the panel from the phone or tablet. Instructions for updating using the Access Point are available on the firmware download page.

Above are links to all the different panel firmware pages we offer here on the Alarm Grid site. In addition to alarm panel firmware, we also offer some firmware pages for the Honeywell Home TUXEDOW or Resideo TUXEDOWC touchscreen keypads as well as the older Tuxedo Touch firmware. We don't have a page for the older 6280 touchscreen keypads, but if you need access to that firmware, send an email to support@alarmgrid.com letting us know what you need and we can get you access to it.

As mentioned above, the Lyric panel can only be updated via AlarmNet360 and in order to update the firmware, the panel has to be actively monitored. The same is true of the newer Honeywell Home and Resideo ProSeries panels (PROA7, PROA7PLUS, PROA7C, and PROA7PLUSC). These panels must be actively monitored and registered with AlarmNet360 before an update can be applied to them.

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It seems every week we're reporting a new feature being rolled out by Alarm.com. They recently added remote Duress Code programming through the Alarm.com app or website. Alarm.com must first enable this feature for the dealer, then users will have access if their panel supports the feature.

Before any Alarm.com user can start configuring codes remotely, the alarm dealer for the customer account must have this feature enabled. If the feature is not showing up when a user attempts to remotely program the Duress Code, contact the Alarm.com dealer and ask them to enable it. They may need to contact their Alarm.com Sales Representative to get the feature enabled.

Next, be sure that the alarm panel being used supports this feature. We have an FAQ on how to set up this feature via the Alarm.com Website and another FAQ on how to set up this feature using the Alarm.com App. Both of these FAQs have a list of compatible panels, and advise if a single or multiple codes are supported by the panel.

The way a Duress Code works is simple. If a system user is forced to interact with their alarm panel in any way, though this will usually involve disarming the system, if the Duress Code is used, then in addition to performing the security system function a silent signal is sent to the monitoring station alerting them to the fact that the system user is under duress. They are being forced to do something against their will. The monitoring station will receive this signal and then process it according to the customer's pre-stated wishes, and their own policies regarding duress situations.

The key element to the use of a Duress Code is the ability for someone who is not onsite to receive the signal and immediately take action. If the security system is not monitored by a trained 24/7 monitoring station employee then the Duress Code might just as well not exist. It may be possible to send a text, email, or push notification to someone outside the home or business, but there's a good chance that person may never see it, or may not understand what they're seeing. If there is any concern that a duress situation might occur, then central station monitoring is the best way to protect the people you love.

And finally, one thing I nearly forgot to mention above, an Alarm.com dealer cannot program a Duress User for a customer through their panel programming portal. Only the Admin Alarm.com Account user, the homeowner or business owner, is allowed to affect these codes remotely. So, what do you think about this new feature? Do you like the idea of being able to control system Duress Codes remotely? Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts. We always enjoy hearing from our readers. That's all for now, stay safe out there.

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It's time for another video recap! There are eight (8) new videos this week, all featuring yours truly. We spent a lot of time working on the 2GIG GC2e again. We also covered the process for backdooring the Honeywell LYNX Touch Panels, and we touched on the IQ2+. Let's check out the videos!

Alarm grid inside security stickers

Pairing a Z-Wave Device with the 2GIG GC2e

I show you how to pair a Z-Wave device with a 2GIG GC2e Security System. The 2GIG GC2e serves as a Z-Wave Plus controller, which allows you to pair smart home automation devices with the system. Devices can be controlled locally at the panel, as well as remotely from Alarm.com if the system is monitored. There are many types of Z-Wave devices you can use with the GC2e, including lights, door locks, smart thermostats, and more!

Programming a Wireless Zone On a 2GIG GC2e

I show you how to program a wireless zone for a 2GIG GC2e Alarm System. Every sensor used with the 2GIG GC2e will take up at least one zone. The GC2e System has sixty (60) wireless zones available. You can pair sensors from the Honeywell 5800 Series, the 2GIG 345 MHz Series, and the 2GIG eSeries Lineup. We recommend auto-enrolling any new sensor to prevent entering an incorrect Serial Number. Auto-enrolling will also confirm successful communication.

Programming a Key Fob for a 2GIG GC2e

I show you how to program a key fob for a 2GIG GC2e Alarm Panel. A key fob is a small, handheld device that you can use to arm and disarm your system. You can very easily carry around a key fob in your pocket or purse, and they are great for putting on key rings. Popular key fob options for the 2GIG GC2e System include the 2GIG KEY2-345, the 2GIG KEY2e-345, and the Honeywell 5834-4.

Adding & Changing User Codes On a 2GIG GC2e

I show you how to add and change user codes on a 2GIG GC3 Security Panel. The GC2e has (64) user code slots available. You need a valid user code to successfully disarm the system. It is recommended that everyone who uses the system regularly has their own user code so that you can keep track of who uses the system. You can also apply a schedule to a code so that it only works at certain times.

Using the Backdoor to Enter Programming On a Honeywell L5200 or L5210

I show you how to use the backdoor method on a Honeywell L5200 or L5210. The backdoor method involves rebooting the panel and then performing a special sequence of commands as the system reloads. By completing this process, you can get into programming if you were previously locked out. Please note that the backdooring process will not work if the system is currently in an armed state. You will need to disarm the system before you can backdoor.

Getting Back Into Programming On an L7000 If You're Locked Out

I show you how to get into programming on a Honeywell L7000 if you're locked out by using the backdoor method. There are two (2) main reasons why you would become locked out of programming. The first is that the option "NO" was selected at the prompt asking if the installer should be allowed to re-enter programming. Always choose "YES" when exiting programming. The other possibility is that you do not know the Installer Code for the system. Do not change the Installer Code from its default of 4112 to avoid being locked out.

Secure Arming On the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus

I demonstrate the Secure Arming feature on the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus. When Secure Arming is enabled, you must enter a valid user code or the Master Code when arming the system. Normally, the system can be armed without providing a code. Additionally, you must also provide a code if you go to cancel an arming session during the Exit Delay countdown if this feature is enabled. Many parents with small children enable the feature to prevent the system from being armed accidentally.

IQ Panel 2 Exit Delay Increased After Opening Door

I explain why the Exit Delay timer on the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus will automatically increase after opening a door. This is due to a false alarm prevention feature called Auto Exit Time Extension. This feature is activated if two (2) Entry/Exit faults are detected during the Exit Delay countdown. When you fault the first E/E Zone after arming, the system assumes that you have left the building. Then when another E/E fault is detected, the system assumes that you have returned. It then gives you an added 60 seconds to exit the building. If you quickly re-entered the premises because you forgot something, this prevents you from having to disarm and then re-arm the system.

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Alarm Grid has been releasing some useful new FAQs and guides on using and setting up the 2GIG GC2e and 2GIG GC3e Security Systems. We wanted to let you know about this content so that you can start getting the most out of these panels. Both can make a great addition to a home or business!

2gig gc3e wireless encrypted alarm panel

2gig gc2e wireless encrypted alarm panel

Both the 2GIG GC2e and 2GIG GC3e support the Alarm.com interactive service platform. By activating the system on a compatible monitoring plan, you will be able to control your 2GIG Panel remotely through the Alarm.com website and mobile app. This is great for operating your system while you are on the go! You will need a compatible LTE cellular communicator for the system to activate it for monitoring service!

Another exciting feature is that both systems offer built-in Z-Wave Plus functionality, which allows you to build a robust and powerful smart automation network for automatic operation and control for various devices used around your home or business. You can also integrate the exclusive lineup of encrypted 2GIG eSeries Sensors with these systems for enhanced wireless security and protection.

The 2GIG GC3e is a bit more robust than the GC2e, as the GC3e offers additional features like built-in WIFI, Smart Area Partitioning, and a larger touchscreen. You also have the ability to set up more wireless zones on the GC3e, which can come in handy for a larger home or business. But really, both systems can adapt well to nearly any situation.

Here we have some recent FAQs we have written for the 2GIG GC2e:

And here are some on the 2GIG GC3e:

If you want to learn more about the 2GIG GC2e or 2GIG GC3e, or if you have questions about alarm monitoring in general, please email us at support@alrmgrid.com. Our team would love to help you out so that you can make an informed buying decision. We check our email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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We have learned that a new firmware update for the 2GIG GC2e is now available. Firmware Update 1.23 brings support for the 2GIG IMAGE3 Image Sensor (transceiver module required), the ability to program 6-digit codes, and enhancements for the 2GIG TS1 Keypad (transceiver module required).

2gig gc2e wireless encrypted alarm panel

It is important to note that although the 2GIG GC2e is updated in the same manner as its predecessor, the 2GIG Go!Control GC2, it has its own set of firmware updates. This new update, Firmware Update 1.23, is only available for the newer 2GIG GC2e System. You will not be able to apply this update to an original 2GIG GC2. Of course, you can always upgrade to the newer GC2e if you really want the update!

As far as new functionality is concerned, Firmware Update 1.23 has a few things to offer. The biggest addition is the new ability to use the 2GIG IMAGE3 Image Sensor (ADC-IS-300-LP) with the 2GIG GC2e System. Traditionally, this image sensor was only compatible with the 2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC3e. But now you can use it with the GC2e as well. Another big aspect of Firmware Update 1.23 is that it includes various enhancements and upgrades for the 2GIG TS1 Touchscreen Keypad when used with the 2GIG GC2e System.

It is important to note that the TS1 Keypad, as well as any image sensor used with the 2GIG GC2e, will require that the panel has a 2GIG XCVR2-345 Transceiver Module installed. This add-on allows the 2GIG GC2e to support the 2-way communication needed to interface with the TS1 Keypad and image sensor units. However, adding a 2GIG XCVR2-345 Transceiver Module to a 2GIG GC2e will remove the panel's ability to interface with 2GIG eSeries Encrypted Sensors. Instead, only non-encrypted 345 MHz sensors, such as 1-way Honeywell 5800 Series Sensors and 2GIG 345 MHz Sensors, will be supported.

According to 2GIG, an update patch for the 2GIG XCVR2-345 will soon be made available to allow the GC2e System to simultaneously support encrypted 2GIG eSeries Sensors, as well as compatible 2-way devices like image sensors and the TS1 Keypad. At the time of this writing, the update patch is not yet available. However, we will provide an update once more information is made available.

Other than that, any new additions from 2GIG GC2e Firmware Update 1.23 are relatively minor. The only other new function is the ability to program 6-digit user codes for the panel and compatible Z-Wave door locks. And like most firmware updates, GC2e Version 1.23 will provide general stability fixes and improvements in performance. Therefore, we recommend that all 2GIG GC2e owners download the update at their earliest convenience.

The easiest way to receive Firmware Update 1.23 is to have it pushed down to the panel from Alarm.com. You can contact your monitoring provider to receive the update. If you are monitored by Alarm Grid, you can email us at support@alarmgrid.com to request the update. You should have your GC2e System powered on an connected with the Alarm.com servers. Since the GC2e does not support IP connectivity and can only connect with Alarm.com across cellular, a small fee will be required to push the update from ADC. This charge will be applied to your next monitoring bill.

Of course, you can also provide the update locally using the 2GIG UPCBL2 Firmware Updater Cable or the 2GIG UPDV Easy Updater Tool. If you are monitored by us and have questions about updating your monitored GC2e locally, or if you have questions about the update in general, please contact us at the same email, support@alarmgrid.com. We check our email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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We have recently noticed a major shift in the security industry due to the COVID-19 health pandemic and the resulting "new normal". Many companies that were traditionally opposed to the DIY model are now following our lead and implementing their own DIY practices to meet consumer needs.

Honeywell lyricpk lte enc encrypted at and t lte alarm system w There are many names for this rising practice. Some companies will call it "Do-It-Together" or "Do-It-With-Me" as an alternative to "Do-It-Yourself". But it's all the same principle. And it isn't anything new, even if other companies want you to believe that they are being innovative. Alarm Grid has been proudly offering DIY monitoring solutions since 2012. And only a very small handful of other companies have been providing similar solutions for the past several years. It wasn't until this "new normal" that DIY security even became the standard model.

Whether a security company calls their model DIY, DIT, or DIWM, it's all the same thing. They all refer to a company guiding an end user through the setup or installation process remotely through a phone call, text chat, or video call. The main principle behind this concept is that a modern security system is not difficult to install, and end users shouldn't have to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for an installation that they can easily complete on their own. The end user is empowered in being in full control of their security system, and the alarm company saves money by not having to send out a professional installer. Everybody wins.

For a long time, traditional security companies and equipment manufacturers stubbornly stood their ground and refused to adopt this new model. They continued hiding Installer Codes and making their systems difficult and frustrating for end users to work with. This allowed them to keep rolling trucks and charging their customers service fees. We have seen some improvements in this regard. For example, the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus is arguably the most DIY-friendly alarm panel we have ever seen. But for the most part, this industry has been slow to take action. It's somewhat shocking that it took something like a serious global health pandemic to implement these changes.

But Alarm Grid has been doing this before it became the norm. We have never sent out an in-house technician to anyone's home or business. Why? Because we never needed to. These systems can be self-installed, and our trained and knowledgeable technicians provide all the support you need, both online and over the phone. Being ahead of the curve has allowed Alarm Grid to establish a successful and thriving business in the highly competitive security industry. And we intend on keeping it that way, even during these trying times.

While most other security companies were left scrambling for solution that has been right under their noses for quite some time, Alarm Grid was already adapted for the global pandemic. The only change we made was mandating that the vast majority of employees work from home. And even that is only temporary, as we plan on returning to the Alarm Grid headquarters once we feel that it is safe. But other than that, it has been business as usual for Alarm Grid. We have continued to keep our customers informed, and we have continued providing simple and effective security solutions.

Other companies that are just now implementing DIY practices during this historic event are not being innovative. They are fighting for survival. We have been doing this for nearly eight years. And each year, more and more people jump ship to Alarm Grid. Customers love us for our top-notch support, our contract-free structure and our no nonsense attitude, where our only goal is to provide you with excellent monitoring service at a price that you can afford. We have been right about this industry this entire time, and other companies are only just now realizing it as a means of survival.

Remember that customers stick with Alarm Grid because they love our support and our efficient business model. Any customer that is not satisfied for whatever reason is free to take their system with them to a new company. All of the security systems we support are non-proprietary, and they can be readily used with virtually any alarm company. But we rarely have customers leave us, as we are always there to help them overcome any problems that they may encounter.

If you are interested in learning more about Alarm Grid, the original DIY security company, we invite you to send an email to support@alarmgrid.com. We would love to help you explore your options so that you can make an informed buying decision for your home or business. Also, make sure to check out our monitoring page so that you can learn all about our monitoring plans. If you'd prefer to call us, we can be reached at (888) 818-7728. Our team is available and ready to talk from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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A security system is either monitored or unmonitored. While you can use an unmonitored system, we're here to tell you why having your system monitored is so important. Alarm monitoring service is the best way to ensure that responders arrive as soon as possible during an emergency.

Honeywell lyricpk10 lte a new dual path security system w slash

When a monitored system goes into alarm, it will activate a siren to alert those on-site, and it will send alerts to a central monitoring station and/or the end user directly via text and/or email, depending on the user's monitoring plan. If a system is not monitored, then the siren will still activate, but no remote alerts or notifications will be sent out.

The only way an unmonitored system is useful is if you are always on-site with the system. Then you will hear the siren and know to take action regarding the alarm. But what if you are away from your home or business and a fire or break-in occurs? That is when you count on your security system alarm monitoring service to ensure that the appropriate party is notified.

Alarm grid inside security stickers

There are two (2) types of alarm monitoring service. Central station monitoring involves having your system send an emergency alert to a central monitoring station where a highly trained operator will take immediate action. They can see the type of alarm that occurred (e.g. security, fire, carbon monoxide gas, medical, etc.) and contact the authorities in your area for help.

Some users prefer self-monitoring service. This involves having an alert sent to you via text, email, and/or push notification. The alert will tell you what type of alarm has occurred and which sensor or zone on your system caused the alarm. This way, you can take your own action regarding the alarm event. Just know that in order for help to arrive, you must be able to reliably respond to the alert.

It is also possible to get a central station monitoring plan that includes self-monitoring service. This way, you can still have emergency help sent out automatically by a central station operator, while also receiving a personal alert so that you immediately know what's going on. This is a "best of both worlds" option, and it is what most new users ultimately select when setting up their monitoring service.

Whether you go with central station monitoring, self monitoring, or a hybrid of both, having your system monitored is the best way to ensure that your home or business is protected while you are away. Alarm Grid offers monitoring plans for all types of homes and businesses, and we have a wide selection of security systems available. Our team is happy to help you every step of the way.

If you want to learn more about choosing and installing your own DIY security system and saving hundreds by not hiring a professional installer, please email us at support@alarmgrid.com. Our system planners are available from 9am to 8pm ET to help you choose the best security system for your needs. You might also want to check out our monitoring page to learn more about what we offer. We look forward to helping you get started with your new security system!

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Most of these best security systems lists are frustrating to navigate. Many of them include companies and their respective rating. ADT, Brinks, Vivint, or others will make the cut. We’re sad to never be included in these lists. But that reflects the state of the industry. Many people don’t know that other alarm monitoring companies exist. Still others only include the new DIY systems that are on the market like Simplisafe, Ring, Nest, or Scout. Consumer Reports, for example, only reviews Nest, Ring, Abode, Frontpoint, Simplisafe, and Samsung’s Smarthings integrated GC3 that they produced for ADT. This list is, in no way, a complete list of products. Moreover, it completely ignores legacy and current systems. And, while we like “new,” being in the industry, we are proud to say that the so-called “professional” systems that are out there are better than these systems for a few simple reasons.

Our list includes exclusively professional equipment. It is the same equipment that ADT or other installation companies might sell you. We’ve tested a lot of these DIY systems. They work well to varying degrees. But we have found that nothing surpasses the quality or features of a professional system. What’s more, we provide the help that you need to turn these professionally installed systems into the DIY systems that you may be looking for.

Yup! You heard that right. You don’t need a professional to install a professional home security system.

They are simple enough to install and operate that you can do it yourself. Additionally, you can have them monitored by anyone. We think that this feature is the feature that sets them apart from any of the new “DIY” systems. Simplisafe systems must be monitored by Simplisafe. Ring systems must be monitored by Amazon. Nest systems must be monitored by Google’s chosen provider: Monitronics (now Brinks).

But a professional system can be monitored by any alarm company. We certainly do monitor them. But if you’re interested in having a local installer at your beck and call, you can have Larry the alarm installer from down the road monitor it as well.

In all, these systems are not easy to rank. Each one comes with its own set of features and benefits. So we have organized the following list based on your own possible set of needs.

So without further ado, here are the 3 best alarm systems of 2020.

Best Interactive Service of 2020


Interactive services are the apps that allow you to control your alarm system from your phone or computer. There are dozens of such services. Some companies, such as the ones we mentioned above have their own proprietary service. But then, there are a few universal services. These are sold by Interlogix, DSC, Alarmnet (Honeywell), Securenet and others. Our favorite of these interactive services is alarm.com. It is a great service that works with Qolsys products, DSC products, Interlogix products, 2GIG products, and more. Unfortunately, it does not work with most Honeywell products.

It provides a wide array of controls, including the ability to use SIRI to command your system and schedule Z-Wave scenes. The drawback is that Alarm.com requires users to sign up for cellular monitoring. This is the best, most robust kind of monitoring. But some users don’t want that level of connectivity. Some end users are satisfied with just IP monitoring. In the 90s, particularly, phone line monitoring was the norm. Modern monitoring has found other, better, more secure options. No one can cut the line of a cellular device, for example. IP monitoring suffers from many of the same problems as phone line monitoring. But it also allows users to get many of the advantages of cellular monitoring, including homeowner’s insurance discounts. Even still, despite this drawback of alarm.com, it is our preferred interactive service.

That said, its closest competition is Honeywell’s Total Connect. Total Connect only works with Honeywell. It does almost everything that Alarm.com does, with a few specific differences - no native SIRI control, for example. That said, Honeywell makes excellent equipment. The Lyric alarm, for example, works with HomeKit. This integration will allow individual control of the unit from SIRI. This is actually more robust than even alarm.com’s SIRI integration. And the only options that a HomeKit user has on the Alarm.com side is the DSC iotega, which is a system that works, but for many reasons, doesn’t make this list.

Ultimately, whether you use Alarm.com or Total Connect, it will depend on your system’s interactive service compatibility. If you are interested in system features, look at the systems below. If you are more concerned with the usability of the interactive service, you can certainly pick a system based on its qualities and compatibility with an interactive service.

Runner Up: Total Connect

Best Overall System of 2020

Qolsys IQ Panel 2+

This security system is an amazing piece of equipment. It is a great looking home automation controller as well as a security system. It’s Alarm.com compatibility is a great feature that makes the Qolsys IQ Panel 2+ a stratospherically better panel than almost anything on the market. The system is built on the Android operating system. Ultimately, the Qolsys is what you get when you beset a Silicon Valley company with the task of building a professional alarm system. It is feature filled, beautifully and competently built.

One of the frustrations with the Qolsys is its lack of modularity. It is an expensive system. Everything is built in to the panel. Whereas most security systems allow a user to install (and uninstall) a cellular communicator, the Qolsys builds the communicator right into the panel itself. This sounds like a great feature, and it is. But that’s until the system’s communicator becomes obsolete. It’s something that doesn’t happen very often, but every 10 or so years, the cellular companies deprecate one or more of their networks. At this very moment, Alarm Grid’s subscribers are preparing to replace thousands of communicators. As Verizon and AT&T deprecate their old CDMA and 3G networks, the systems that have included these communicators are coming due for an upgrade. The drawback of the Qolsys is that there is no upgrade per se. Rather, end users with an older Qolsys will have to replace the entire panel.

Despite this drawback, the Qolsys is a great unit. One of its best features is its ability to take over old systems. For those that are looking to replace an old system, the Qolsys is a great choice. The new Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus’s come in different varieties, each with a daughter card that allows them to grab the signals from other company’s wireless sensors.

Just awesome!

In our opinion the best feature of the new Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus, however, is not its amazing home automation features or its ability to take over other systems. It’s not even its slick Android interface. All those features can and are replicated by its competitors. Rather, our favorite feature of the Qolsys is its sensor’s ranges. The Qolsys is a panel whose PowerG sensors, which are encrypted, are capable of being monitored over HUGE ranges. We have seen the Qolsys detect sensors that are nearly a half mile away. This makes the PowerG line of sensors that are compatible with the Qolsys an amazing feature that no other all-in-one system has. These sensors basically remove the need for expensive repeaters. They are modern sensors that no other company has.

Eat your heart out Google, Amazon, and all ya’ll Silicon Valley companies trying to build better systems. None of these systems even touch the quality of the Qolsys in our opinion.

Runner-up: 2GIG GC3e

Best HomeKit Compatible System of 2020

Honeywell Lyric

The Lyric is in competition with DSC’s Iotega, which works as a HomeKit controller. If you’re looking for HomeKit control, and your home is filled with DSC sensors, the Iotega might be a better choice for you. But if you’re starting from scratch, nothing is better than the Lyric controller. This system is compatible with a wide range of sensors, including America’s most sold sensor, the 5816. It looks great on a wall. It’s fairly priced, and it does everything you’d want from a good looking system, including a photo album feature.

We sold more Lyric’s in 2019 than any other system on the market. This is largely due to Honeywell’s trusted name. The quality exemplified by the brand is epitomized in this sleek wall unit. Its versatility is buttressed by the hundreds of compatible sensors that Honeywell has released over the years.

We like Honeywell’s no-nonsense approach to monitoring. They put security over all. They were the first mainstream system on the market with both a panel and encrypted sensors. And the sensors work immensely well. We love Honeywell. We love the Lyric. At the moment, we believe that the Qolsys has surpassed the features of Honeywell’s alarm system. But the Lyric has one feature that Qolsys simply does not: the ability to be monitored by WiFi only. In fact, nearly all of Honeywell’s all-in-one systems can be monitored by WiFi only. For an end user, this means that they can be professionally monitored at a price that is significantly cheaper than that of a cellular system. For the budget conscience consumer, this presents an amazing opportunity to save money while getting all the benefits of a monitored system, including insurance discounts. We are a big fan of cellular monitoring. But the option is there for those who simply don’t think it’s as important as we do or for those who don’t want to pay the cost of cellular monitoring.

Runner Up: DSC iotega

Best Budget Alarm System

Honeywell L3000

We spent a lot of time debating whether the L3000 would be the best system for someone on a budget. We actually prefer the GC2e as a system. It’s a great looking system, it’s inexpensive, and it uses Alarm.com. But here’s the problem: it requires that anyone using it purchase a cellular communicator. Additionally, because its most minimal monitoring will include Alarm.com. This puts anyone purchasing it into a different category of spending. That said, if it’s not outside of your budget, the GC2e is a great system. It is our runner-up, because it is a good budget system, but it’s not great.

The low price of the L3000 is no indication of its quality. It is because it is a legacy system. It is often used by alarm companies that are putting systems into big apartment buildings. The system is amazing. It’s effective, will last for a very long time. Unfortunately, it’s ugly and can be a bear to program. Luckily for owners, programming is not something you do more than one time. And if you’re with Alarm Grid, there is a strong chance that we can program it for you.

Unlike the GC2e, the L3000 allows users to do IP-only monitoring. It also allows old-school phone line monitoring. That means, for the budget-conscious consumer, the L3000 is both cheaper to purchase than the GC2e, and will save an end user between $10 and $20 per month. In all, the L3000 will save anyone who installs it between $120 and $240 per year, while also being incredibly affordable at the outset. Huzzah! Oh, and for those concerned about sensors, the L3000 works great with any of the Honeywell’s 5800 sensors. You will have a ton of sensors to pick from, which also makes the system the most versatile budget system on the market.

We love the L3000 as a budget system.

Runner-Up: 2GIG GC2e

Best Wired Alarm System of 2020

Honeywell VISTA 20P

This is an oldie but a goodie. The VISTA 20P has been produced by Honeywell for many many years now. It's an excellent system with great, modern features. Honeywell produces update chips that they release every once in a while. These updates allow the system to take advantage of modern features like those available in the VAM or Tuxedo Touch. Home Automation? You can do it using the VISTA 20P. Manage both wired and wireless sensors? You can do that very easily with the VISTA 20P by adding a wireless receiver or a keypad with a wireless receiver built in. In all, this system has all the same great features of its all-in-one wireless contemporaries. 2 drawbacks to speak of, though: 1) it's big and bulky; 2) programming these systems sucks.

Runner-up: Honeywell VISTA 21iP

What Else is Coming in 2020?

Every year, professional systems get better and better. The systems that are coming soon are no different. In the coming months, we are expecting the release of Qolsys’s new Hub as well as Honeywell’s ProSeries panel. 2GIG hasn’t announced anything yet. But they just released the encrypted versions of their panels.

Unfortunately, 2019 saw the close of Interlogix’s security systems production division. While interlogix was not known for the incredible innovation of their systems, they made great budget models that gave users a simple, cheap entry point into security systems. They will be missed. But the three main producers--2GIG, Qolsys, and Resideo (formerly Honeywell)--are continuing to pioneer new and innovative features.

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Just like any residence, an apartment is at-risk for a burglary or break-in. An unlocked door or a shattered window offers an easy entrance for an intruder. With an apartment security system you can be ready if this occurs. But picking a system can be daunting with so many options available!

Alarm grid inside security stickers

Luckily, Alarm Grid is here to help you pick the best apartment alarm system for your needs. A good apartment security system usually features a wireless panel that can be installed using a desk or table stand. This will allow you to easily take the system with you when you move, and it will prevent you from having to drill holes in the wall. The wireless sensors can similarly be mounted using double-sided foam tape, and they can be easily removed if you relocate. You may also want the panel to include some cool smart home automation features to make your life more convenient.

It is strongly recommended that you select an apartment security system that is non-proprietary. This means that you will be able to take it to a new monitoring company if you cancel your current service. A great option is to go with a DIY no-contract alarm monitoring company like Alarm Grid. Our company does not charge you anything to start or stop monitoring service, which is really convenient if you ever need to take a month off of service while you are moving. We also offer systems that are super quick and easy to install without having to hire a professional installer!

With that in mind, we have our picks for the top 5 apartment security systems of 2019. All of these systems work great if you are looking to set up your own apartment alarm system that you can take with you if you decide to move later on. These systems are all very easy to use, and you can set them up in a matter of minutes. Let's check out the systems!

5. Interlogix Simon XTi-5i

Interlogix has long been known for their cost-effective systems. While they are ceasing operations at the end of the year, they are leaving us with a very good system. The Interlogix Simon XTi-5i is great if you need a no-frills alarm panel for basic operation. It has a 5-inch touchscreen display, support for up to 80 wireless zones, and some great communicators available, including some dual-path options. Adding a communicator will also make the system Z-Wave ready. You can even choose from an exclusive lineup of Interlogix Encrypted Sensors to add to the system. And for apartments, there is an excellent table stand you can buy for the system!

4. 2GIG GC2e

2gig gc2e wireless encrypted alarm panelThe 2GIG GC2e is the current entry-level option from 2GIG. It packs some great features into a small package, and it provides some nice upgrades over its 2GIG GC2 predecessor. With the GC2e, you will enjoy a larger 5-inch touchscreen, built-in Z-Wave Plus, and support for 2GIG eSeries Encrypted Sensors. Some other specs include support for up to 60 wireless zones and 64 different user codes. Remember to add a cellular communicator so that you can use with system for monitoring service through Alarm.com. And don't forget about the desk mount!

3. 2GIG GC3e

2gig gc3e wireless encrypted alarm panel2GIG offers an impressive high-end security system with their GC3e. It still retains a lot of similarities to the discontinued 2GIG GC3, while offering some new upgrades in its own right. Namely, the panel now supports the 2GIG eSeries Encrypted Sensors, and it offers a fresh redesign over its predecessor. Returning features to the GC3e include a 7-inch touchscreen, support for up to 100 wireless zones, 100 user codes, partitioning, integrated WIFI, and built-in Z-Wave Plus. Note that you will still need a cellular communicator to monitor the system and use it with Alarm.com. Interestingly, the system uses the same desk mount as the 2GIG GC2e.

2. Honeywell Lyric Controller

Honeywell lyric controller encrypted wireless security systemThere are many reasons why we can confidently say that the Honeywell Lyric Security System is one of the best panels on the market today. It is one of very few panels (and currently the only one on this list) that can support Apple HomeKit. The Lyric offers a very impressive 128 wireless zones, 64 user codes, built-in Z-Wave, and a 7-inch touchscreen. You will have no trouble filling up the zones with Honeywell SiX Series Sensors, which offer military-grade 128-bit encryption! Other features include a built-in 2MP camera for disarm photos and ten (10) different chime settings.

The panel also comes with built-in WIFI, and unlike the other systems on this list, it can be monitored across IP only. Not only does this mean you do not need to add a communicator, you can use the Lyric on a less expensive IP-only monitoring plan. This is perfect for users looking to cut-down on monitoring costs. But you can still add a Lyric Cellular Communicator if you want. The Honeywell LCP500-DK is the recommended desk mount.

1. Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus

Qolsys iq panel 2 plus verizon lte with powerg s line and legacy

There is so much to like about the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus as an apartment security system. It is sleek and modern with its thin profile and beautiful 7-inch touchscreen. You will love its built-in glass break sensor, integrated 5MP camera, and support for up to four (4) partitions. This is also the only system on the list that is dual-path ready right out of the box, as it has both an LTE communicator (AT&T or Verizon) and a WIFI card. You can even live-stream compatible Alarm.com Cameras right from the panel once you have connected the system with Alarm.com.

Other features include built-in Z-Wave Plus technology for smart home integrations, as well as integrated Bluetooth for optional automatic disarming. If that weren't enough, the system offers support for PowerG Sensors, as well as one legacy frequency (319.5 MHz, 345 MHz, or 433 MHz). The PowerG support is particularly useful, as PowerG Sensors utilize military grade 128-bit AES encryption and a wireless range of up to 2,000 feet away from the panel. This is way further than you will likely need in an apartment, but it's still cool nonetheless! A standard desk mount comes included with the system, but you can also purchase the Qolsys IQ Stand if you want something a little more robust. The Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus is without a doubt the pinnacle of apartment security systems in 2019.

If you need help choosing a system, or if you want to learn more about the alarm monitoring plans offered from Alarm Grid, then please reach out to us! The best way to contact us is to email support@alarmgrid.com. You are also welcome to call us at (888) 818-7728. Just keep in mind that our regular business hours are from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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