DSC HS2016NK Posts

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DSC PowerSeries NEO users should be pleased to learn that a new firmware update is available for their system communicators. Firmware Upgrade Version 191a offers improvements for Over-The-Air (OTA) connectivity and stability improvements. It also corrects some minor issues that were present.

Firmware Upgrade Version 191a is applicable to both DSC PowerSeries NEO and DSC PowerSeries PRO Systems. For DSC PowerSeries NEO users, the firmware update is technically optional, but still recommended. In order to receive the update, you must have it pushed down manually to your alarm panel from the Alarm.com servers. Assuming that you have internet connectivity set up for your PowerSeries NEO Alarm System, you should not incur any fees as part of the updating process.

Alarm Grid monitored customers with PowerSeries NEO Security Systems can request the update by emailing support@alarmgrid.com. We will work on pushing the update down to your panel at our earliest convenience upon receiving your request. This is also a great email to use if you have any further questions about alarm systems, or if you are interested in starting new monitoring service with Alarm Grid. Remember that we are here to check your emails from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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It's Monday again, and it's time for another Alarm Grid video recap! We have six (6) new videos for you. Five (5) feature the DSC PowerSeries NEO, while the last one covers the Honeywell LTE-IA and LTE-IV Communicators for VISTA Systems. All videos feature yours truly. Let's check them out!

Alarm grid inside security stickers

Adding a DSC HS2TCHP Touchscreen Keypad to a DSC PowerSeries NEO

I show you how to add a DSC HS2TCHP Touchscreen Keypad to a DSC PowerSeries NEO Security System. Adding a touchscreen keypad like the DSC HS2TCHP to a system can be more inviting and easier for end users to understand than a traditional numeric keypad. The DSC HS2TCHP connects with the same on-board panel terminals as any other keypad for the system. Remember to power down your NEO Panel completely before adding a keypad or making any other hardware changes.

Adding Hardwired Zone to DSC PowerSeries NEO Security System

I show you how to add a wired sensor to a DSC PowerSeries NEO Security System. As a hardwired alarm panel, the DSC PowerSeries NEO can used wired sensors with no extra add-ons being required. All wired zones on the NEO will use end of line 5.6k ohm resistors, which are color coded green-blue-red-gold. This includes wired zones that are not actively being used with the system. New wired sensors will be connected with the panel, and the appropriate Zone Definition will be set at the corresponding zone.

Program a Wireless Zone to a DSC PowerSeries NEO

I show you how to add a wireless sensor to a DSC PowerSeries NEO Security System. The NEO cannot support wireless sensors right out of the box. Instead, a wireless transceiver must be added to the system. The NEO supports PowerG Transceivers that will allow you to use PowerG Wireless Sensors with the system. The advantage to using wireless sensors is that they are much easier to install than wired sensors. This is because you will not need to run wires for wireless sensors.

Enrolling a PowerG Sensor to a DSC PowerSeries NEO

I show you how to add a PowerG Sensor to a DSC PowerSeries NEO Security System. This will require that a PowerG Transceiver is added to the system, such as a DSC HS2LCDRF9 N Keypad or a DSC HSMHOST9 Standalone Transceiver. PowerG Sensors are widely seen as some of the best wireless sensors in the security industry. This is because these sensors offer a wireless signal range of up to 2km in an open air environment, and they utilize military grade 128-bit AES encryption for exceptional security.

Delete a Zone From a DSC PowerSeries NEO

I show you how to delete a zone from a DSC PowerSeries NEO. This process differs depending on whether the zone is wireless or hardwired. For a wireless zone, you are clearing the sensor from the system so that it is no longer recognized. For a wired zone, you are merely changing the Zone Definition for the associated wired zone to [000] for Null Zone. Deleting a zone from a DSC PowerSeries NEO will open up the zone so that it can be used with a different sensor.

Installing a Honeywell LTE-IA or LTE-IV Communicator to a VISTA-21iP System

I show you how to add a Honeywell LTE-IA or a Honeywell LTE-IV to a Honeywell VISTA-21iP Security System. The LTE-IA and the LTE-IV are dual-path communicators that use both IP connectivity (wired ethernet) and LTE cellular connectivity. When adding one of these communicators to a VISTA-21iP, you must first disable the internal IP communicator for the system. This is done by re-positioning the white jumper to the bottom two (2) prongs. Make sure to power down the panel before re-positioning the jumper and installing the communicator!

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Alarm Grid is back with another video recap, this time covering videos from July 21st thru July 24th. The highlights this week include a classic video from Jorge, as well as the start of a new video series where I teach you how to set up the DSC PowerSeries NEO. Let's check out the videos!

Connecting a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch to WIFI

Jorge shows you how to connect a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch to a local WIFI network. The Tuxedo Touch uses an internet connection for sending and receiving Z-Wave signals from Total Connect 2.0. It is important to understand that the Tuxedo Touch is not actually an AlarmNet Communicator for facilitating monitoring service. Its internet connection is merely for automation purposes and displaying the current weather forecast. Without a reliable internet connection, the current status of Z-Wave devices on TC2 cannot be updated.

Powering the DSC PowerSeries NEO Security System

I show you how to provide power to a DSC PowerSeries NEO Security System Primary power comes from a 16.5VAC, 40VA transformer. Since AC power is being used, polarity does not matter when connecting wires to the module. We recommend using 18-AWG, 2-Conductor wire for this job. But if you have existing wire lying around, then that should work fine, as long as maximum wire run limits are observed. The PowerSeries NEO also receives backup power from a connected battery.

Add Wired Keypad to DSC PowerSeries NEO Security System

I show you how to add a wired alphanumeric keypad to a DSC PowerSeries NEO Alarm System. The first keypad you add to your NEO Panel should be a wired alphanumeric model for programming purposes. In particular, we recommend using the DSC HS2LCDRF9 N for this purpose. That model includes a built-in PowerG Transceiver so that you can begin adding wireless PowerG Sensors with your system. The initial keypad allows for one-touch enrollment, while additional keypads must be added through the initial keypad.

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We have learned that DSC PowerSeries NEO Systems and the Alarm.com ADC-CSVR126 Commercial Stream Video Recorder have new updates available. Both updates are quite minor. The PowerSeries NEO update (Version 1.36) can be requested from ADC. The ADC-CSVR126 update will be pushed automatically.

You may recall last week that there was an update for PowerSeries NEO Communicators. Well this one is for the NEO panel itself. It includes a minor fix related to the operation of interconnected smoke and heat detectors and their visual verification feature. Alarm Grid customers can contact us to push the upgrade from Alarm.com. If the update is sent across cellular, then a small fee may be charged by Alarm.com, and will be applied to your next bill.

As for the Alarm.com ADC-CSVR126 Commercial Stream Video Recorder, its new update merely updates the certificates the device uses with the Alarm.com platform. End users should not notice any change in the device's performance. Updates will be pushed down automatically over time, but you can also have the update pushed down manually if desired. No charge is required to do so. For reference, the new firmware is Firmware V4.1.10.190628.

The best way for an Alarm Grid customer to request one of these updates is to email support@alarmgrid.com. We check email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. And if you are interested in becoming an Alarm Grid customer with access to Alarm.com, please check out our monitoring page We look forward to hearing from you!

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Alarm.com has announced that Firmware Update 189G is now available for DSC PowerSeries NEO Dual-Path Communicators. Both the DSC TL880LEAT N AT&T & IP Dual-Path Communicator and the DSC TL880LTVZ N Verizon & IP Dual-Path Communicator can receive the new update from the Alarm.com servers.

Dsc hs2016nk powerseries neo alarm control panel 16 zones

Firmware Update 189G provides multiple stability fixes, and it resolves some issues that have been known to affect DSC PowerSeries NEO Communicators. It is recommended that anyone using a DSC PowerSeries NEO with a dual-path communicator for use with Alarm.com has the update pushed down to their system as soon as possible. Any DSC PowerSeries NEO System with a DSC TL880LEAT N or a DSC TL880LTVZ N can receive the update. This includes the DSC HS2016NK, the DSC HS2032NK, the DSC HS2064NK, and the DSC HS2128NK, which are all sold by Alarm Grid.

As is the case with any Alarm.com Firmware Update, there may be a small fee to push this update down to your panel. This fee is applicable if the update is forced to be sent across a cellular network. If you are monitored by Alarm Grid, then we will simply add the fee to your next monitoring bill. If your NEO System is properly configured for both IP and cellular, then the update should be sent across the internet, and no fee should be applied.

Remember that this update is for the Alarm.com Dual-Path NEO Communicators only. The update is not for the cell-only communicators. If you have either the DSC TL880LEAT or the DSC TL880LTVZ (the non-N models), then you do not need to request this update. If you have a DSC PowerSeries NEO System that is monitored by Alarm Grid and you aren't sure which communicator you have, then you can email us, and we will be happy to check.

If you are an Alarm Grid monitored customer with a DSC PowerSeries NEO System and one of the Alarm.com Dual-Path Communicators, please email us at support@alarmgrid.com to request the firmware update. Please make sure that your NEO System is powered on and connected with Alarm.com servers so that the update can be pushed down successfully. Our support team checks email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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