ADC-V720 Posts

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From New York to Texas and California to Florida, the news has recently been filled with stories about squatters taking up residence in a home they don't own, and refusing to leave. In some cases, the occupation goes on for years. An alarm system can prevent this from happening to you.

Pictured below: ADC-V723X:

Sometimes, the property may be empty because the occupant has recently passed away, and ownership has yet to be determined. In others, the property is one of several owned by an individual and isn't occupied year-round. Whatever the case, having someone move into your property and then refuse to leave is monumentally frustrating. Many people have found that squatters have more rights than the homeowner!

The Resideo 5800PIR-RES:

The best way to deal with squatters is to prevent their entry in the first place. If they can't get into your property, they can't squat there. A comprehensive security system can alert you to intruders who are trying to gain entry. Since you want to prevent entry, sensors on ground-floor doors and windows and any upstairs doors and windows that may be used as a point of entry are a must-have.

The DSC PG9303:

Another excellent way to protect against entry is glass break detectors. For instance, when an intruder breaks a glass door or window to gain entry, a glass break detector properly positioned and set up as a perimeter sensor will cause an instant alarm. This, coupled with a loud siren may scare the intruders away before they enter your property. Motion detectors are also recommended but only come into play after an intruder has entered the home. Still, we usually recommend that motion detectors be used as a backstop for glass break detectors.

The Resideo/Honeywell Home PROSIXGB:

For preventing squatters in a property that isn't continuously occupied, the best weapon currently available is video cameras. When it comes to video offerings, has the best lineup of cameras and features currently available in monitored systems. With its video analytics, and 2-way communication options, offers a strong deterrent to would-be intruders.

Doorbell cameras allow the user to engage with both individuals who ring the doorbell, and those that are captured moving in the area of the doorbell. A motion detection rule can be set to notify the end-user when activity occurs near the door. The homeowner can then view the area and even speak with any individual who is there. This is an excellent deterrent, as the would-be intruder has no idea if the homeowner is inside, or elsewhere.

To protect your property and prevent squatters from occupying your home, an investment in an alarm system, particularly one with video cameras is one of the smartest moves you can make. Alarm Grid offers video monitoring in several different packages. We offer our Platinum Plan (Self or Full monitoring) and we also offer a stand-alone Video Monitoring Plan that includes video cameras only, no security system required. For help planning a system, email us at and we'll be glad to assist you!

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We have a quick post for you today, as we just wanted to tell you about the new "Restrict Camera Access by Login" feature for With this feature, you can prevent certain users from accessing security camera footage. The feature is available to all ADC users with added cameras.

As you likely know by now, the deep lineup of Security Cameras is quite impressive. But what if you want to make it so that certain users are unable to view security camera footage through, while still being able to access the platform for other tasks, such as arming/disarming and controlling automation devices? That is now possible thanks to the "Restrict Camera Access by Login" feature! You can easily set up the feature through the website using a compatible web browser.

Once the feature has been set up, access to live and recorded camera footage will be restricted for any designated users. It is also possible to restrict access on a camera by camera basis, so that a user can view one or more cameras, while access for one or more other cameras is restricted. The feature can really come in handy in a number of different situations. For example, if you have children or teens in your household, and you want them to be able to arm/disarm from the Mobile App, but you don't want them to view the feed for the camera in the master bedroom, then this is a great option. Another scenario could be that you have employees with access to the account for your business, and you don't want them to view the camera in your private office.

To get started, visit the website, and log in to your customer account. Make sure you are using login credentials with Admin access for the account. Once you are logged in, select Users on the left-hand side. Then choose Manage Logins on the upper bar. Then press the blue "Add A Login" button in the bottom-right corner. You will then follow the steps to create a new login. This will include providing a valid email address, a login name, and setting the language preference. Then press the blue Save button in the bottom-right.

From there, you will be taken to the Manage Login Permissions page. Under "Permission", click the box for Limited Device Access. Make sure to check any boxes for functions that you want the new login to have access to. For example, by checking the box for Remote Arming and choosing the name of the system from the selectable box, you are giving the login the ability to arm/disarm the system from the Mobile App or website. To restrict camera access, do not check the box next to Video Cameras. Alternatively, if you only want to restrict access to certain cameras, then you can check the box next to Video Cameras, and only choose cameras from the dropdown menu that you want to allow the user to view.

Additionally, if you ever want to change the restrictions (i.e. add/remove camera access), then you can simply access the Manage Logins page on the website, click on the underlined login name for the user whose permissions you want to adjust, make the appropriate changes, and press Save in the bottom-right corner. Please note that this feature can only be applied to a single-system login. Group logins cannot be given access to video devices on a per-device basis.

It's nice to see adding a new feature like this. Sure, it's something relatively small, but it's a nice touch that can really come in handy. It's also cool how you can customize access so that certain cameras remain visible, but other cameras, perhaps ones in more private areas (e.g. Master Bedroom, personal offices, etc.), are restricted for access.

If you have any interest in the feature, then we encourage you to test it out. Then after trying it out, leave a comment down below sharing your experience. We would love to hear what you have to say about this new feature. The comments section down below is also a good place to ask any questions you might have.

Or if you have yet to get started with video surveillance from, then we would love to help you out. We offer Video Surveillance on our Platinum Level Plans (Self or Full) and our Video-Only Plan. Don't forget to check out our monitoring page for information on all our available plans. You can also send an email to to get the ball rolling on new monitoring service a bit more quickly. We check emails during our usual business hours of 9am to 8pm ET M-F. As always, we look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Hi DIYers! We are happy to announce that the Alarm Grid logo will now appear in the lower-left corner of downloaded video clips. This new feature applies to any Alarm Grid customer who uses Cameras for video surveillance. You should notice the logo effective immediately.

The Alarm Grid logo should appear in the bottom-left corner of any downloaded video clip from This includes any video clip that you choose to share through email, text message or social media. Sharing the clip effectively downloads it. This will count towards your monthly limit of allowed clip downloads. The logo will be semi-transparent so that it is clearly visible, but does not obscure the video in any fashion.

We believe that this new addition will add a nice touch to video clips. It will also help to identify the source of the clip in the event that you ever need to present video evidence to the authorities. Other than this image, you should not notice any changes to your video clips or your service in general.

Please note that this image will not be present in the live video feed for Cameras. The logo will also not appear in clips you view directly from It will only be present in downloaded video clips.

Below is an example of what the image should look like in a video clip:

If you do not have video surveillance included in your monitoring plan, you can check our monitoring page for more information. You will need a Platinum Plan to use Cameras. We also offer a standalone video surveillance plan if you want to use Security Cameras without regular monitoring service.

Please email us at if you have any questions about this new feature or the service in general. You may also call us at (888) 818-7728. Our regular office hours are 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to hearing from you.

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